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Created October 20, 2019 17:07
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#Requires -Version 3.0
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
Function Install-DefaultKeyboardLayout {
Begin {
# Validate entered languages once
"$($FirstLanguage)","$($SecondLanguage)" |
ForEach-Object {
$l = "$($_)"
Write-Verbose -Message "Dealing with language $($l)"
try {
$test = New-WinUserLanguageList -Language "$($_)" -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
if($null -eq (($test).InputMethodTips)) {
Throw "Input language $($l) isn't recognized as a valid language"
} else {
Write-Verbose -Message "Valid input language detected: $($_)"
} catch {
Throw "Testing Input language $($l) went wrong because $($_.Exception.Message)"
# Intialize a scriptblock
$s = {
if ($null -eq $Verbose) { $Verbose = $false }
$lar = (
(New-WinUserLanguageList -Language $using:FirstLanguage)+
(New-WinUserLanguageList -Language $using:SecondLanguage)
$mHT = @{
Message = 'About to set {0} and {1} on computer {2}' -f "$($using:FirstLanguage)",
Write-Verbose @mHT -Verbose:$Verbose
# Write-Verbose -Message "Verbose param is to: -$($Verbose)-" -Verbose
try {
$errHT = @{ ErrorAction = 'Stop' }
$aHT = @{
Execute = 'C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'
Argument = '-Command "Set-WinUserLanguageList -LanguageList {0} -Force"' -f $lar
$HT = @{
TaskName = 'Set-Logon-KeyboardLayout'
User = 'S-1-5-18' #'nt authority\system'
Force = [switch]::Present
Action = (New-ScheduledTaskAction @aHT @errHT)
Register-ScheduledTask @HT @errHT |
Start-ScheduledTask @errHT
Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully set default keyboard layout on computer $($using:c)" -Verbose:$Verbose
} catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Failed because $($_.Exception.Message)"
Process {
$v = ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'])
$ComputerName |
ForEach-Object {
$c = $_
Write-Verbose -Message "Dealing with computer $($c)"
try {
if ($v) {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "$($c)" -ScriptBlock $s -ErrorAction Stop -AsJob:$AsJob -ArgumentList @($v)
} else {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "$($c)" -ScriptBlock $s -ErrorAction Stop -AsJob:$AsJob
} catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to invoke command on computer: $($c) because $($_.Exception.Message)"
End {}
Set the keyobard layout at logon
Can set two keyboard layouts at logon (available before a user logs on).
.PARAMETER ComputerName
The list of remote computers to target and modify
.PARAMETER FirstLanguage
The first keyboard layout to set
.PARAMETER SecondLanguage
The second keyboard layout to set
Set the keyboard layouts on the local computer to the default values: 1rst: fr-FR, 2nd en-GB
Install-DefaultKeyboardLayout -Verbose
Set the keyboard layouts on the local computer to the default values: 1rst: fr-FR, 2nd en-GB
and shows a verbose stream of what happens
Install-DefaultKeyboardLayout -FirstLanguage fr-FR -Verbose
Set the keyboard layouts on the local computer explicitly to french for the first keyboard layout,
uses the default value for the 2nd one (en-GB) and shows a verbose stream of what happens
Install-DefaultKeyboardLayout -SecondLanguage en-GB -Verbose
Set the keyboard layouts on the local computer explicitly to english for the second keyboard layout,
uses the default value for the 1rst one (fr-FR) and shows a verbose stream of what happens
Install-DefaultKeyboardLayout -ComputerName 'localhost' -Verbose
Set the keyboard layouts targeting the explicitely specified target computer
using the the default values: 1rst: fr-FR, 2nd en-GB
and shows a verbose stream of what happens
$HT = @{ FirstLanguage = 'en-GB' ; SecondLanguage = 'fr-FR'}
Install-DefaultKeyboardLayout -ComputerName 'target1','target2' @HT -Verbose
Create a hashtable to define the first and second keyboard layouts to set
Set the keyboard layouts on the 2 remote computers and shows a verbose stream
$HT = @{ FirstLanguage = 'en-GB' ; SecondLanguage = 'fr-FR'}
'target1','target2' |
Install-DefaultKeyboardLayout @HT -Verbose -AsJob
Get-Job | Receive-Job
Create a hashtable to define the first and second keyboard layouts to set
Set the keyboard layouts on the 2 remote computers as a job and shows a verbose stream
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Install-DefaultKeyboardLayout'
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