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Last active October 7, 2020 10:19
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Base64 encode an entire keystore to store within Hashicorp Vault kv store
Creating a keystore with a keypair:
keytool -genkeypair -alias boguscert -storepass storePassword -keypass secretPassword -keystore emptyStore.keystore -dname "CN=Developer, OU=Department, L=City, ST=State, C=CA"
Deleting a keypair to make an empty keystore:
keytool -delete -alias boguscert -storepass storePassword -keystore emptyStore.keystore
Listing the keystore:
keytool -list -keystore emptyStore.keystore -storepass storePassword
Base64 encode the keystore (this can be stored within Vault):
openssl base64 -in emptyStore.keystore -out base64.keystore
Decode the keystore (for use outside of vault):
openssl base64 -d -in base64.keystore -out decoded.keystore
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