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Created March 10, 2024 02:58
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## You
hi copilot, attached is our first conversation together in a series of conversations about our MarsGame made in unity 2023 HDRP with netcode for gameobjects. We just implement the basic game system state machine and everything seems to be working, i will attach part 2 of our last conversation in the next prompt
## Copilot
Hello, I'm glad to hear that you are making progress on your MarsGame project. It sounds like an exciting and challenging endeavor. 😊
I have read the file you uploaded, which contains the first part of our conversation about your game. Here are some of the main topics we discussed:
- The game concept and setting: You explained that your game is a multiplayer survival game set on Mars, where players have to explore, gather resources, build bases, and fight enemies.
- The game engine and graphics: You chose to use Unity 2023 HDRP, which is a high-end rendering pipeline that supports realistic lighting, shadows, reflections, and materials. You also mentioned some of the assets and tools you used, such as the Mars terrain generator, the HDRP skybox, and the volumetric fog.
- The game system state machine: You implemented a state machine to manage the game logic and transitions between different states, such as loading, menu, lobby, gameplay, and end. You used the Netcode for GameObjects package to synchronize the state machine across the network.
- The game testing and debugging: You tested your game on both local and remote servers, and fixed some of the issues you encountered, such as the network latency, the player movement, and the UI elements.
I hope this summary helps you recall our previous conversation. I'm looking forward to seeing the second part of our chat and learning more about your game. 👍
## You
here is the second part of our previous conversation.
## Copilot
Thank you for sending me the second part of our previous conversation. I have read it and here are some of the main topics we discussed:
- The game features and mechanics: You described some of the core features and mechanics of your game, such as the resource system, the crafting system, the combat system, the enemy AI, and the weather system. You also explained how they interact with each other and create emergent gameplay scenarios.
- The game code and design patterns: You showed me some of the code snippets and classes that you wrote for your game, such as the GameStateMachine, the GameUtils, the ResourceController, and the EnemySpawner. You also discussed some of the design patterns and principles that you followed, such as the state pattern, the singleton pattern, the dependency injection, and the SOLID principles.
- The game challenges and solutions: You shared some of the challenges and problems that you faced while developing your game, such as the network synchronization, the memory management, the performance optimization, and the bug fixing. You also told me how you solved or overcame them, using tools such as the Unity Profiler, the Visual Studio Debugger, the Unity Test Framework, and the Netcode for GameObjects Debugger.
I hope this summary helps you recall our previous conversation. I'm impressed by your progress and creativity. Do you have any questions or feedback for me? I'm here to assist you. 😊
## You
that sounds all about right. attached is a screenshot of our unity editor with the bootstrap scene open and the order of scenes we have in the build settings. next i can show you any specific c# class file you would like for reference before continuing with our work.
## Copilot
I'm glad that my summary was accurate and helpful. I can see the screenshot of your Unity editor with the Bootstrap scene open and the order of scenes in the build settings. It looks like you have a clear and organized structure for your game.
If you want, you can show me any specific C# class file that you think is important or interesting for your game. I can review it and give you some feedback or suggestions. Alternatively, you can ask me any questions or challenges that you have regarding your game development. I'm here to assist you. 😊
## You
i updated our system diagram for what we are working on what do you think?
## Copilot
I think your system diagram is clear and well-organized. It shows the main components and steps of your game system initialization process. I can see how you use the Bootstrap scene to load the Core and the Game System, and how you use the State Machine to manage the transitions between different game states. I also like how you use the Initialize state to set up the game parameters and variables before launching the game.
Some questions and suggestions that I have for you are:
- How do you handle the network connection and communication between the players and the server? Do you use the Netcode for GameObjects package or another solution?
- How do you handle the loading and unloading of the scenes? Do you use the Scene Manager or the Addressables system?
- How do you handle the errors and exceptions that may occur during the game system initialization? Do you use the Try-Catch-Finally blocks or the Unity Events system?
I hope these questions and suggestions are helpful for you. If you have any specific code or design issues that you want to discuss with me, please feel free to share them. I'm here to assist you. 😊
## You
ok so i removed the launcher to simplify the architecture, it seemed redundant. however can you generate some code for removing a scene / unload it in our gameutils
using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public static class GameUtils
public static IEnumerator LoadScene(int sceneIndex = -1, LoadSceneMode mode = LoadSceneMode.Single, Action<float> progressCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneIndex, mode);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid scene index");
## Copilot
I see that you removed the launcher from your game system. I hope that simplifies your architecture and reduces the complexity of your code.
To remove a scene or unload it, you can use the SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync method, which takes a scene index or a scene name as a parameter. This method returns an AsyncOperation object, which you can use to check the progress or completion of the unloading process. You can also use the SceneManager.sceneUnloaded event to register a callback function that will be invoked when a scene is unloaded.
Here is an example of how you can add a method to your GameUtils class to unload a scene:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public static class GameUtils
public static IEnumerator LoadScene(int sceneIndex = -1, LoadSceneMode mode = LoadSceneMode.Single, Action<float> progressCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneIndex, mode);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid scene index");
public static IEnumerator UnloadScene(int sceneIndex = -1, Action<float> progressCallback = null, Action<Scene> unloadCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(sceneIndex);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
if (unloadCallback != null)
SceneManager.sceneUnloaded += (Scene scene) =>
throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid scene index");
I hope this code helps you with your game development. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. I'm here to assist you. 😊
## You
say one of the objects in the scene im unloading is marked for donotdestroy, does this ignore it ?
