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Created April 21, 2024 23:06
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LFSR python script for Assignment 2 of Applied Cryptography in QUT
def xor(a, b):
Helper function to perform XOR operation on binary strings
return ''.join(str(int(x) ^ int(y)) for x, y in zip(a, b))
def berlekamp_massey(keystream):
Performs the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm to determine the LFSR configuration from a given keystream.
keystream (str): Binary input.
tuple: A tuple returns with LFSR (lfsr_len) and the coefficients of the LFSR (lfsr_coeff).
lfsr_len (int): Length of the LFSR configuration.
lfsr_coeff (list): Coefficients representing the LFSR configuration for generating the keystream.
n = len(keystream) # Get the length of the keystream
# Initialise with 1 followed by n of zeros.
b = [1] + [0] * n
c = [1] + [0] * n
l = 0
for i in range(n): # Loop through each binary
d = 0
for j in range(l + 1):
# Cannot use xor() because it's bitwise on individual binary digits
d ^= c[j] * int(keystream[i - j])
# if the bit is 1, go to the branching codition
if d == 1:
t = c.copy()
for j in range(n - l):
c[l + j] ^= b[j]
# Chcek if the length sould be updated.
if l <= i // 2:
l = i + 1 - l
b = t
lfsr_len = l
lfsr_coeff = c[:l + 1]
return lfsr_len, lfsr_coeff
def generate_keystream(lfsr_len, lfsr_coeff, keystream_prefix):
Generate the ciphertext using the recovered LFSR configuration
lfsr_len (int): Length of the LFSR configuration
lfsr_coeff (list): Coefficients of the LFSR
keystream_prefix (str): Partial known keystream
str: Ciphertext generated using the provided LFSR configuration
# Initialise LFSR with the known keystream prefix
lfsr = list(map(int, keystream_prefix[:lfsr_len]))
keystream = keystream_prefix
# Generate additions binary for the keystream until it is 48 characters long.
# Total length should be 48 (ciphertext length) - 32(cipher) = 16
while len(keystream) < len(keystream_prefix) + 16:
# To complete 48-bit keystream calculate the feedback by summing the LFSR with coefficient.
feedback = sum(lfsr[i] * lfsr_coeff[i] for i in range(lfsr_len)) % 2
# Applend the first element of the LFSR to the keystream
keystream += str(lfsr[0])
# Have to shift it to left because LFSR.
lfsr = lfsr[1:] + [feedback]
return keystream
# Given values
p_prime = '11110111011011000010001011011110'
c_prime = '100001011100000100101001101111111001000111100111'
c = '111000110010011111111010010100101010110010001011'
# Find the first 32 bits of the keystream
keystream_32 = xor(p_prime, c_prime)
print(f"Keystream 32: {keystream_32}")
# Recover the LFSR configuration using Berlekamp-Massey algorithm
lfsr_len, lfsr_coeff = berlekamp_massey(keystream_32)
print(f"LFSR Length Found: {lfsr_len}\nLFSR Coefficients Found: {lfsr_coeff}")
# Generate the remaining 16 bits of the keystream using the recovered LFSR
keystream_48 = generate_keystream(lfsr_len, lfsr_coeff, keystream_32)
keystream_16 = keystream_48[32:]
# Find the remaining 16 bits of the plaintext
plaintext_16 = xor(keystream_16, c[32:])
# Print the answers
plaintext_32 = xor(keystream_32, c[:32])
# Verification: Encrypt the recovered plaintext and compare with the given ciphertext
recovered_plaintext = plaintext_32 + plaintext_16
recovered_ciphertext = xor(recovered_plaintext, keystream_48)
if recovered_ciphertext == c:
print("Success! The recovered plaintext is correct.")
print(f"Recovered Plaintext (32 bits): {plaintext_32}")
print(f"Recovered Plaintext (16 bits): {plaintext_16}")
print(f"Recovered Ciphertext: {recovered_ciphertext}")
print(f"2a {plaintext_32}")
print(f"2b {plaintext_16}")
print("Error: The recovered plaintext does not match the given ciphertext.")
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