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Last active March 16, 2020 18:11
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From ExtLib.Structures Require Import Monad MonadWriter MonadExc Monoid.
From ExtLib.Data Require Import Monads.WriterMonad List.
Require Import ZArith.
Import MonadNotation.
Open Scope monad.
Section Error.
Context {E : Type}.
Context {T : Type}.
Context {MT : Monoid T}.
Definition errW A := T -> E + (T * A).
Global Instance Monad_errW : Monad errW := {
ret := fun _ x => fun w => inr (w, x) ;
bind := fun _ _ m f => fun w => match m w with
| inl v => inl v
| inr (w', x) => f x w'
Global Instance Exception_errW : MonadExc E errW := {
raise := fun _ v => fun w => inl v ;
catch := fun _ c h => fun w => match c w with
| inl v => h v w
| inr x => inr x
Global Instance Writer_errW : MonadWriter MT errW := {
tell := fun w => fun _ => inr (w, tt) ;
listen := fun _ m => fun w => match m w with
| inl v => inl v
| inr (w', x) => inr (w', (x, w'))
end ;
pass := fun _ m => fun w => match m w with
| inl v => inl v
| inr (w', (x, f)) => inr (f w', x)
end ;
Definition evalErrW {A : Type} (e : errW A) (init : T) : option A :=
match e init with
| inl _ => None
| inr (_, v) => Some v
Definition execErrW {A : Type} (e : errW A) (init : T) : option T :=
match e init with
| inl _ => None
| inr (w, _) => Some w
End Error.
Section Test.
Definition errW1 := @errW nat (list Z).
Existing Class Monoid.
Existing Instance Monoid_list_app.
Definition test : errW1 unit := tell (cons 1%Z nil).
End Test.
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