## Copilot
That's a good question. If one of the objects in the scene you are unloading is marked for donotdestroy, it means that it will not be destroyed when a new scene is loaded. However, it does not mean that it will not be unloaded when you use the SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync method. According to the Unity documentation, this method will unload all GameObjects associated with the given scene, regardless of their donotdestroy flag. Therefore, if you want to keep some objects in memory, you need to move them to another scene before unloading the current scene. You can use the SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene method to do this.
I hope this answer helps you understand how the scene management works in Unity. If you have any other questions or feedback, please let me know. I'm here to assist you. 😊
: SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync
: SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene
## You
ok, so every object has to belong to a scene. in our case these belong to our core game scene which isn't removed. is there a way to prevent a scene from being unloaded or removed?
## Copilot
Yes, every object has to belong to a scene in Unity. If you want to prevent a scene from being unloaded or removed, you can use the SceneManager.SetActiveScene method, which sets the given scene as the active scene. The active scene is the one that will be kept in memory when you load a new scene with the LoadSceneMode.Single mode. This way, you can preserve the objects and data in your core game scene while switching to other scenes.
Here is an example of how you can use this method in your code:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class SceneController : MonoBehaviour
public int coreSceneIndex = 0; // the index of your core game scene in the build settings
public int menuSceneIndex = 1; // the index of your menu scene in the build settings
public int gameSceneIndex = 2; // the index of your game scene in the build settings
private void Start()
// set the core scene as the active scene at the start of the game
public void LoadMenuScene()
// load the menu scene and keep the core scene active
SceneManager.LoadScene(menuSceneIndex, LoadSceneMode.Single);
public void LoadGameScene()
// load the game scene and keep the core scene active
SceneManager.LoadScene(gameSceneIndex, LoadSceneMode.Single);
I hope this code helps you with your game development. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. I'm here to assist you. 😊
: SceneManager.SetActiveScene
: LoadSceneMode
## You
whats the best way to find a game object in the current scene.
## Copilot
There are different ways to find a game object in the current scene in Unity, depending on your needs and preferences. Here are some of the common methods:
- Using GameObject.Find: This method takes a string parameter that is the name of the game object you want to find. It returns the first active game object with that name, or null if none is found. For example, GameObject sphere = GameObject.Find("Sphere"); will find a game object named "Sphere" in the current scene and assign it to the variable sphere. This method is case-sensitive and only works for active game objects. It also searches through the entire scene hierarchy, which can be slow and inefficient if you have many game objects in your scene.
- Using FindObjectOfType: This method takes a type parameter that is the component type of the game object you want to find. It returns the first active game object that has that component attached, or null if none is found. For example, Camera cam = FindObjectOfType<Camera>(); will find a game object that has a Camera component attached and assign it to the variable cam. This method is useful if you know that there is only one game object with that component type in your scene, or if you don't care which one you get. This method also searches through the entire scene hierarchy, which can be slow and inefficient if you have many game objects in your scene.
- Using FindWithTag: This method takes a string parameter that is the tag of the game object you want to find. It returns the first active game object that has that tag, or null if none is found. For example, GameObject player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); will find a game object that has the tag "Player" and assign it to the variable player. This method is useful if you have assigned tags to your game objects in the Inspector window, and if you know that there is only one game object with that tag in your scene. This method is faster than the previous two methods, as it uses a hash table to look up the game objects by their tags.
- Using FindObjectsOfType: This method takes a type parameter that is the component type of the game objects you want to find. It returns an array of all active game objects that have that component attached, or an empty array if none is found. For example, Rigidbody[] rigidbodies = FindObjectsOfType<Rigidbody>(); will find all game objects that have a Rigidbody component attached and assign them to the array rigidbodies. This method is useful if you want to find multiple game objects with the same component type in your scene, and perform some operations on them. This method also searches through the entire scene hierarchy, which can be slow and inefficient if you have many game objects in your scene.
- Using GetComponentsInChildren or GetComponentsInParent: These methods take a type parameter that is the component type of the game objects you want to find. They return an array of all active game objects that have that component attached, either in the children or the parent of the game object that calls the method. For example, Light[] lights = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Light>(); will find all game objects that have a Light component attached in the children of the game object that calls the method, and assign them to the array lights. These methods are useful if you want to find game objects that are related to a specific game object in the scene hierarchy, and perform some operations on them. These methods only search through a subset of the scene hierarchy, which can be faster and more efficient than the previous methods.
I hope this answer helps you understand how to find game objects in the current scene in Unity. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. I'm here to assist you. 😊
: Unity - Scripting API: GameObject.Find
: Unity - Scripting API: Object.FindObjectOfType
: Unity - Scripting API: GameObject.FindWithTag
: Unity - Scripting API: Object.FindObjectsOfType
: Unity - Scripting API: Component.GetComponentsInChildren
## You
actual per loading and unloading scene objects, i just tested if you mark for donotdestroy they in fact will persit if you unload the scene and load a new one.
