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Created November 24, 2011 06:57
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Feature: Searching the library
In order to find information relevant for farm operations
As a user
I want to be able to search the library
Given I am logged in
And there is a supplier called "Super Supplier"
And there is a supplier called "Normal Supplier"
And the supplier called "Super Supplier" has a product called "Super Roundup"
And the supplier called "Normal Supplier" has a product called "Normal Roundup"
And supplier called "Super Supplier" has normal product search turned on
And I am on the library page
Scenario: Searching for a particular product
When I search for a product called "Roundup"
Then I should see the product "Super Roundup"
And I should see the product "Normal Roundup"
Scenario: Searching for products to solve a problem
Given there is a pest called "Rabbit Rat Roach"
And the product called "Super Roundup" is a solution for "Rabbit Rat Roach"
And the product called "Normal Roundup" is a solution for "Rabbit Rat Roach"
When I search for a solution to "Rabbit Rat Roach"
Then I should only see the product "Super Roundup"
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