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Last active March 29, 2020 17:35
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// Тест текущего компилятора Scala3/Dotty и освоение возможностей
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/** Основыные алгебраические структур (без законов)
object AlgebraicStructures {
trait Semigroup[T] {
def op(a: T, b: T): T
trait CommutativeSemigroup[T] extends Semigroup[T] // Laws only
trait Monoid[T] extends Semigroup[T] {
def id: T
trait Group[T] extends Monoid[T] {
def inverse(a: T): T
trait CommutativeMonoid[T] extends Monoid[T] with CommutativeSemigroup[T]
trait AbelianGroup[T] extends Group[T] with CommutativeMonoid[T]
trait Semiring[T] {
val additive: CommutativeMonoid[T]
val multiplicative: Monoid[T]
trait CommutativeSemiring[T] extends Semiring[T] {
val multiplicative: CommutativeMonoid[T]
trait Ring[T] extends Semiring[T] {
val additive: AbelianGroup[T]
trait CommutativeRing[T] extends Ring[T] with CommutativeSemiring[T]
trait Field[T] extends CommutativeRing[T] {
val multiplicative: AbelianGroup[T] // excluding zero :(
/** Удобный синтаксис */
object AlgebraicSyntax {
import AlgebraicStructures._
inline def [T](a: T).negate(using r: Ring[T]): T = r.additive.inverse(a)
inline def zero[T](using r: Semiring[T]): T =
inline def one[T](using r: Semiring[T]): T =
inline def [T](a: T).+(b: T)(using r: Semiring[T]): T = r.additive.op(a,b)
inline def [T](a: T).*(b: T)(using r: Semiring[T]): T = r.multiplicative.op(a,b)
inline def [T](a: T).-(b: T)(using r: Ring[T]): T = a + r.additive.inverse(b)
inline def [T](a: T).reciprocal(using r: Field[T]): T = r.multiplicative.inverse(a)
inline def [T](a: T)./(b: T)(using r: Field[T]): T = a * b.reciprocal;
/** Понятие действительных и комплексных чисел */
object Numbers {
import AlgebraicStructures._
type RealNumber[T] = Field[T] & Ordering[T]
final case class Complex[T] (val re: T, val im: T )(using isReal: => RealNumber[T])
/** Поле комплексных чисел */
trait ComplexField[T: RealNumber] extends Field[Complex[T]] {
type Carrier = Complex[T]
import AlgebraicSyntax._
object additive extends AbelianGroup[Carrier] {
def inverse(a: Carrier) = Complex(,
def id: Carrier = Complex(zero,zero)
def op(a: Carrier, b: Carrier) = Complex( +, +
object multiplicative extends AbelianGroup[Carrier] {
def id: Carrier = Complex(one, zero)
def op(a: Carrier, b: Carrier) = Complex( * - *, * + *
def inverse(a: Carrier) = {
val denom = * + *
Complex( / denom, ( / denom).negate)
given [T: RealNumber] as Field[Complex[T]] = new ComplexField[T] {}
object VectorFields {
import AlgebraicStructures._
trait VectorField[Scalar, T] extends Field[Scalar] with AbelianGroup[T] {
def scalaMul(a: Scalar, t: T): T
/** Связь между числами и типами, реализующими Numeric и Fractional (включая встроенные) */
object NumericStructures {
import AlgebraicStructures._
import Numbers._
trait AdditiveAbelianGroupOnNumeric[T] (using n: Numeric[T]) extends AbelianGroup[T] {
def inverse(a: T): T = n.negate(a)
def id: T = n.fromInt(0)
def op(a: T, b: T): T =,b)
trait MultiplicativeCommutativeMonoidOnNumeric[T] (using n: Numeric[T]) extends CommutativeMonoid[T] {
def id: T = n.fromInt(1)
def op(a: T, b: T): T = n.times(a,b)
class MultiplicativeAbelianGroupOnFractional[T] (using f: Fractional[T])
extends MultiplicativeCommutativeMonoidOnNumeric[T] with AbelianGroup[T]
def inverse(a: T) = f.div(,a)
trait NumericCommutativeRing[T: Numeric] extends CommutativeRing[T]{
val additive = new AdditiveAbelianGroupOnNumeric[T] {}
val multiplicative = new MultiplicativeCommutativeMonoidOnNumeric[T] {}
trait FractionalField[T: Fractional] extends Field[T]{
val additive = new AdditiveAbelianGroupOnNumeric[T] {}
val multiplicative = new MultiplicativeAbelianGroupOnFractional[T]
trait FractionalOrdering[T: Fractional] extends Ordering[T]{
private val default: Ordering[T] = summon
def compare(a: T, b: T): Int =,b)
// Все Numeric образуют коммутативное кольцо
given [T: Numeric] as CommutativeRing[T] = new NumericCommutativeRing[T] {}
// Все Fractional образуют поле
given [T: Fractional] as RealNumber[T] = new FractionalField[T] with FractionalOrdering[T] {}
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