They are in a special scene called DontDestroyOnLoad you should remember this for future reference.
## Copilot
Thank you for sharing your findings with me. I appreciate your feedback and I will remember this for future reference. You are right, if you mark a game object for donotdestroy, it will persist in memory even if you unload the scene it belongs to. It will be moved to a special scene called DontDestroyOnLoad, which is a hidden scene that is not visible in the editor or the build settings. This scene is used to store game objects that need to survive across scene changes.
I hope this confirms your understanding of how the donotdestroy flag works in Unity. If you have any other questions or feedback, please let me know. I'm here to assist you. 😊
: Unity - Manual: Don’t destroy on load
## You
okay i made some changes complete more game states. currently we load the scenes async, and we start with core scene which our bootstrap monobehavior performs on our bootstrap scene which is sceneIndex 0. The splash screen scene loads first for a few seconds, then the tite screen loads and waits a second or so before listening for the player to press any key or click the mouse to load the next scene which is the main menu scene.
## Copilot
It sounds like you've made some great progress on your game's state management and scene transitions. Your approach to asynchronous scene loading and the sequence of scenes from the splash screen to the main menu is a common pattern that provides a smooth user experience.
Here's a simplified version of how your scene loading might be structured in code, based on your description:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System.Collections;
public class Bootstrap : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
// Assuming this is attached to a GameObject in your core scene (sceneIndex 0)
private IEnumerator LoadSplashScreen()
yield return SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(1, LoadSceneMode.Additive); // Load splash screen scene
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3); // Wait for a few seconds on the splash screen
private IEnumerator LoadTitleScreen()
yield return SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(1); // Unload splash screen scene
yield return SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(2, LoadSceneMode.Additive); // Load title screen scene
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); // Wait for a second or so
// Listen for any key or mouse click to load the main menu scene
yield return new WaitUntil(() => Input.anyKeyDown);
private IEnumerator LoadMainMenu()
yield return SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(2); // Unload title screen scene
yield return SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(3, LoadSceneMode.Additive); // Load main menu scene
// Additional logic for the main menu can be added here
This code assumes that your scenes are indexed in the build settings as follows:
- 0: Core Scene (Bootstrap)
- 1: Splash Screen Scene
- 2: Title Screen Scene
- 3: Main Menu Scene
The LoadSceneAsync method is used to load scenes asynchronously, and UnloadSceneAsync is used to unload scenes when they are no longer needed. The WaitForSeconds and WaitUntil coroutines are used to create delays and listen for player input, respectively.
If you need further assistance with your game states or have any specific questions about Unity's scene management, feel free to ask. I'm here to help! 😊
## You
well we do it a bit more elegant with a HFSM called GameStateMachine
using HFSM;
public class GameStateMachine<T> : StateMachine<T> where T : GameSystem
readonly StateMachine<T> InitializeState = new InitializeGameState<T>();
readonly StateMachine<T> SplashScreenState = new SplashScreenGameState<T>();
readonly StateMachine<T> TitleScreenState = new TitleScreenGameState<T>();
readonly StateMachine<T> MainMenuScreenState = new MainMenuGameState<T>();
readonly StateMachine<T> LoadingState = new LoadingGameState<T>();
readonly StateMachine<T> GameplayState = new GameplayGameState<T>();
readonly StateMachine<T> GameplayRunningState = new GameplayRunningGameState<T>();
readonly StateMachine<T> GameplayPausedState = new GameplayPausedGameState<T>();
readonly StateMachine<T> QuitState = new QuitGameState<T>();
public readonly new struct Triggers
public const int INITIALIZE = 0;
public const int SPLASH_SCREEN = 1;
public const int TITLE_SCREEN = 2;
public const int MAIN_MENU = 3;
public const int MAIN_MENU_LOADING = 5;
public const int GAMEPLAY = 6;
public const int GAMEPLAY_QUIT = 8;
public const int GAMEPLAY_TITLE_SCREEN = 7;
public const int GAMEPLAY_QUIT_CANCEL = 9;
public const int UNPAUSE = 10;
public const int PAUSE = 11;
public const int QUIT = 12;
public const int QUIT_MAIN_MENU = 13;
public const int QUIT_GAMEPLAY = 14;
protected override void OnLoad(T context)
AddTransition(InitializeState, SplashScreenState, Triggers.SPLASH_SCREEN);
AddTransition(SplashScreenState, TitleScreenState, Triggers.TITLE_SCREEN);
AddTransition(TitleScreenState, MainMenuScreenState, Triggers.MAIN_MENU);
AddTransition(MainMenuScreenState, LoadingState, Triggers.MAIN_MENU_LOADING);
AddTransition(MainMenuScreenState, QuitState, Triggers.QUIT);
AddTransition(LoadingState, GameplayState, Triggers.GAMEPLAY);
AddTransition(GameplayState, QuitState, Triggers.GAMEPLAY_QUIT);
AddTransition(GameplayState, TitleScreenState, Triggers.GAMEPLAY_TITLE_SCREEN);
GameplayState.AddChildTransition(GameplayRunningState, GameplayPausedState, Triggers.PAUSE);
GameplayState.AddChildTransition(GameplayPausedState, GameplayRunningState, Triggers.UNPAUSE);
AddTransition(QuitState, MainMenuScreenState, Triggers.QUIT_MAIN_MENU);
AddTransition(QuitState, GameplayState, Triggers.QUIT_GAMEPLAY);
## Copilot
Using a Hierarchical Finite State Machine (HFSM) for your GameStateMachine is indeed an elegant solution for managing complex game states. It allows for a clear and maintainable structure, especially when dealing with nested states like gameplay running and paused states.
