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Created August 4, 2016 12:37
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Convert ivy.xml to build.gradle
/*Method 1*/
/* Original reference */
task generateDependencies() << {
ivyFile = new File('ivy.xml')
gather = { dependencies, conf ->
dependencies.findAll( {
it['@conf'].toString().contains(conf.ivyConf) }).each {
String line = "\t${conf.gradleConf} group:
'${it['@org']}', name: '${it['@name']}', version: '${it['@rev']}'"
line += ", configuration: '${conf.ivyConf}'"
delegate << line
delegate << ''
confs = [ jar: [ivyConf: 'jar', gradleConf: 'compile' ],
test: [ivyConf: 'test', gradleConf: 'testCompile' ],
output = []
dependencies = new XmlSlurper().parseText(ivyFile.text).dependencies.dependency
output.metaClass.gather = gather.curry(dependencies)
output.gather confs.jar
output.gather confs.test
outputFile = new File('build.gradle')
outputFile << 'dependencies {\n'
output.each { outputFile << "$it\n" }
outputFile << '}\n'
/*Method 2*/
/* Original reference */
println("dependencies {")
def ivyModule = new XmlParser().parse(new File('ivy.xml'))
ivyModule.dependencies.dependency.each {
def scope = it.@conf?.contains("test") ? "testCompile" : "compile"
println("\t$scope '${it.@org}:${it.@name}:${it.@rev}'")
/*Method 3*/
/* Original reference */
task convertIvyDeps << {
def ivyXml = new XmlParser().parse(new File("ivy.xml"))
println "dependencies {"
ivyXml.dependencies.dependency.each {
def scope = it.@conf?.contains("test") ? "testCompile" : "compile"
println("\t$scope \"${it.@org}:${it.@name}:${it.@rev}\"")
println "}"
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