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Created June 20, 2012 16:22
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(11:00:12) nx-: event list
(11:01:07) nx-: 1. acp vs adm
(11:01:15) nx-: 2. delete vs del
(11:01:24) nickvergessen: class name
(11:01:27) nickvergessen: function name
(11:02:19) nx-: 3. noun-verb vs verb-noun vs noun
(11:02:48) nickvergessen: well I'd prefer to use the function/class name as base name of the event
(11:02:54) nx-: core.display_forums_build_query
(11:02:54) nx-: core.display_forums_row_inject
(11:03:08) nx-: what are the chances that these are on the same page in the source file?
(11:03:29) nickvergessen: its high
(11:03:38) nickvergessen: because they have the same prefix (function name)
(11:03:46) nx-: yes
(11:03:54) nx-: and one is verb-noun while the other one is noun-verb
(11:04:22) nx-: this list needs to be gone over and conventions distilled
(11:04:45) nx-: events that modify sql should be so labeled
(11:04:47) nickvergessen: i dont really think it makes much sense to force n-v or v-n
(11:04:57) nx-: events that work on a row at a time should be so labeled
(11:05:19) nx-: prefixes need to be consistent
(11:05:45) nx-: if both acp and adm need to be used a solid argument should be made, so far i have not seen one
(11:06:22) nx-: events that could be before or after an action should be labeled as to which position they are in
(11:06:24) nx-: e.g. user deletion
(11:06:24) nickvergessen: both need to be used to avoid more confussion
(11:06:53) nickvergessen: acp_ is used for events in the modules which are acp_modules
(11:07:04) Dhruv is now known as Dhruv|AFK
(11:07:07) nickvergessen: adm is the prefix of other administrative fucntions
(11:08:29) brunoais left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
(11:08:44) nx-: (11:04:47) nickvergessen: i dont really think it makes much sense to force n-v or v-n - you are not explaining why
(11:09:31) nx-: also this list does not have parameters (yet)
(11:10:07) nickvergessen: because it does nto make sense to have a such a rule
(11:11:02) nx-: you are not convincing me
(11:11:11) nickvergessen: its just bugging coders because they need to check back which version is right
(11:11:29) nickvergessen: and you can not use the function name becuase it does not follow the new rule and stuff
(11:11:44) nickvergessen: thats really just stupid and im not very willing to argue that
(11:13:01) nx-: we will be able to rename functions once people start using events
(11:13:16) nx-: hm, or not?
(11:13:41) nickvergessen: i dont think we should
(11:14:16) nickvergessen: also it will still break the usage of such a function
(11:14:20) nickvergessen: not the edit thou
(11:16:44) nx-: here is what i think
(11:17:05) nx-: if event description includes a function name verbatim i might be ok with having the function name in event name also
(11:17:31) nx-: e.g. "injects row in display_forums"
(11:17:43) nx-: would correspond to display_forums_row_inject
(11:17:51) nx-: granted that is not a very useful description
(11:18:17) nx-: if description is prose then the argument that event name should reflect some function name is irrelevant as people don't think that way
(11:18:29) nx-: users would look in the manual for the event to use
(11:19:08) nx-: and if you are looking at a function it does not matter what the event is called as it's called right there and you can see its name
(11:21:24) nickvergessen: i think it would be nice if all events are prefix with the function/class/file name they are in
(11:21:35) nickvergessen: i also agree on after/before think
(11:21:50) nickvergessen: but i think there shouldnt be more restrictions
(21:00:39) nx-: maybe you can chime in on
(21:22:12) naderman: I definitely disagree with using function/class name
(21:22:17) naderman: as those might change and we might keep the event
(21:22:56) naderman: otoh, I guess it makes it easer if they are named like the functions
(21:23:04) naderman: but no, I think what you're saying makes sense
(21:24:12) naderman: nx-: ok having read to the end, I agree with you entirely
(21:24:25) naderman: and I entirely disagree with the last thing nickvergessen said
(21:24:34) naderman: events must not be tied to particular classes, file names or functions
(21:24:37) naderman: they are independent of them
(21:25:03) naderman: and we should establish a policy for everything that is not directly based on a common phpBB function name
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