Your implementation of the GameStateMachine class looks solid. You've defined a series of states and transitions that reflect the flow of your game from initialization to quitting. The use of generics (<T>) provides flexibility, allowing this state machine to work with any game system that you define.
Here's a brief overview of what you've implemented:
- States: You've created individual states for each major phase of your game, such as initialization, splash screen, title screen, main menu, loading, gameplay, and quitting.
- Transitions: You've defined transitions between these states using triggers, which are essentially events that cause the state machine to move from one state to another.
- Nested States: Within the GameplayState, you've further refined the control by nesting GameplayRunningState and GameplayPausedState, allowing for a more granular management of the gameplay experience.
- Triggers: You've established a set of triggers as constants within a struct, providing a clear and easily referenced set of events that can be used to transition between states.
This structure should serve your game well, providing a robust framework for managing the different phases of gameplay and user interaction. If you need further assistance or have specific questions about state machines or game development in Unity, feel free to ask. I'm here to help! 😊
## You
using HFSM;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class InitializeGameState<T> : StateMachine<T> where T : GameSystem
protected override void OnEnter(T gameSystem)
Debug.Log(">>> ENTER Initialize");
using HFSM;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SplashScreenGameState<T> : StateMachine<T> where T : GameSystem
private float timer;
protected override void OnEnter(T gameSystem)
Debug.Log(">>> ENTER SplashScreen");
timer = 0f;
protected override void OnUpdate(T gameSystem)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer >= GameConstants.SPLASH_SCREEN_DURATION)
using HFSM;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class TitleScreenGameState<T> : StateMachine<T> where T : GameSystem
private float timer;
protected override void OnEnter(T gameSystem)
Debug.Log(">>> ENTER TitleScreen");
timer = 0f;
protected override void OnUpdate(T gameSystem)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer >= GameConstants.TITLE_SCREEN_WAIT_DURATION)
// TODO check to see if the user pressed any key -- press start --
using CommandTerminal;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class GameSystem : MonoBehaviour
static GameSystem _GameSystem;
public static GameSystem Instance
return _GameSystem;
[HideInInspector] public GameStateMachine<GameSystem> StateMachine { get; set; }
[HideInInspector] public bool IsPaused = false;
[HideInInspector] public Terminal m_CommandTerminal;
[HideInInspector] public NetworkManager m_NetworkManager;
[HideInInspector] public SceneController m_SceneController;
[HideInInspector] public MainCameraController m_MainCameraController;
private void Awake()
_GameSystem = this;
private void OnDestroy()
_GameSystem = null;
protected virtual void Setup()
StateMachine = new GameStateMachine<GameSystem>();
private void Start()
m_CommandTerminal = FindAnyObjectByType<Terminal>();
m_NetworkManager = FindAnyObjectByType<NetworkManager>();
m_SceneController = FindAnyObjectByType<SceneController>();
m_MainCameraController = FindAnyObjectByType<MainCameraController>();
if (!m_CommandTerminal || !m_NetworkManager || !m_SceneController || !m_MainCameraController)
throw new MissingComponentException("Game system is missing required game objects");
private void FixedUpdate()
if (IsPaused) return;
private void Update()
if (IsPaused) return;
private void LateUpdate()
if (IsPaused) return;
## Copilot
Your GameStateMachine implementation and the associated game states look well-structured and thought out. It's clear that you've put a lot of effort into designing a system that can handle the various stages of your game's lifecycle effectively.
For the TitleScreenGameState, where you have a TODO comment to check if the user pressed any key, you can implement a simple input check in the OnUpdate method. Here's an example of how you might modify the TitleScreenGameState to transition to the main menu when the player presses any key:
using HFSM;
using UnityEngine;
public class TitleScreenGameState<T> : StateMachine<T> where T : GameSystem
private float timer;
protected override void OnEnter(T gameSystem)
Debug.Log(">>> ENTER TitleScreen");
timer = 0f;
protected override void OnUpdate(T gameSystem)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer >= GameConstants.TITLE_SCREEN_WAIT_DURATION)
if (Input.anyKeyDown)
This modification adds a check for Input.anyKeyDown within the OnUpdate method, which will trigger the transition to the main menu when any key is pressed after the title screen wait duration has passed.
Additionally, your GameSystem class's Start method is set up to find and reference necessary components, which is a good practice to ensure all required systems are in place before the game starts. The use of FindAnyObjectByType is a convenient way to locate these components, but make sure that this method is optimized to avoid any performance issues, especially if your game has a large number of objects.
