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Last active October 7, 2019 00:50
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Notes from 2017 reinvent


  • API gateway - no longer (exclusively) at the edge, can set up links within vpcs - see here


ABD202 - Best Practices for Building Serverless Big Data Applications

  • slide deck
  • presentation
  • extract to target s3 bucket, archived and queryable, then converted to parquet with glue and landed in another bucket - their data lake, and redshift (two side by side)
  • "target" bucket usually not queried directly though, query the parquet files in the lake bucket
  • use lambda for many things here
    • file from external partner lands in s3, sns topic triggers lambda and then new file is processed/loaded
    • api gateway is hit, which triggers lambda, which then loads data onto kinesis, into s3, into dynamo, etc
    • push for step functions for remembering stateful apps

ABD315 - Building Serverless ETL Pipelines with AWS Glue

  • slide deck
  • presentation
  • Merck presentation
  • How they build out their warehouse
  • dynamic frames
    • designed for semi-structured data
    • much more perfomrant than standard json
    • much more performant than vanilla spark
    • mostly in the case of many small files - think streaming firehoses
    • variety of transforms available
  • has job bookmarks, remembers where it left off
  • can persist state of transforms, sinks, sources, etc
  • pause option built in - can start from last state, but not advance
    • used for debugging/testing
  • scala support is coming
  • very quick to add new data sources
  • reference arch - use glue to crawl for sources
    • rds, local dbs, streams, s3 buckets
    • this fills the glue catalog
    • can transform data with outputs to s3, redshift, etc
  • Merck stuff was more - how the integrated this at the front end to integrate with their proprietary ent software backend

ABD304 - Best Practices for Data Warehousing with Amazon Redshift & Redshift Spectrum

  • slide deck
  • presentation
  • parquet - ingest by using spectrum, and loading into redshift with "insert into table x select y from z"
    • parquet direct load coming Q1 2018
  • upsert - use our solution 😛. (I.e. we're doing things right)
  • use "backup no" for some loads/etls (worth checking our transforms here
  • keep 20% free space or 3x your largest table (rule of thumb)
  • spectrum scales based on number of slices (i.e. linearly with num of nodes/cpu units)
  • materialize frequently filtered columns from dimension tables to fact tables
  • likewise, materialize frequently calc'd values to tables


ABD217 - From Batch to Streaming: How Amazon Flex Uses Real-time Analytics to Deliver Packages on Time

  • slide deck
  • presentation
  • Flex did an interesting thing where they listen on their "schema.rb" equivalent, and automatically migrated these changes over to redshift
  • idea of hot/warm/cold data -
    • hot is in kinesis, elastic search, etc
    • warm - redshift
    • cold - s3
  • Presentation showed how their arch evolved over time, leading through 5 iterations
    • iteration 5 showed how they listed to source schema and updated the RS/elasticsearch schema in near real time using protocol buffers

SRV332 - Building Serverless Real-Time Data Processing

  • workshop presentation
  • wildrydes workshop
  • takeaways
    • pretty easy to set up kinesis streams, start querying in sql
    • both in athena with the batched files from firehose
    • and directly on the kinesis stream itself

ABD205 - Taking a Page Out of Ivy Tech’s Book: Using Data for Student Success

  • slides
  • presentation
  • built out a ML algo to predict which students were likely to be in trouble by week 2 of semester
    • 83% accurate
    • demographics are NOT included in their model, as they cannot change those...
    • (i have some questions about this, but didn't have a chance to ask them)
    • they were able to reach out to those students, and help prevent dropouts
    • estimate they were able to prevent 3100 dropouts
    • random note - in 7 cases, students had their power shut off, and IvyTech was able to get the students some help
  • Some redshift tidbits, most of which are known to our team

IOT328 - Building an AWS IoT-Enabled Drink Dispenser

  • slides
  • Pretty fun - built out a little device that dispenses drinks
  • built out a little website where we could send credits to classmates ($0.25ea); when you have $1 you can dispense a drink
  • got to program the microcontroller directly with mongoose os
  • pretty cool to see how this could tie into the aws ecosystem, and how you can manage these devices at scale
  • kinda reminded me of working with particle (née sparkfun) devices


Keynote - Andy Jassy

  • full keynote
  • note - the keynote dropped out around 930-10am PST for about 20 min (was in an overflow room)


  • ecs for k8s (EKS)
  • auto deploy across mulitple AZ
  • HA
  • can auto upgrade, but can control when you want

AWS Fargate

  • no need to manage servers
  • no clusters to manage, manages infra for you
  • auto scale across multiple AZ
  • "hands off the wheel"


  • multi master - preview
  • zero downtime
  • multi-region coming 2018
  • multi-az now
  • aurora serverless...
    • on demand, serverless
    • no provisioning of db instances
    • auto scales for you
    • shuts down when not in use

