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/* automatically generated by rust-bindgen 0.64.0 */
pub const PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING: &[u8; 7usize] = b"1.6.39\0";
pub const PNG_HEADER_VERSION_STRING: &[u8; 44usize] =
b" libpng version 1.6.39 - November 20, 2022\n\0";
pub const PNG_LIBPNG_VER_SONUM: u32 = 16;
pub const PNG_LIBPNG_VER_DLLNUM: u32 = 16;
pub const PNG_LIBPNG_VER_MAJOR: u32 = 1;
pub const PNG_LIBPNG_VER_MINOR: u32 = 6;
pub const PNG_LIBPNG_VER_RELEASE: u32 = 39;
pCYSl5EDgo /
Last active April 21, 2022 04:03
SCP Object Class Flow Chart-JP
flowchart TD
  Start[スタート] --> PrincipalisTest{"直接的にO5を狙い撃ちしていますか?"}
  PrincipalisTest -- はい --> A0[<h3>Principalis</h3><p>財団首脳部を狙う脅威や異常性など</p><a href=''>DJカクタスの提言III</a>]
  PrincipalisTest -- いいえ --> AnomalousTest{"異常性はありますか?"}
  AnomalousTest -- はい --> ActiveTest{"活動的ですか?"}
  AnomalousTest -- いいえ --> AnomalouslyExplainableTest{"異常性以外で説明できますか?"}
  AnomalouslyExplainableTest -- いいえ --> A1[<h3>Gödel</h3><p>異常性について情報不足であり邪径技術によって作られたもの</p><a href=''>4555</a>]
  AnomalouslyExplainableTest -- はい --> AnomalousRelationshipTest{"異常性に関連はありますか?"}
  AnomalousRelationshipTest -- はい --> A2[<h3>Eparch</h3><p>それ自体に異常性はないが異常性に関連性のあるもの</p><a href=''>4015</a>]
pCYSl5EDgo / Attributes.cs
Last active December 1, 2020 06:45
using System;
using Unity.Burst.Intrinsics;
using Unity.Mathematics;
namespace MyAttribute
public enum IntrinsicsKind
#pragma warning disable 618
#pragma warning disable 612
#pragma warning disable 414
#pragma warning disable 168
namespace Utf8Json.Resolvers
using System;
using Utf8Json;
pCYSl5EDgo / BenchmarkDotnet.log
Last active March 31, 2020 10:11
Benchmark pull request generated code(test) vs original generated code(test2)
// Validating benchmarks:
// ***** BenchmarkRunner: Start *****
// ***** Found 8 benchmark(s) in total *****
// ***** Building 1 exe(s) in Parallel: Start *****
// start dotnet restore /p:UseSharedCompilation=false /p:BuildInParallel=false /m:1 in C:\Users\conve\source\repos\test\test\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\ab6d9d6e-30fe-4ed5-8680-16062df01f2d
// command took 1.6s and exited with 0
// start dotnet build -c Release --no-restore /p:UseSharedCompilation=false /p:BuildInParallel=false /m:1 in C:\Users\conve\source\repos\test\test\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\ab6d9d6e-30fe-4ed5-8680-16062df01f2d
// command took 2.12s and exited with 0
// ***** Done, took 00:00:03 (3.82 sec) *****
// Found 8 benchmarks:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class SaveData
// 中身は適切に書いてね
class SaveDataSerializer
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
namespace test_range
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
namespace UniNativeLinq
public unsafe struct
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
namespace Tests
public unsafe class UnsafeUtilityTests