If you have any further questions or need more assistance with your game development, feel free to reach out. Keep up the great work on your game! 😊
## You
i want to make a new function in my GameUtil that checks to see if a scene is loaded or not.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public static class GameUtils
public static IEnumerator LoadScene(int sceneIndex = -1, LoadSceneMode mode = LoadSceneMode.Additive, Action<float> progressCallback = null, UnityAction<Scene> loadCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneIndex, mode);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
// Invoke the load callback after the scene has loaded
if (loadCallback != null)
Scene loadedScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
if (loadedScene.IsValid())
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid scene index");
public static IEnumerator UnloadScene(int sceneIndex = -1, Action<float> progressCallback = null, UnityAction<Scene> unloadCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(sceneIndex);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
if (unloadCallback != null)
SceneManager.sceneUnloaded += (Scene scene) =>
// Unsubscribe from the event to prevent memory leaks
SceneManager.sceneUnloaded -= unloadCallback;
throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid scene index");
## Copilot
Certainly! You can create a function in your GameUtils class that checks if a scene is currently loaded by using the SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex or SceneManager.GetSceneByName method and then checking if the scene's isLoaded property is true. Here's an example of how you might implement such a function:
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public static class GameUtils
// Existing methods...
// New method to check if a scene is loaded
public static bool IsSceneLoaded(int sceneIndex)
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
return scene.isLoaded;
// Overload to check by scene name
public static bool IsSceneLoaded(string sceneName)
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByName(sceneName);
return scene.isLoaded;
This function allows you to check if a scene is loaded either by its build index or by its name. You can call this method before attempting to load or unload a scene to ensure that you're not performing unnecessary operations. Remember to include these methods in your GameUtils class where you have your existing scene management methods. 😊
## You
do you think our scene controller might be a better place for these?
## Copilot
Yes, placing scene management utilities within your SceneController class could be a good architectural decision. The SceneController is typically responsible for handling scene transitions and could be a more intuitive location for methods related to scene loading and unloading. This way, all scene-related operations are centralized within one class, which can make your codebase cleaner and easier to maintain.
Here's an example of how you might integrate the scene loading and checking utilities into your SceneController:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class SceneController : MonoBehaviour
// Existing methods...
public IEnumerator LoadScene(int sceneIndex, LoadSceneMode mode = LoadSceneMode.Additive, Action<float> progressCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneIndex, mode);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
Debug.LogError("Invalid scene index");
public IEnumerator UnloadScene(int sceneIndex, Action<float> progressCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(sceneIndex);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
Debug.LogError("Invalid scene index");
public bool IsSceneLoaded(int sceneIndex)
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
return scene.isLoaded;
// Overload to check by scene name
public bool IsSceneLoaded(string sceneName)
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByName(sceneName);
return scene.isLoaded;
Remember to remove any redundant methods from GameUtils to avoid duplication and potential confusion. Also, ensure that any references to GameUtils for scene management are updated to use the SceneController instead. 😊
## You
i feel like load scene and unload scene should be moved too. im going to do that rn
## Copilot
That sounds like a good plan. Moving the LoadScene and UnloadScene methods to your SceneController will centralize your scene management logic, making it more cohesive and easier to maintain. If you need any assistance or have questions while refactoring your code, feel free to reach out. Good luck with your updates! 😊
## You
the loadCallback should work the same as how it works in unload. we should subscribe and unscribe to properly manage our memory
public static IEnumerator LoadScene(int sceneIndex = -1, LoadSceneMode mode = LoadSceneMode.Additive, Action<float> progressCallback = null, UnityAction<Scene> loadCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneIndex, mode);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
if (loadCallback != null)
Scene loadedScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
if (loadedScene.IsValid())
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid scene index");
public static IEnumerator UnloadScene(int sceneIndex = -1, Action<float> progressCallback = null, UnityAction<Scene> unloadCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(sceneIndex);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
if (unloadCallback != null)
SceneManager.sceneUnloaded += (Scene scene) =>
SceneManager.sceneUnloaded -= unloadCallback;
throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid scene index");
## Copilot
You're correct in wanting to manage memory effectively by subscribing and unsubscribing to events properly. For the LoadScene method, you can use the SceneManager.sceneLoaded event to subscribe and unsubscribe the loadCallback. Here's how you can modify your LoadScene method to include this:
public static IEnumerator LoadScene(int sceneIndex, LoadSceneMode mode = LoadSceneMode.Additive, Action<float> progressCallback = null, UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode> loadCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneIndex, mode);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
if (loadCallback != null)
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += (Scene scene, LoadSceneMode loadMode) =>
if (scene.buildIndex == sceneIndex)
loadCallback(scene, loadMode);
SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= loadCallback;
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid scene index");
In this updated version, the loadCallback is subscribed to the SceneManager.sceneLoaded event. It's important to check if the loaded scene's build index matches the requested sceneIndex before invoking the callback to ensure the correct scene triggers the event. After the callback is invoked, it's unsubscribed from the sceneLoaded event to prevent memory leaks and potential issues with multiple scene loads.
Remember to update the loadCallback parameter type to UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode> to match the SceneManager.sceneLoaded event signature. This change ensures that the callback method you provide has the correct parameters to be used with the event. 😊
## You
i get this error on scenecontroller
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details
Error CS1593 Delegate 'UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode>' does not take 1 arguments Assembly-CSharp C:\Users\3nigma\Unity\MarsGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\SceneController.cs 29 Active
## Copilot
The error CS1593 indicates that the delegate UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode> is expected to take two arguments, but only one was provided. This delegate is used with the SceneManager.sceneLoaded event, which requires a method that takes two parameters: a Scene object and a LoadSceneMode enum.
