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Created May 17, 2022 01:01
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A demo of importing Python modules directly from URLs
#!/usr/bin/env python
import contextlib
import importlib.machinery
import importlib.util
import logging
import sys
import types
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError
__log__ = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class URLLoader(
"""An import loader that loads packages and modules directly from URLs"""
def __init__(self, packages = None):
self._packages = packages if packages is not None else {}
def register(self, package_name, url_template):
self._packages[package_name] = url_template
def _path_to_package_name(self, path):
return path.split(".", 1)[0].lower()
def provides(self, path: str) -> bool:
return self._path_to_package_name(path) in self._packages
def _get_url_options(self, path):
url_template = self._packages.get(self._path_to_package_name(path))
if not url_template:
return []
# Allow a fallback to (for top-level modules)
return [
url_template.format(path=p.replace(".", "/"))
for p in (path, path + ".__init__")
def download_module(self, path):
for url in self._get_url_options(path):
with contextlib.suppress(URLError):
with urlopen(url) as resp:
__log__.debug("Downloaded module '%s' from '%s'", path, url)
__log__.debug("Failed to download module '%s' from '%s'", path, url)
return None
def create_module(self, spec: importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec) -> types.ModuleType:
if not in self._packages:
# Is a module - use the default module creation semantics
return None
# Create the package
module = types.ModuleType(
module.__path__ = []
module.__package__ =
return module
def exec_module(self, module: types.ModuleType) -> None:
code = self.download_module(module.__name__)
if not code:
raise ImportError(
"{} failed to download configured '{}' module".format(
exec(code, module.__dict__)
class URLFinder(
"""An import path finder that uses the configured URLLoader to find and download modules"""
def __init__(self, loader: URLLoader):
self._loader = loader
def find_spec(self, fullname: str, path, target=None):
if self._loader.provides(fullname):
return importlib.util.spec_from_loader(fullname, self._loader)
return None
class LoggingPathFinder(
"""An import path finder that logs every module that is requested to be loaded"""
def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target):
__log__.debug("Importing '%s' (path=%s)", fullname, path)
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Creating the URLLoader and adding it to sys.meta_path")
url_loader = URLLoader()
print("Loading colorama to use colored output")
url_loader.register("colorama", "{path}.py")
from colorama import init, Fore, Style
green = lambda m: print(Fore.GREEN + m + Style.RESET_ALL)
green("Colors loaded")
green("Loading zipstream and test it works")
url_loader.register("zipstream", "{path}.py")
from zipstream import ZipStream
zs = ZipStream.from_path(".")
computed_size = len(zs)
actual_size = len(bytes(b"".join(zs)))
data = zs.get_info()
"Created streamed zip with {} files ({}), {} bytes ({} bytes estimated)".format(
", ".join(x["name"] for x in data),
url_loader.register("pipdeptree", "{path}.py")
green("Using pipdeptree to show no packages are installed")
from pipdeptree import main as show_packages
sys.argv, args = sys.argv[0:1], sys.argv[1:] # prevent args from being passed to it
print(Fore.YELLOW, end="")
green("Using click to say hello")
url_loader.register("click", "{path}.py")
import click
@click.option("--name", prompt="Your name", help="The person to greet.", default="unknown")
def hello(name):
green(f"Hello {name}!")
sys.argv += args # put args back
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