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Created December 16, 2024 08:01
AoC 2024 Day 16
import { pipe } from "@/lib/utils.js";
import { MinHeap } from "@/lib/heaps.js";
// prettier-ignore
const DIR = [ [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1] ].map(([dy, dx]) => (dy << 16) | (dx << 2));
const parse = input =>
input.split("\n").map(row => [...row]);
const shortestPath = map => {
const sy = map.findIndex(row => row.includes("S"));
const sx = map[sy].indexOf("S");
const visited = new Map();
const queue = [[0, [(sy << 16) | (sx << 2) | 1]]];
const tiles = [];
let min = Infinity;
while (queue.length) {
const [cost, path] = MinHeap.pop(queue);
const pos =;
if (
map[pos >> 16][(pos & 0xffff) >> 2] === "E" &&
min >= cost
) {
min = cost;
tiles.push( => p >> 2));
[-1, 0, 1]
.map(dh => [
(4 + dh + (pos & 3)) % 4,
1 + 1000 * Math.abs(dh),
.map(([h, dc]) => [
(pos & ~0x03) + DIR[h] + h,
cost + dc,
([p, c]) =>
map[p >> 16][(p & 0xffff) >> 2] !== "#" &&
!(visited.get(p) < c) &&
visited.set(p, c)
.forEach(([p, c]) =>
MinHeap.push(queue, [c, [...path, p]])
return [min, new Set(tiles).size];
export const part1 = pipe(parse, shortestPath, v => v[0]);
export const part2 = pipe(parse, shortestPath, v => v[1]);
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