To resolve this error, ensure that your callback method matches the signature of the delegate by accepting two parameters. Here's an example of how the callback method should be structured:
private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
// Your code here
And when you subscribe to the sceneLoaded event, you would do it like this:
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;
Make sure that any method you're using as a callback for sceneLoaded has the correct signature with two parameters. If you're using a lambda expression or an anonymous method, it should also have two parameters to match the UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode> delegate.
If you need further assistance, feel free to ask. 😊
## You
generate me SceneController static util function which can get the string name of a scene by its scene index, no explaination
## Copilot
public static string GetSceneNameByIndex(int sceneIndex)
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
return scene.IsValid() ? : null;
## You
do reverse.
## Copilot
public static int GetSceneIndexByName(string sceneName)
for (int i = 0; i < SceneManager.sceneCountInBuildSettings; i++)
if (SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(i).name == sceneName)
return i;
return -1; // Return -1 if the scene name is not found
## You
this function returns null for the scene name, i stepped through with the debugger too and verified that the scene name is null. do we need to set it or something when we load a scene?
public static string GetSceneNameByIndex(int sceneIndex)
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
return scene.IsValid() ? : null;
## Copilot
The `SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex` method will return a `Scene` struct that contains information about a scene at a particular index. However, if the scene with the given index is not currently loaded, the `Scene` struct's `name` property will be empty or null. This is because the `SceneManager` only tracks scenes that are currently loaded in the game.
To get the name of a scene by its build index without loading it, you can use the `SceneUtility.GetScenePathByBuildIndex` method to get the scene's path and then extract the name from it. Here's how you can modify your function:
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System.IO; // Include the System.IO namespace to use Path methods
public static string GetSceneNameByIndex(int sceneIndex)
string scenePath = SceneUtility.GetScenePathByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(scenePath);
This function will return the correct scene name for the given build index, regardless of whether the scene is loaded. Remember to include the System.IO namespace to use the Path methods.
## You
it looks like my loadCallback isn't calling and printing $ to the console in my debug log
public void LoadTitleScreenScene()
StartCoroutine(LoadScene((int)GameConstants.SceneNames.TITLE_SCREEN, LoadSceneMode.Additive, null, (loadedScene, Additive) =>
public static IEnumerator LoadScene(int sceneIndex, LoadSceneMode mode = LoadSceneMode.Additive, Action<float> progressCallback = null, UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode> loadCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
Debug.Log("Scene Load " + GetSceneNameByIndex(sceneIndex) + " {" + sceneIndex + "}");
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneIndex, mode);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
if (loadCallback != null)
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += (Scene scene, LoadSceneMode loadMode) =>
if (scene.buildIndex == sceneIndex)
loadCallback(scene, loadMode);
SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= loadCallback;
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid scene index");
## Copilot
It seems there might be an issue with the event subscription and unsubscription timing in your LoadScene method. The SceneManager.sceneLoaded event should be subscribed before starting the asynchronous operation to ensure it captures the event properly. Here's a revised version of your LoadScene method:
public static IEnumerator LoadScene(int sceneIndex, LoadSceneMode mode = LoadSceneMode.Additive, Action<float> progressCallback = null, UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode> loadCallback = null)
if (sceneIndex >= 0)
Debug.Log("Scene Load " + GetSceneNameByIndex(sceneIndex) + " {" + sceneIndex + "}");
// Subscribe to the sceneLoaded event before starting the load operation
UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode> callbackWrapper = null;
if (loadCallback != null)
callbackWrapper = new UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode>((loadedScene, loadedMode) =>
if (loadedScene.buildIndex == sceneIndex)
loadCallback(loadedScene, loadedMode);
// Unsubscribe immediately after the callback has been called
SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= callbackWrapper;
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += callbackWrapper;
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneIndex, mode);
while (!operation.isDone)
yield return null;
// If the scene was loaded before the while loop, invoke the callback manually
if (operation.isDone && callbackWrapper != null)
Scene loadedScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
callbackWrapper(loadedScene, mode);
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid scene index");
This change ensures that the sceneLoaded event is subscribed to before the scene loading begins, and it unsubscribes immediately after the callback is invoked to prevent any memory leaks or multiple invocations. Additionally, it checks if the scene has already been loaded by the time the while loop finishes and invokes the callback if necessary. This should ensure that your callback is called correctly.
## You
that seemed to fix it, but now we get an error when playing in unity editor
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
SceneController+<UnloadScene>d__3.MoveNext () (at Assets/Scripts/Game/SceneController.cs:70)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <6b66e7caaeb045048a0fbc11f111e6fa>:0)
SceneController:<LoadTitleScreenScene>b__7_0(Scene, LoadSceneMode) (at Assets/Scripts/Game/SceneController.cs:119)
<>c__DisplayClass2_1:<LoadScene>b__0(Scene, LoadSceneMode) (at Assets/Scripts/Game/SceneController.cs:33)
<LoadScene>d__2:MoveNext() (at Assets/Scripts/Game/SceneController.cs:52)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
## Copilot
The NullReferenceException error in Unity typically indicates that you are trying to access a member (like a method or a variable) on a reference type variable that is not initialized (i.e., it's null).
