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------------------------------ MODULE bcastFolklore_bmc ------------------------------
(* An encoding of a parameterized model of the reliable broadcast by message diffusion [1]
with crashed failures in TLA+. This broadcast algorithm is described in Fig. 4 of [1].
[1] Chandra, Tushar Deepak, and Sam Toueg. "Unreliable failure detectors for reliable
distributed systems." Journal of the ACM (JACM) 43.2 (1996): 225-267.
A short description of the parameterized model is described in:
[2] Gmeiner, Annu, et al. "Tutorial on parameterized model checking of fault-tolerant
distributed algorithms." International School on Formal Methods for the Design of
Computer, Communication and Software Systems. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Igor Konnov, Thanh Hai Tran, Josef Widder, 2016
This file is a subject to the license that is bundled together with this package and
can be found in the file LICENSE.
EXTENDS Naturals (*, FiniteSets *)
\* @type: Int;
\* @type: Int;
\* @type: Int;
(* Auxiliary constant *)
\* @type: Bool;
CInit ==
/\ N = 5
/\ T = 2
/\ F = 2
/\ HasLoop \in {TRUE, FALSE}
\* @type: Set(Int);
Corr, (* a set of correct processes *)
\* @type: Int;
nCrashed, (* a number of crashed processes *)
\* @type: Int -> Str;
pc, (* program counters *)
\* @type: Int -> Set(<<Int, Str>>);
rcvd, (* the messages received by each process *)
\* @type: Set(<<Int, Str>>);
sent, (* the messages sent by all correct processes *)
(* Loop Variables that capture the state at the beginning of the loop *)
\* @type: Set(Int);
\* @type: Int;
\* @type: Int -> Str;
\* @type: Int -> Set(<<Int, Str>>);
\* @type: Set(<<Int, Str>>);
(* Auxiliary variables *)
\* @type: Bool;
\* @type: Bool;
(* Formula Vars *)
\* @type: Bool;
\* @type: Bool;
ASSUME (N > 2 * T) /\ (T >= F) /\ (F >= 0)
Proc == {x \in 0..N: 1 <= x} (* all processess, including the faulty ones *)
M == { "ECHO" } (* only ECHO messages are sent in this encoding *)
vars == << pc, rcvd, sent, nCrashed, Corr >> (* a new variable Corr *)
loop_vars == << loop_pc, loop_rcvd, loop_sent, loop_nCrashed, loop_Corr >>
\* @type: <<Bool>>;
should_predicate_vars == << shouldAlwaysUnforg >>
\* @type: <<Bool>>;
did_predicate_vars == << didAlwaysUnforg >>
\* @type: <<Bool, Bool>>;
aux_vars == << loopStarted, loopEnded >>
AuxInit ==
/\ loop_vars = vars
/\ loopStarted = FALSE
/\ loopEnded = FALSE
/\ didAlwaysUnforg = TRUE
PredicateInit ==
/\ shouldAlwaysUnforg \in {TRUE, FALSE} /\ (\A i \in Corr: pc[i] = "V0") => shouldAlwaysUnforg
Init ==
/\ nCrashed = 0 (* Initially, there is no crashed process
or all processes are correct. *)
/\ Corr = Proc
/\ sent = {} (* No messages are sent. *)
/\ pc \in [ Proc -> {"V0", "V1"} ] (* If process p received an INIT message,
process p is initialized with V1. Otherwise,
it is initialized with V0. *)
/\ rcvd = [ i \in Proc |-> {} ] (* No messages are received. *)
/\ AuxInit
/\ PredicateInit
InitNoBcast ==
/\ nCrashed = 0 (* Initially, there is no crashed process
or all processes are correct. *)
/\ Corr = Proc
/\ sent = {} (* No messages are sent. *)
/\ pc = [ p \in Proc |-> "V0" ] (* Nothing is broadcasted and
no process receives an INIT message. *)
/\ rcvd = [ i \in Proc |-> {} ] (* No messages are received. *)
/\ AuxInit
Receive(self) == (* a correct process self receives new messages *)
/\ pc[self] # "CR"
/\ \E msgs \in SUBSET (Proc \times M): (* msgs is a set of messages which has been received *)
/\ msgs \subseteq sent
/\ rcvd[self] \subseteq msgs
/\ rcvd' = [rcvd EXCEPT ![self] = msgs ]
(* If a correct process received an INIT message or was initialized with V1,
it accepts this message and then broadcasts ECHO to all.
