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Last active June 7, 2020 06:44
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package main
import (
var Out *os.File
var In *os.File
type Weapon struct {
minAtt int
maxAtt int
Name string
func (w *Weapon) Fire() int {
return w.minAtt + rand.Intn(w.maxAtt - w.minAtt)
type Character struct {
Name string
Health int
Evasion int
Alive bool
Speed int
Weap int
Npc bool
var ennemies = map[int]*Character{
1: {Name: "Klingon", Health: 50, Alive: true, Weap: 2},
2: {Name: "Romulan", Health: 55, Alive: true, Weap: 3},
func (p *Character) Equip(w int) {
p.Weap = w
func (p *Character) Attack() int {
return Weaps[p.Weap].Fire()
var Weaps = map[int]*Weapon{
1: {Name: "Phaser", minAtt: 5, maxAtt: 15},
2: {Name: "Klingon Disruptor", minAtt: 1, maxAtt: 15},
3: {Name: "Romulan Disruptor", minAtt: 3, maxAtt: 12},
type Players []Character
func (slice Players) Len() int {
return len(slice)
func (slice Players) Less(i, j int) bool {
return slice[i].Speed > slice[j].Speed //Sort descending
//return slice[i].Speed < slice[j].Speed; //Sort ascending
func (slice Players) Swap(i, j int) {
slice[i], slice[j] = slice[j], slice[i]
func init() {
Out = os.Stdout
In = os.Stdin
func main() {
DisplayInfo("Welcome to combat 1.0")
p1 := new(Character)
p1.Name = "Paul"
p1.Speed = 1 + rand.Intn(100)
p1.Health = 100
p1.Alive = true
p1.Weap = 1
//Random NPC
p2 := new(Character)
*p2 = *ennemies[1+rand.Intn(2)]
p2.Npc = true
p2.Speed = 1 + rand.Intn(100)
//p3 := new(Character)
//*p3 = *ennemies[1+rand.Intn(2)]
//p3.Npc = true
//p3.Speed = 1 + rand.Intn(100)
players := Players{*p1, *p2 /*, *p3 */}
round := 1
numAlive := players.Len()
playerAction := 0
for {
for x := 0; x < players.Len(); x++ {
players[x].Evasion = 0
DisplayInfo("Combat round", round, "begins...")
for x := 0; x < players.Len(); x++ {
if players[x].Alive != true {
playerAction = 0
if !players[x].Npc {
DisplayInfo("DO you want to")
DisplayInfo("\t1 - Run")
DisplayInfo("\t2 - Evade")
DisplayInfo("\t3 - Attack")
if playerAction == 2 {
players[x].Evasion = rand.Intn(15)
DisplayInfo("Evasion set to:", players[x].Evasion)
tgt := selectTarget(players, x)
if tgt != -1 {
DisplayInfo("player: ", x, "target: ", tgt)
attp1 := players[x].Attack() - players[tgt].Evasion
if attp1 < 0 {
attp1 = 0
players[tgt].Health = players[tgt].Health - attp1
if players[tgt].Health <= 0 {
players[tgt].Alive = false
DisplayInfo(players[x].Name+" attacks and does", attp1, "points of damage with his", Weaps[players[x].Weap].Name, "to the ennemy.")
if endBattle(players) || playerAction == 1 {
} else {
DisplayInfo("Combat is over...")
for x := 0; x < players.Len(); x++ {
if players[x].Alive == true {
DisplayInfo(players[x].Name + " is still alive!!!")
func selectTarget(players []Character, x int) int {
y := x
for {
y = y + 1
if y >= len(players) {
y = 0
if (players[y].Npc != players[x].Npc) && players[y].Alive {
return y
if y == x {
return -1
return -1
func endBattle(players []Character) bool {
count := make([]int, 2)
count[0] = 0
count[1] = 0
for _, pla := range players {
if pla.Alive {
if pla.Npc == false {
} else {
if count[0] == 0 || count[1] == 0 {
return true
} else {
return false
func DisplayInfof(format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(Out, format, args...)
func DisplayInfo(args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintln(Out, args...)
func GetUserInput(i *int) {
fmt.Fscan(In, i)
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