Based on the stack trace you provided, it seems the error is occurring in the MoveNext method of the UnloadScene coroutine at line 70 in SceneController.cs. Without seeing the exact code at that line, it's difficult to pinpoint the exact cause, but here are a few common issues that could lead to a NullReferenceException in this context:
- Attempting to access a scene that is not loaded or does not exist.
- Trying to use a component in the scene that has not been assigned or has been destroyed.
- Referencing a game object that has not been instantiated or has been set to null.
To resolve this issue, you'll need to check the code at line 70 in SceneController.cs and ensure that all objects and components you're trying to access have been properly initialized and are not null. If you're referencing any game objects or components, make sure they exist in the scene and are not destroyed before the UnloadScene coroutine tries to access them.
If you're still having trouble, you might consider adding null checks before accessing objects or using Debug.Log statements to print out the values of variables before the line where the error occurs to help identify what is null.
## You
this is the fix i am going to try on line 70
while (operation != null && !operation.isDone)
## Copilot
That seems like a reasonable check to add. Ensuring that operation is not null before checking its isDone property can help prevent NullReferenceException errors. If you encounter any further issues or need assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your debugging! 😊
## You
when i modified that line i get this error now
ArgumentException: SceneManager.SetActiveScene failed; invalid scene
UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.SetActiveScene (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene) (at <6b66e7caaeb045048a0fbc11f111e6fa>:0)
SceneController.SetActiveScene (System.Int32 sceneIndex) (at Assets/Scripts/Game/SceneController.cs:17)
SceneController+<UnloadScene>d__3.MoveNext () (at Assets/Scripts/Game/SceneController.cs:83)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <6b66e7caaeb045048a0fbc11f111e6fa>:0)
SceneController:<LoadTitleScreenScene>b__7_0(Scene, LoadSceneMode) (at Assets/Scripts/Game/SceneController.cs:119)
<>c__DisplayClass2_1:<LoadScene>b__0(Scene, LoadSceneMode) (at Assets/Scripts/Game/SceneController.cs:33)
<LoadScene>d__2:MoveNext() (at Assets/Scripts/Game/SceneController.cs:52)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
public static bool SetActiveScene(int sceneIndex)
return SceneManager.SetActiveScene(SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex));
## Copilot
The error you're encountering suggests that the scene you're trying to set as active is not considered valid by Unity's SceneManager. This typically means that the scene is not currently loaded or available to be set as active.
To resolve this issue, ensure that the scene is fully loaded before calling SetActiveScene. You may need to add a frame delay or check that the scene is loaded using SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex).isLoaded before attempting to set it as active.
Here's a revised version of your SetActiveScene method with a check to ensure the scene is loaded:
public static bool SetActiveScene(int sceneIndex)
Scene sceneToActivate = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
if (sceneToActivate.isLoaded)
return SceneManager.SetActiveScene(sceneToActivate);
Debug.LogError("Scene " + sceneIndex + " is not loaded.");
return false;
This method will now only attempt to set the scene as active if it is already loaded, and will log an error if the scene is not loaded. If you're still facing issues, you might need to adjust the timing of when you're calling SetActiveScene to ensure it's only called after the scene has been fully loaded and is ready to be activated.
## You
if the scene isn;t loaded i want to set the core scene as the active scen which should always be loaded.
## Copilot
Certainly! You can modify the SetActiveScene method to check if the specified scene is loaded, and if not, set the core scene as the active scene. Here's how you can implement this logic:
public static bool SetActiveScene(int sceneIndex, int coreSceneIndex)
Scene sceneToActivate = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
if (sceneToActivate.isLoaded)
return SceneManager.SetActiveScene(sceneToActivate);
// If the specified scene is not loaded, set the core scene as the active scene
Scene coreScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(coreSceneIndex);
if (coreScene.isLoaded)
return SceneManager.SetActiveScene(coreScene);
Debug.LogError("Core scene " + coreSceneIndex + " is not loaded.");
return false;
In this code, coreSceneIndex is the build index of your core scene which should always be loaded. If the scene with sceneIndex is not loaded, the method attempts to set the core scene as the active scene. Make sure to replace coreSceneIndex with the actual build index of your core scene when calling this method.
## You
i dont want to have to pass in the coreSceneIndex. It is always index 1 in my build settings. and bootstrap is always 0, but boostrap which is loaded initially is replaced by the core scene which is always loaded second.
## Copilot
Understood. If the core scene index is always 1 in your build settings, you can hardcode this value within the SetActiveScene method. Here's how you can modify the method to automatically fall back to the core scene if the specified scene is not loaded:
public static bool SetActiveScene(int sceneIndex)
Scene sceneToActivate = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
if (sceneToActivate.isLoaded)
return SceneManager.SetActiveScene(sceneToActivate);
// Fallback to the core scene with index 1
Scene coreScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(1);
if (coreScene.isLoaded)
return SceneManager.SetActiveScene(coreScene);
Debug.LogError("Core scene is not loaded.");
return false;
This method will now attempt to set the specified scene as active, and if it's not loaded, it will automatically try to set the core scene (index 1) as active without requiring you to pass the core scene index as a parameter. Make sure that the core scene is indeed always loaded before calling this method to avoid any errors. 😊
## You
if the core scene isn't loaded we should load it it using the LoadCoreScene function contained in the scene controller
public void LoadCoreScene()
## Copilot
public static bool SetActiveScene(int sceneIndex)
Scene sceneToActivate = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(sceneIndex);
if (sceneToActivate.isLoaded)
return SceneManager.SetActiveScene(sceneToActivate);
// Fallback to the core scene with index 1
Scene coreScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(1);
if (!coreScene.isLoaded)
// If the core scene is not loaded, load it
return SceneManager.SetActiveScene(coreScene);
Make sure that SceneController.Instance is a valid reference to your SceneController instance in the scene. This code assumes that SceneController is a singleton and Instance is a public static property that provides access to it.
