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Created August 16, 2023 16:32
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Manual test for penumbra and CometMock

Install penumbra and CometMock. Make sure cometmock is compiled from branch v0.34.x. My penumbra version is from branch 2771-cometmock-smoketest.

Run This will print out two commands, one for penumbra and one for CometMock. Just copy-paste the commands and run them (in separate terminals). Run pd first, give it a second until it's started, then run the one for CometMock.

They look like this for me: cargo run --quiet --release --bin pd -- start --home /Users/offtermatt/.penumbra/testnet_data/node0/pd for pd cometmock /Users/offtermatt/.penumbra/testnet_data/node0/tendermint/config/genesis.json tcp:// /Users/offtermatt/.penumbra/testnet_data/node0/tendermint socket for CometMock

If everything went well so far,


Run export PCLI_UNLEASH_DANGER="yes"

Run cargo run --release --bin pcli q validator list - if this gives output like this, ABCI queries work:

Voting Power  Share    Commission  State   Bonding State  Validator Info                                                                    
 24998.425     100.00%  300bps      Active  Bonded         penumbravalid12q38kyk59dv9aly9wqgvl3kypw2vskevnymgl4rqq5lm89r5gvrsx9lspn

Now, run a delegation like this, where the validator address is replaced by your validator info as received as an output from above - I am not sure this is the same in each run or nondeterministic.

cargo run --bin pcli tx delegate 500penumbra --to penumbravalid12q38kyk59dv9aly9wqgvl3kypw2vskevnymgl4rqq5lm89r5gvrsx9lspn

This should give an output like this:

Scanning blocks from last sync height 891 to latest height 1035
[0s] ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░       0/144 
[0s] ████████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░     129/144 
[0s] ██████████████████████████████████████████████████     144/144     1862/s ETA: 0s
building transaction...
finished proving in 21.517 seconds [4 actions, 3 proofs, 2458 bytes]
broadcasting transaction and awaiting confirmation...
transaction confirmed and detected: 5ca01946975c5f6622a8c738544f6564fee06bcae617307a957edc3b92dcf3b6 @ height 1057

I am not sure how to confirm that the delegation actually went through, but this looks good to me.

# Wrapper script to bottle up logic for running "smoke tests" in CI,
# supporting backgrounding tasks and checking on their status later.
# The execution plan is:
# 1. Start the network
# 2. Wait ~10s
# 3. Run integration tests (fail here if non-zero)
# 4. Continue running network ~5m
# The goal is to fail fast if an integration test exits, but permit
# a slightly longer runtime for the suite to find more errors.
set -euo pipefail
# Fail fast if testnet dir exists, otherwise `cargo run ...` will block
# for a while, masking the error.
if [[ -d ~/.penumbra/testnet_data ]] ; then
>&2 echo "ERROR: testnet data directory exists at ~/.penumbra/testnet_data"
>&2 echo "Not removing this directory automatically; to remove, run: pd testnet unsafe-reset-all"
exit 1
export RUST_LOG="pclientd=info,pcli=info,pd=info,penumbra=info,tower_abci=debug"
# Duration that the network will be left running before script exits.
# Duration that the network will run before integration tests are run.
echo "Building pd from latest source..."
cargo -q build --release --bin pd
echo "Generating testnet config..."
cargo run --quiet --release --bin pd -- testnet generate --epoch-duration "$EPOCH_DURATION" --timeout-commit 500ms
echo "Starting pd..."
echo "Run this command for pd"
echo '========'
echo cargo run --quiet --release --bin pd -- start --home "${HOME}/.penumbra/testnet_data/node0/pd"
echo '========'
sleep 2
echo "Starting CometMock (stand-in for Tendermint/CometBFT)..."
# ❯ cometmock -h
# Usage: <app-addresses> <genesis-file> <cometmock-listen-address> <node-homes> <abci-connection-mode>
echo "Run this command for cometmock"
echo '========'
echo cometmock "${HOME}/.penumbra/testnet_data/node0/tendermint/config/genesis.json" tcp:// "${HOME}/.penumbra/testnet_data/node0/tendermint" socket
echo '========'
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