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Last active February 28, 2024 02:41
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Use Raspberry Pi Camera with Prusa Connect

Use Raspberry Pi and Pi Cam for Prusa Connect

Made this for my PRUSA MINI with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W and a Raspi Cam v1.3

Based on the great instructions from Nunos and Joltcans



  1. Go to the Cameras section at
  2. Add a new camera "Add new other camera".
  3. Copy the generated Token
  4. Set up your Raspberry Pi with simpe Raspian OS and enable the camera with raspi-config.
  5. Create a shell script and paste the Token into the file below.


  1. Save from below to /usr/local/bin/ and make it executable chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
  2. Start the script with ./usr/local/bin/

If It works you should see the images appearing in Prusa Connect every 10 seconds.


Create Autostart Service

To run the script in the background and start it automatically.

  1. Create /etc/systemd/system/prusaconnect_upload_cam.service and paste the content from below.
  2. Start the service: sudo systemctl start prusaconnect_upload_cam.service.
  3. Check if the service is running with sudo systemctl status prusaconnect_upload_cam.service.
  4. Enable the service: sudo systemctl enable prusaconnect_upload_cam.service.
Description=Raspi Cam to Prusa Connect
# Script is from here
# Set default values for environment variables
: "${HTTP_URL:=}"
: "${DELAY_SECONDS:=10}"
# FINGERPRINT can be a random string with at least 16 characters
: "${FINGERPRINT:=123456789012345678}"
# CAMERA_TOKEN generated by the Connect server
: "${CAMERA_TOKEN:=put the token here}"
while true; do
# Grab a frame from the Raspi Cam using FFmpeg, -video_size 1280x720
ffmpeg \
-y \
-f video4linux2 \
-input_format mjpeg \
-video_size 1280x720 \
-i /dev/video0 \
-vframes 1 \
-filter:v "vflip" \
-f mjpeg \
# If no error, upload it.
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# POST the image to the HTTP URL using curl
curl -X PUT "$HTTP_URL" \
-H "accept: */*" \
-H "content-type: image/jpg" \
-H "fingerprint: $FINGERPRINT" \
-H "token: $CAMERA_TOKEN" \
--data-binary "@output.jpg" \
--no-progress-meter \
# Reset delay to the normal value
echo "FFmpeg returned an error. Retrying after ${LONG_DELAY_SECONDS}s..."
# Set delay to the longer value
sleep "$DELAY"
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cannikin commented Feb 28, 2024

I couldn't get ffmpeg to work with /dev/video0 on my Pi Zero W 2 and Camera Module 3, but I found an even simpler way using the built-in libcamera-still utility, no ffmpeg or legacy camera support needed!

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