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Last active July 16, 2024 15:31
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A logout script for dwm

A logout script for dwm


Add lrfs in PATH and make it executable.

Modify config.h:

  • define a new function:
    static const char *lrfs[] = { "lrfs", NULL };
  • and replace the existing quit behavior by modifying its key binding with:
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_q,      spawn,          {.v = lrfs } },

To eliminate the compile time warning, comment out the function void quit(const Arg *arg) in dwm.c.

# lrfs: used in dwm to replace quit key binding behaviour.
title="[l]ogout [r]eboot [f]irmware [s]hutdown"
dwm=$( ps -o pid,cmd ax | awk '/dwm/{ if ($2 == "dwm") print $1 }' )
action() {
answer="$( echo -e $1 | dmenu -i -p "$2" -fn "System-ui Regular:size=12" -nb "#1d2021" -nf "#d79921" -sb "#d79921" -sf "#1d2021" )"
action "$options" "$title"
case $answer in
[[ ! -z "$dwm" ]] && kill -s TERM $dwm
systemctl reboot
systemctl reboot --firmware-setup
systemctl poweroff
exit 0
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