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Last active March 1, 2021 17:07
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Vimscript for replacing word under cursor from a provided list
" Call the function with the cursor under a word in normal mode.
" The word will be replaced with the next word of a provided list.
" For example, passing a list like this ['true', 'false', 'undefined', 'null']...
" // Example code
" let myBool = true
" ...and pressing CTRL+L over the word "true" will replace it with the next word on the list: That is, "false".
" After pressing once:
" let myBool = false
" After pressing twice:
" let myBool = undefined
" etc...
" You can map it like this:
nnoremap <C-L> :execute ":call CycleReplace(expand('<cword>'), ['true', 'false', 'undefined', 'null'])" <CR>
" Multiple lists:
nnoremap <C-S-L> :execute ":call CycleReplaceMany(expand('<cword>'), [ ['let', 'const'], ['let', 'var'], ['true', 'false'], ['undefined', 'null'], ['width', 'height'], ['x', 'y', 'z'] ])" <CR>
" <C-L> is the key mapping
" Your provided list is the second argument, in this case, ['true', 'false', 'undefined', 'null']
" It can be anything like: ["on", "off"]
function CycleReplaceMany(word, lists)
for i in a:lists
if CycleReplace(a:word, i)
echom "Nothing to replace."
function CycleReplace(word, list)
let replaced = a:word
let count = 0
for i in a:list
if a:word == i
if count+1 < len(a:list)
let replaced = a:list[count+1]
let replaced = a:list[0]
let count += 1
if replaced != a:word
execute ":normal m`ciw" . replaced
execute ":normal ``"
echom a:word . " -> " . replaced
return 1
return 0
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