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Created November 12, 2023 20:01
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module Coordinate = struct
type t = { x : int; y : int; value : int }
let make ~x ~y value = { x; y; value }
let compare t1 t2 =
match compare t1.x t2.x with 0 -> compare t1.y t2.y | _ as x -> x
module PQ = Psq.Make (Coordinate) (Int)
module CMap = CCMap.Make (Coordinate)
let neighbour ~x ~y matrix =
let w = Array.length matrix.(0) in
let h = Array.length matrix in
let bounds (x, y) = x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < h && y < w in
[ (x, succ y); (succ x, y); (x, pred y); (pred x, y) ]
|> List.filter ~f:bounds
let dijkstra ~source ~target matrix =
let pq = ref (PQ.add source 0 PQ.empty) in
let distance = ref (CMap.add source 0 CMap.empty) in
for y = 0 to pred @@ Array.length matrix do
for x = 0 to pred @@ Array.length matrix.(0) do
let c = Coordinate.make ~x ~y matrix.(y).(x) in
distance := CMap.add c Int.max_int !distance
while not (PQ.is_empty !pq) do
let (u, u_dist), npq =
match PQ.pop !pq with
| None -> failwith "this loop only runs when pq isn't empty..."
| Some (c, npq) -> (c, npq)
let () = pq := npq in
let neighbours = Coordinate.(neighbour ~x:u.x ~y:u.y matrix) in
let check_neighbour (x, y) =
let v = Coordinate.make ~x ~y matrix.(y).(x) in
let v_dist = Coordinate.(v.value) in
match CMap.get v !distance with
| None -> ()
| Some old_distance ->
let new_distance = u_dist + v_dist in
if old_distance > new_distance then
let () = distance := CMap.add v new_distance !distance in
let () = pq := PQ.add v new_distance !pq in
else ()
let () = List.iter ~f:check_neighbour neighbours in
CMap.get target !distance
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