UponV1(self) ==
/\ pc[self] = "V1"
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "AC"]
/\ sent' = sent \cup { <<self, "ECHO">> }
/\ nCrashed' = nCrashed
/\ Corr' = Corr
(* If a correct process received an ECHO messageaccepts, it accepts and then
broadcasts ECHO to all. *)
UponAccept(self) ==
/\ (pc[self] = "V0" \/ pc[self] = "V1")
/\ rcvd'[self] # {}
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "AC"]
/\ sent' = sent \cup { <<self, "ECHO">> }
/\ nCrashed' = nCrashed
/\ Corr' = Corr
(* If a number of crashed processes is less than F, some correct process may crash. *)
UponCrash(self) ==
/\ nCrashed < F
/\ pc[self] # "CR"
/\ nCrashed' = nCrashed + 1
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "CR"]
/\ sent' = sent
/\ Corr' = Corr \ { self }
(* A process can receive messages, broadcast ECHO to all, accept or become a crashed one *)
Step(self) ==
/\ Receive(self)
/\ \/ UponV1(self)
\/ UponAccept(self)
\/ UponCrash(self)
\/ UNCHANGED << pc, sent, nCrashed, Corr >>
StartLoop ==
/\ HasLoop
/\ ~loopStarted
/\ loopStarted' = TRUE
/\ loop_vars' = vars
/\ UNCHANGED << loopEnded >>
EndLoop ==
/\ loopStarted
/\ loop_vars = vars
/\ loopEnded' = TRUE
/\ UNCHANGED << loop_vars, loopStarted >>
AuxNext == (StartLoop \/ EndLoop) /\ UNCHANGED << vars, did_predicate_vars, should_predicate_vars >>
PredicatesNext ==
\/ (didAlwaysUnforg = TRUE) /\ didAlwaysUnforg' = (\A i \in Corr: pc[i] /= "AC")
\/ (didAlwaysUnforg = FALSE) /\ didAlwaysUnforg' = FALSE
(* the transition step *)
Next ==
\/ (\E self \in Corr: Step(self)) /\ PredicatesNext /\ UNCHANGED << loop_vars, aux_vars, should_predicate_vars>>
\/ AuxNext
(* Add the weak fairness condition since we want to check the liveness condition. *)
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ WF_vars(\E self \in Corr: /\ Receive(self)
/\ \/ UponV1(self)
\/ UponAccept(self)
\/ UNCHANGED << pc, sent, nCrashed, Corr >> )
SpecNoBcast == InitNoBcast /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ WF_vars(\E self \in Corr: /\ Receive(self)
/\ \/ UponV1(self)
\/ UponAccept(self)
\/ UNCHANGED << pc, sent, nCrashed, Corr >> )
(* V0 - a process did not received an INIT message
V1 - a process received an INIT message
AC - a process accepted and sent the message to everybody
CR - a process is crashed
TypeOK ==
/\ sent \in SUBSET (Proc \times M)
/\ pc \in [ Proc -> {"V0", "V1", "AC", "CR"} ]
/\ rcvd \in [ Proc -> SUBSET (Proc \times M) ]
/\ nCrashed \in {x \in Nat: 0 <= x /\ x <= N}
/\ Corr \in SUBSET Proc
LoopOK == loopEnded =>
/\ (shouldAlwaysUnforg <=> didAlwaysUnforg)
(* If no correct process does not broadcast then no correct processes accepts. *)
UnforgLtl == (\A i \in Corr: pc[i] = "V0") => [](\A i \in Corr: pc[i] /= "AC")
UnforgBCM == (\A i \in Corr: pc[i] = "V0") => shouldAlwaysUnforg
(* Unforg is correct iff the initial state is InitNoBcast. *)
Unforg == (\A self \in Corr: (pc[self] /= "AC"))
(* If a correct process broadcasts, then every correct process eventually accepts. *)
CorrLtl == (\A i \in Corr: pc[i] = "V1") => <>(\E i \in Corr: pc[i] = "AC")
(* If a correct process accepts, then every correct process eventually accepts. *)
RelayLtl == []((\E i \in Corr: pc[i] = "AC") => <>(\A i \in Corr: pc[i] = "AC"))
(* If a message is sent by a correct process, then every correct processes eventually
receives this message. *)
ReliableChan ==
[]( \E sndr \in {x \in Nat: 1 <= x /\ x <= N} : (<<sndr, "ECHO">> \in sent
=> <>[](\A p \in Corr : <<sndr, "ECHO">> \in rcvd[p])))
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Mon Sep 03 17:01:26 CEST 2018 by tthai
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