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Last active December 15, 2024 19:50
AoC 2024 Day 15
import { pipe } from "@/lib/utils.js";
// prettier-ignore
const CMD = { "^": [-1, 0], ">": [0, 1], "v": [1, 0], "<": [0, -1], };
const parse = (input, [g, cmds] = input.split("\n\n")) => [
g.split("\n").map(row => [...row]),
[...cmds.split("\n").join("")].map(c => CMD[c]),
const run = ([grid, commands]) => {
let py = grid.findIndex(row => row.includes("@"));
let px = grid[py].indexOf("@");
commands.forEach(([dy, dx]) => {
const move = (y, x) => {
const c = grid[y][x];
if (".#".includes(c)) {
return c === ".";
if (move(y + dy, x + dx)) {
grid[y + dy][x + dx] = c;
return true;
return false;
if (move(py, px)) {
grid[py][px] = ".";
py = py + dy;
px = px + dx;
return grid;
const score = grid =>
.flatMap((row, y) =>, x) =>
"[O".includes(c) ? 100 * y + x : 0
.reduce((sum, v) => sum + v);
export const part1 = pipe(parse, run, score);
const scaleX = ([grid, commands]) => [ =>
c => ({ O: ["[", "]"], "@": ["@", "."] }[c] ?? [c, c])
const run2 = ([grid, commands]) => {
let py = grid.findIndex(row => row.includes("@"));
let px = grid[py].indexOf("@");
commands.forEach(([dy, dx]) => {
const testMove = (y, x) => {
const c = grid[y][x];
if (".#".includes(c)) return c === ".";
if (dx || c === "@") return testMove(y + dy, x + dx);
return (
testMove(y + dy, x + (c === "[" ? 1 : -1)) &&
testMove(y + dy, x)
const move = (y, x) => {
const c = grid[y][x];
if ("." === c) return;
if (dx || c === "@") {
move(y + dy, x + dx);
grid[y + dy][x + dx] = c;
} else {
const x2 = x + (c === "[" ? 1 : -1);
move(y + dy, x2);
move(y + dy, x);
grid[y + dy][x] = c;
grid[y + dy][x2] = c === "[" ? "]" : "[";
grid[y][x2] = ".";
if (testMove(py, px)) {
move(py, px);
grid[py][px] = ".";
py = py + dy;
px = px + dx;
return grid;
export const part2 = pipe(parse, scaleX, run2, score);
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