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Created August 31, 2013 05:31
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Considering a move to Frog (, and my old Octopress blog has markdown from Jekyll's Blogger migration tool and whatever Jekyll uses. This cleans up the metadata to Frog style.
#lang racket
;; Reads the first few lines of a Markdown file. If it begins with Jekyll metadata
;; (i.e. ---\nTitle:...\n---) then we parse it, re-write it to Frog metadata, then
;; re-write the file.
;; Stores date/title. We ignore all other tags (categories, comments, etc.)
(struct metadata (title bad-date good-date))
(define (process-file filename)
(fprintf (current-output-port) "Processing ~a...~n" filename)
(λ (input-port)
(let* ([metadata (parse-metadata input-port filename)]
[new-filename (string-append filename ".bak")]
[with-date (fix-date metadata)])
(write-markdown new-filename with-date input-port)))
#:mode 'text))
;; parse-file :: port -> (or/c Metadata #f)
;; Parses the first few lines, processes the metadata.
(define (parse-metadata file-port filename)
(define *date-regex* #px"^(time|date):(.*)")
(define *title-regex* #px"^title:(.*)")
(define *delimeter-regex* #px"^---")
(define (helper start-block? accum)
(let ([read-item (read-line file-port)])
[(and (regexp-match? *delimeter-regex* read-item) start-block?) accum]
[(regexp-match? *delimeter-regex* read-item) (helper #t accum)]
[(regexp-match? *title-regex* read-item)
(let ([fetched-title (cadr (regexp-match *title-regex* read-item))])
(helper start-block? (struct-copy metadata accum [title fetched-title])))]
[(regexp-match? *date-regex* read-item)
(let ([fetched-date (caddr (regexp-match *date-regex* read-item))])
(helper start-block? (struct-copy metadata accum [bad-date fetched-date])))]
[else (helper start-block? accum)])])))
;; Some don't have a date field at all, so we'll just take from the filename.
(let ([title (regexp-match #px"(\\d+-\\d+-\\d+)-.*" filename)])
(helper #f (metadata ""
(string-append (list-ref title 1) " 12:00")
;; fix-date :: metadata -> metadata
;; Fixes the date to use ISO 8601
(define (fix-date meta)
;; Blogger uses "2010-02-15 21:29:00 -08:00"
(define *blogger-regex* #px"(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2}) (\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}) -?\\d{2}:\\d{2}")
;; Jekyll uses 2012-12-18 17:22
(define *jekyll-regex* #px"(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2}) (\\d{2}):(\\d{2})")
(define (match-blogger-style? in) (regexp-match? *blogger-regex* in))
(define (match-jekyll-style? in) (regexp-match? *jekyll-regex* in))
(define (fix-blogger-style input)
(let ([matched (regexp-match *blogger-regex* input)])
(string-append (list-ref matched 1) "-" (list-ref matched 2) "-" (list-ref matched 3) "T"
(list-ref matched 4) ":" (list-ref matched 5) ":" (list-ref matched 6))))
(define (fix-jekyll-style input)
(let ([matched (regexp-match *jekyll-regex* input)])
(string-append (list-ref matched 1) "-" (list-ref matched 2) "-" (list-ref matched 3) "T"
(list-ref matched 4) ":" (list-ref matched 5) ":00")))
(let ([bad-date (metadata-bad-date meta)])
[(match-blogger-style? bad-date)
(struct-copy metadata meta [good-date (fix-blogger-style bad-date)])]
[(match-jekyll-style? bad-date)
(struct-copy metadata meta [good-date (fix-jekyll-style bad-date)])]
[else (error 'fix-date "No match for string \"~a\"" bad-date)])))
;; write-markdown :: String * Metadata * Port -> (void)
;; Writes a file `new-name` the contents of `metadata` in Frog-accepted format, then
;; fills in the rest of the file with `input-file`. Expects `input file` to be
;; advanced past the metadata stages.
(define (write-markdown new-name metadata input-port)
(λ (output-port)
(write-string (string-append " Title:" (metadata-title metadata)) output-port)
(newline output-port)
(write-string (string-append " Date:" (metadata-good-date metadata)) output-port)
(newline output-port)
(write-string " Tags: pablolife" output-port)
(newline output-port)
(newline output-port)
(define (read-writer)
(let ([read-item (read-line input-port)])
(if (eof-object? read-item)
(write-string read-item output-port)
(newline output-port)
#:mode 'text))
(let ([files (directory-list)])
(map process-file (map path->string files))
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