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Created August 11, 2020 09:08
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# Created on: Tue 11 Aug 2020 10:28:44 AM CEST
# ____ __ ____ __
# ( _ \ /. |( _ \/ )
# )___/(_ _))___/ )(
# (__) (_)(__) (__)
# Description:
# installation script for Ubuntu virtual machine testing environment
packages=(build-essential vim exa ranger git tor ssh gdb radare2 wireshark proxychains clang bless valgrind hashcat curl virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-dkms cargo)
function package_install() {
for item in $@; do
echo -n "Checking $item -> "
if hash $item &> /dev/null; then
echo -e "\e[1;34m:)\e[m"
apt install -y $item
echo -e "\e[1;31m:(\e[m"
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "\e[1;31mPlease run as root\e[m"
exit -1
echo -e "\e[96m ___________________________________________\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | _______________________________________ |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | / .-----------------------------------. \\ |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | | | /\\ : 90 min| | |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | | |/--\\:....................... NR [ ]| | |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | | '-----------------------------------' | |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | | //-\\ | | //-\\ | |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | | ||( )|| |_________| ||( )|| | |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | | \\\\-// :....:....: \\\\-// | |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | | _ _ ._ _ _ .__|_ _.._ _ | |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | | (_(_)| |(_(/_| |_(_||_)(/_ | |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | | \e[101;39mlow noise\e[49;96m | | |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | '______ ____________________ ____ ______' |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | / [] [] \\ |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m | / () () \\ |\e[m"
echo -e "\e[96m !______/_____________________________\\______!\e[m"
echo "Setting up virtual machine :)"
apt update
apt -y upgrade
echo -e "\e[96;5;4mInstalling Packages...\e[m"
package_install ${packages[*]}
echo -e "\e[96;5;4mInstalling GDB Peda...\e[m"
git clone ~/peda
echo "source ~/peda/" >> ~/.gdbinit
echo "DONE! debug your program with gdb and enjoy"
usermod -a -G vboxsf `whoami`
for USERH in $(ls /home/); do
echo "alias ls='exa -la'" >> /home/$USERH/.bashrc
echo "alias vi='vim'" >> /home/$USERH/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/home/$USERH/.cargo/bin" >> /home/$USERH/.bashrc
su $USERH -c "cargo install exa"
exit 0
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