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Created May 29, 2023 02:27
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CPU raytracer in Odin
package main
import "app"
import "core:slice"
import "core:math"
import "core:math/linalg"
import "core:fmt"
Vector2f32 :: linalg.Vector2f32
Vector3f32 :: linalg.Vector3f32
Vector4f32 :: linalg.Vector4f32
INF_F32 :: math.INF_F32
Camera :: struct {
using position: Vector3f32,
Viewport :: struct {
width, height, distance: f32,
screen_to_viewport :: proc "contextless" (viewport: Viewport, sx, sy: int) -> (ray: Vector3f32) {
ray.x = f32(sx) * viewport.width / f32(app.width())
ray.y = f32(sy) * viewport.height / f32(app.height())
ray.z = viewport.distance
Light :: union {
Ambient_Light :: struct {
intensity: f32,
Point_Light :: struct {
intensity: f32,
position: Vector3f32,
Directional_Light :: struct {
intensity: f32,
direction: Vector3f32,
Sphere :: struct {
using position: Vector3f32,
radius: f32,
color: u32,
Scene :: struct {
spheres: []Sphere,
lights: []Light,
trace_ray :: proc(scene: Scene, camera: Camera, ray: Vector3f32, t_min: f32, t_max: f32) -> u32 {
closest_t := INF_F32
closest_sphere: Maybe(Sphere)
for sphere in scene.spheres {
t1, t2 := intersect_ray_sphere(camera, ray, sphere)
if t1 >= t_min && t1 <= t_max && t1 < closest_t {
closest_t = t1
closest_sphere = sphere
if t2 >= t_min && t2 <= t_max && t2 < closest_t {
closest_t = t2
closest_sphere = sphere
if closest_sphere == nil do return 0xFFFFFF
c := closest_sphere.(Sphere)
point := camera.position + closest_t * ray
normal := linalg.normalize(point - c.position)
r := (c.color & 0xFF0000) >> 16
g := (c.color & 0x00FF00) >> 8
b := (c.color & 0x0000FF)
l := compute_lighting(scene, point, normal)
rl := u32(math.floor(f32(r) * l))
gl := u32(math.floor(f32(g) * l))
bl := u32(math.floor(f32(b) * l))
return (rl << 16) | (gl << 8) | (bl)
intersect_ray_sphere :: proc(camera: Camera, ray: Vector3f32, sphere: Sphere) -> (t1, t2: f32) {
r := sphere.radius
CO := camera.position - sphere.position
a :=, ray)
b := 2 *, ray)
c :=, CO) - r*r
discriminant := b*b - 4*a*c
if discriminant < 0 do return INF_F32, INF_F32
t1 = (-b + linalg.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2*a)
t2 = (-b - linalg.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2*a)
compute_lighting :: proc(scene: Scene, point, normal: Vector3f32) -> (intensity: f32) {
for light in scene.lights {
switch in light {
case Ambient_Light:
l := light.(Ambient_Light)
intensity += l.intensity
case Point_Light:
l := light.(Point_Light)
L := l.position - point
n_dot_l :=, L)
if n_dot_l > 0 {
intensity += l.intensity * n_dot_l/(linalg.length(normal) * linalg.length(L))
case Directional_Light:
l := light.(Directional_Light)
L := l.direction
n_dot_l :=, L)
if n_dot_l > 0 {
intensity += l.intensity * n_dot_l/(linalg.length(normal) * linalg.length(L))
draw_pixel :: proc(bitmap: []u32, color: u32, x, y: int) #no_bounds_check {
if x < 0 do return
if x >= app.width() do return
if y < 0 do return
if y >= app.height() do return
bitmap[x + y*app.width()] = color
main :: proc() {
app.init("Hello, world!", 720, 720)
bitmap := make([]u32, app.width() * app.height())
sphere1 := Sphere{position = {0, -1, 3}, radius = 1, color = 255 << 16}
sphere2 := Sphere{position = {2, 0, 4}, radius = 1, color = 255}
sphere3 := Sphere{position = {-2, 0, 4}, radius = 1, color = 255 << 8}
sphere4 := Sphere{position = {0, -5001, 0}, radius = 5000, color = (255 << 16) | (255 << 8)}
spheres := [?]Sphere{sphere1, sphere2, sphere3, sphere4}
light1 := Ambient_Light{intensity = 0.2}
light2 := Point_Light{intensity = 0.6, position = {2, 1, 0}}
light3 := Directional_Light{intensity = 0.2, direction = {1, 4, 4}}
lights := [?]Light{light1, light2, light3}
scene := Scene{spheres = spheres[:], lights = lights[:]}
camera := Camera{{0, 0, 0}}
viewport := Viewport{1, 1, 1}
for !app.should_close() {
slice.fill(bitmap, 0)
for x in 0..<app.width() {
for y in 0..<app.height() {
ray := screen_to_viewport(viewport, x - app.width()/2, y - app.height()/2)
color := trace_ray(scene, camera, ray, 1, INF_F32)
draw_pixel(bitmap, color, x, y)
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