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Created October 31, 2018 16:04
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// Action.swift
// ownCloud
// Created by Pablo Carrascal on 30/10/2018.
// Copyright © 2018 ownCloud GmbH. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import ownCloudSDK
typealias ActionCompletion = ((_ item: OCItem, _ core: OCCore, _ vcToPresent: UIViewController) -> Void)?
enum ActionType {
case destructive
case regular
struct Action {
var name: String
var type: ActionType
var completion: ActionCompletion
init(with name: String, completion: ActionCompletion, type: ActionType) { = name
self.completion = completion
self.type = type
class ActionsMoreViewController: NSObject {
weak var vcToPresentIn: UIViewController?
var moreViewController: UIViewController?
var core: OCCore
var item: OCItem
var interactionController: UIDocumentInteractionController?
init (item: OCItem, core: OCCore, into viewController: UIViewController) {
self.vcToPresentIn = viewController
self.core = core
self.item = item
func presentActionsCard(with actions: [Action], completion: () -> Void) {
self.moreViewController = actionsViewController(with: actions, for: item, core: core)
vcToPresentIn?.present(asCard: moreViewController!, animated: true)
func actionsViewController(with actions: [Action], for item: OCItem, core: OCCore) -> MoreViewController {
let header = MoreViewHeader(for: item, with: core)
let tableViewController = MoreStaticTableViewController(style: .grouped)
let moreViewController: MoreViewController = MoreViewController(item: item, core: core, header: header, viewController: tableViewController)
var rows: [StaticTableViewRow] = []
for action in actions {
var style: StaticTableViewRowButtonStyle
switch action.type {
case .destructive:
style = .destructive
style = .plainNonOpaque
let row: StaticTableViewRow = StaticTableViewRow(buttonWithAction: { (_, _) in
moreViewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
action.completion?(item, core, self.vcToPresentIn!)
}, title:, style: style)
let title = NSAttributedString(string: "Actions".localized, attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: .heavy)])
let section = MoreStaticTableViewSection(headerAttributedTitle: title, identifier: "actions-section", rows: rows)
return moreViewController
func openIn(completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> Action {
let action = Action(with: "Open in".localized, completion: { (item, core, vcToPresentIn) in
let controller = DownloadFileProgressHUDViewController()
controller.present(on: vcToPresentIn)
if let downloadProgress = core.downloadItem(item, options: nil, resultHandler: { (error, _, _, file) in
if error != nil {
Log.log("Error \(String(describing: error)) downloading \(String(describing: item.path)) in openIn function")
} else {
controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
self.interactionController = UIDocumentInteractionController(url: file!.url)
self.interactionController?.presentOptionsMenu(from: .zero, in: vcToPresentIn.view, animated: true)
}) {
controller.attach(progress: downloadProgress)
} else {
let alert = UIAlertController(with: "No Network connection", message: "No network connection")
vcToPresentIn.present(alert, animated: true)
}, type: .regular)
return action
func duplicate(completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> Action {
let action = Action(with: "Duplicate", completion: { (item, core, viewcontroller) in
guard let viewController = viewcontroller as? ClientQueryViewController else {
var name: String = "\(!) copy"
if item.type != .collection {
let itemName = item.nameWithoutExtension()
var fileExtension = item.fileExtension()
if fileExtension != "" {
fileExtension = ".\(fileExtension)"
name = "\(itemName) copy\(fileExtension)"
if let progress = core.copy(item, to: viewController.query?.rootItem, withName: name, options: nil, resultHandler: { (error, _, item, _) in
if error != nil {
Log.log("Error \(String(describing: error)) deleting \(String(describing: item?.path))")
}) {
viewController.progressSummarizer?.startTracking(progress: progress)
}, type: .regular)
return action
func move(completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> Action {
let action = Action(with: "Move".localized, completion: { (item, core, viewController) in
guard let viewController = viewController as? ClientQueryViewController else {
let directoryPickerVC = ClientDirectoryPickerViewController(core: core, path: "/", completion: { (selectedDirectory) in
if let progress = core.move(item, to: selectedDirectory, withName:, options: nil, resultHandler: { (error, _, _, _) in
if error != nil {
Log.log("Error \(String(describing: error)) moving \(String(describing: item.path))")
}) {
viewController.progressSummarizer?.startTracking(progress: progress)
let pickerNavigationController = ThemeNavigationController(rootViewController: directoryPickerVC)
viewController.navigationController?.present(pickerNavigationController, animated: true)
}, type: .regular)
return action
func delete(completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> Action {
let action = Action(with: "Delete".localized, completion: { (item, core, viewController) in
let alertController = UIAlertController(
message: "Are you sure you want to delete this item from the server?".localized,
destructiveLabel: "Delete".localized,
preferredStyle: UIDevice.current.isIpad() ? UIAlertControllerStyle.alert : UIAlertControllerStyle.actionSheet,
destructiveAction: {
if let progress = core.delete(item, requireMatch: true, resultHandler: { (error, _, _, _) in
if error != nil {
Log.log("Error \(String(describing: error)) deleting \(String(describing: item.path))")
}) {
if let viewController = viewController as? ClientQueryViewController {
viewController.progressSummarizer?.startTracking(progress: progress)
viewController.present(alertController, animated: true)
}, type: .destructive)
return action
func rename(completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> Action {
let action = Action(with: "Rename".localized, completion: { (item, core, viewController) in
guard let viewController = viewController as? ClientQueryViewController else {
let renameViewController = NamingViewController(with: item, core: self.core, stringValidator: { name in
if name.contains("/") || name.contains("\\") {
return (false, "File name cannot contain / or \\")
} else {
return (true, nil)
}, completion: { newName, _ in
guard newName != nil else {
if let progress = core.move(item, to: viewController.query?.rootItem, withName: newName, options: nil, resultHandler: { (error, _, _, _) in
if error != nil {
Log.log("Error \(String(describing: error)) renaming \(String(describing: item.path))")
}) {
viewController.progressSummarizer?.startTracking(progress: progress)
renameViewController.navigationItem.title = "Rename".localized
let navigationController = ThemeNavigationController(rootViewController: renameViewController)
navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
viewController.present(navigationController, animated: true)
}, type: .regular)
return action
extension ActionsMoreViewController: UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate {
func documentInteractionControllerDidDismissOpenInMenu(_ controller: UIDocumentInteractionController) {
self.interactionController = nil
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