DynamoDb global tables

  • multi-master, multi-region, fully managed

Graph Db

  • Managed neo4j?
    • not sure, but managed for you; support for open protocols (sparkl etc)
  • Neptune

data lakes

  • really just a - hey this stuff is cool. use it
  • S3 select
    • only pull data you need?
    • much better perf
    • filter data within objects
  • Glacier select
    • run queries directly on data in glacier
    • make glacier part of data lake


  • Sagemaker
  • Databricks alternative it appears
  • can run tensorflow on sagemaker

Kinesis Video

  • ingest video/audio, other time encoded data


  • transcribe long form audio into text


ABD302 - Real-Time Data Exploration and Analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service and Kibana

  • presentation
  • slides
  • brief overview of what elasticsearch is, how aws helps
  • standard - within vpc and what not for the service
  • replica shards are how you get parallelism with ES
  • lucene - maps shards in memory; benefits from addl memory
  • how to use lamdba to deliver data to ES
  • some recs for sizing, what instances to choose, etc
  • probably worth looking over the slides if nothing else
  • had to leave for the ML session however....didn't get to see much with analytics use

MCL333 - Building Deep Learning Applications with TensorFlow on AWS

  • I'll be honest, I struggled to keep up with this one
  • very deep on Neural Network deep learning specifics
  • slide deck
  • Ran through a "handwritten digits" learning algo in Jupyter on a G2 GPU instance (erm - i think that's right)
  • dropout - helps prevent overfitting
    • force it to ignore a certain amount; force layer to learn better
    • 0.5 usually a good number
  • deep copy/deep paste
    • copy paste formula from paper 😛
  • transfer learning
    • "pretrained" model
    • use new input layer (cat faces), but keep weights the same
    • output is completely diff
    • edge detection already there on layer 1
    • layter 2 - probably okay, basic face shape
    • layer 3 does need to change
  • LSTM - RNN (recurrent neural networks)
    • multiple digit numbers - makse sense to use RNN, as its a sequence

SRV319 - How Nextdoor Built a Scalable, Serverless Data Pipeline for Billions of Events per Day

  • presentation
  • small ops team (basically 3 people)
  • how do they scale to that many events with such a small team?
    • Kinesis streams basically
    • need as many managed services as possible for such a samll ops team
    • rule of thumb - if managed service is available from aws, use it
  • Legacy system on Apache Flume for logs
  • flume imported to s3 (and then to redshift) and ES
  • Standardized a lot of boilerplate in lambda functions with open source project called bender
    • config driven
  • Kinesis for data ingestion, lambda for execution, kinesis firehose for data aggregation, S3 for storage


Keynote - Werner Vogels

  • much less intense than Wednesday


  • Looks pretty cool for dev collaboration
  • IDE, can debug various aws services from it
  • can be used like google docs (multiple devs working in same IDE, see what lines they're on, etc)

9s rule of thumb

  • 3 9s with 2 AZs and manual failover
  • 4 9s with 3 AZs in one region and auto failover
  • 5 9s with 3 AZs in each region, and 2 regions

AWS Services designed for Availability

Chaos engineering - Nora Jones

  • argues for additional "chaos testing" phase in addition to unit/integration testing
  • start with graceful restarts, then targeted chaos, then failure injection
  • her job - to automate chaos at netflix
  • Principles of Chaos Engineering

API Gateway w/VPC integration

  • for lambda
  • has concurrency controls
  • no longer (exclusively) at the edge, can set up links within vpcs - see here

New serverless app repo announced


ABD328 - Zombie Annihilation Using AWS Big Data: Turning a Data Swamp into a Data Lake

  • seesion lab link
  • workshop
  • Chance to work with Glue as an ETL tool
  • very slick, easy to use - simple to get going, add new sources, add simple conversions
  • surprised by lag for some operations (spark jobs basically)
    • Looks like it has to spin up an individual EMR cluster for each job, so can take a while if one's not hot
  • Used quicksight a bit
    • not bad. can do some decent graphs (including some geo ones) with basic sql
  • Added some real-time data via kinesis
    • had sentiment analysis in source data (are zombies happy? no?)
  • Probably the most useful workshop for me personally

MCL212 - AWS DeepLens workshop: Building Computer Vision Applications

  • Probably didn't need to do this one really, but it was pretty cool
  • Chance to play with Deeplens
  • Full blown computer (atom based) with camera and aws greengrass on device
  • does some things locally, uploads others to the cloud
  • built a hot dog detector (yes like in Silicon Valley)
  • Def a lot of potential with this
  • Doesn't require super high level knowledge of ML (more helps, but average dev can probably work pretty well with it)


SRV330 Serverless DevOps to the Rescue

  • GH link
  • Had some trouble getting this running, but picked up a few things
  • another link
  • showed how to run SAM Local (run/test lambda functions locally)
  • mostly showed aws services for CI/CD
  • X-ray was pretty cool to see though, been wondering how to work with this. Looks like good potential with lambda functions
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