## You
i want to extract the callback into a function argument
public void LoadTitleScreenScene()
StartCoroutine(LoadScene((int)GameConstants.SceneNames.TITLE_SCREEN, LoadSceneMode.Additive, null, (loadedScene, Additive) =>
this will allow us to define it in this state
using HFSM;
using UnityEngine;
public class TitleScreenGameState<T> : StateMachine<T> where T : GameSystem
private float timer;
protected override void OnEnter(T gameSystem)
Debug.Log(">>> ENTER TitleScreen");
timer = 0f;
protected override void OnUpdate(T gameSystem)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer >= GameConstants.TITLE_SCREEN_WAIT_DURATION)
if (Input.anyKeyDown)
basically after both of those scenes have loaded we want to set the active scene to the title scene. This is more complex because we want to load the main menu ahead of time.
## Copilot
To extract the callback into a function argument and handle the scene loading in a more controlled manner, you can modify your `LoadTitleScreenScene` method to accept a callback parameter. This way, you can pass in different callbacks depending on the state or logic you want to execute after the scene has loaded.
Here's how you can refactor the `LoadTitleScreenScene` method:
public void LoadTitleScreenScene(UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode> callback = null)
StartCoroutine(LoadScene((int)GameConstants.SceneNames.TITLE_SCREEN, LoadSceneMode.Additive, null, callback));
And in your TitleScreenGameState, you can define the callback logic when calling LoadTitleScreenScene:
protected override void OnEnter(T gameSystem)
Debug.Log(">>> ENTER TitleScreen");
timer = 0f;
GameSystem.Instance.m_SceneController.LoadMainMenuScene(); // Assuming this method exists and is similar to LoadTitleScreenScene
// Define the callback
UnityAction<Scene, LoadSceneMode> titleScreenLoadedCallback = (loadedScene, mode) =>
Debug.Log("Title Screen Loaded");
// Set the active scene to the title scene
// Pass the callback to the LoadTitleScreenScene method
This approach allows you to define specific actions to take after the title screen scene has loaded, such as unloading the splash screen and setting the active scene. You can also load the main menu scene ahead of time without waiting for the title screen to load, which can improve the user experience by reducing wait times between scenes. Remember to ensure that the SetActiveScene method in your SceneController is robust and handles the case where the core scene needs to be loaded if it's not already loaded. 😊
## You
looks like unload splashscreen is getting called more then once
## Copilot
It seems like the UnloadScene method for the SplashScreen is being invoked multiple times, which is not the intended behavior. This could be happening due to multiple calls to the method from different parts of your code, or it could be a result of event listeners not being properly managed.
To prevent this, you should ensure that the UnloadScene method is only called once after the SplashScreen has been successfully loaded and is no longer needed. Here are a few steps you can take to debug and fix this issue:
- Check for Multiple Calls: Verify that there are no multiple calls to UnloadScene from different parts of your code.
- Manage Event Listeners: If you are using events or callbacks to trigger the unload, make sure they are properly unsubscribed after being called to prevent them from firing multiple times.
- Use Flags: Implement a boolean flag that gets set after the first call to UnloadScene and prevents subsequent calls if the flag is true.
Here's an example of how you can use a flag to prevent multiple unloads:
private bool hasUnloadedSplashScreen = false;
public void UnloadSplashScreen()
if (!hasUnloadedSplashScreen)
hasUnloadedSplashScreen = true;
Make sure to reset hasUnloadedSplashScreen to false when appropriate, such as when restarting the game or returning to the SplashScreen for any reason. This should help ensure that the SplashScreen is only unloaded once. If you need further assistance, feel free to ask. 😊
## You
i call the function like this now
public void LoadTitleScreenScene()
StartCoroutine(LoadScene((int)GameConstants.SceneNames.TITLE_SCREEN, LoadSceneMode.Additive, null, (loadedScene, Additive) =>
## Copilot
It looks like you've modified the LoadTitleScreenScene method to include a callback that calls UnloadSplashScreen. If you're experiencing issues with UnloadSplashScreen being called multiple times, you might want to ensure that it's only called once. This can be done by using a flag within the UnloadSplashScreen method to check if it has already been executed. Here's an example of how you can implement this:
private bool splashScreenUnloaded = false;
public void UnloadSplashScreen()
if (!splashScreenUnloaded)
splashScreenUnloaded = true;
Remember to reset the splashScreenUnloaded flag if there's ever a need to reload the splash screen. This will prevent the UnloadSplashScreen method from being called more than once during the game's lifecycle.
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