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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Homework #2 of Advanced Programing Methodology at SNU
N = 100;
C = [];
S0 = []; S1 = []; S2 = []; T0 = []; T1 = []; T2 = [];
for k = 1:N
c = 10^(10*rand); C = [C c];
% Create m by n (m >= n) matrix with condition number c
m = 1 + round(100*rand);
n = min(1+round(m*rand),m);
A = givcond(m,n,c);
[Q,R] = clgs(A); % Classical Gram-Schmidt
S0 = [S0 norm(Q*R-A)];
T0 = [T0 norm(Q'*Q-eye(n))];
[Q,R] = mgs(A); % Modified Gram-Schmidt
S1 = [S1 norm(Q*R-A)]
T1 = [T1 norm(Q'*Q-eye(n))];
disp(['k=' int2str(k)]);
loglog(C,S0,'*r*', 'MarkerSize',10);
hold on
loglog(C,S1,'*r*', 'MarkerSize',10);
xlabel('condition number', 'Fontweight', 'bold','Fontsize', 18);
ylabel('||QR-A||_2','Fontweight','bold','Fontsize', 18);
title('stability in QR decomposition','Fontweight','bold' ,'Fontsize', 18);
legend('Gram-Schmidt','Modified Gram-Schmidt');
hold off
hold on
xlabel('condition number', 'Fontweight', 'bold','Fontsize', 18);
ylabel('||Q^*Q-I||_2','Fontweight','bold','Fontsize', 18);
title('stability in QR decomposition','Fontweight','bold' ,'Fontsize', 18);
legend('Gram-Schmidt','Modified Gram-Schmidt');
hold off
function A = givcond(m,n,c)
c = max(abs(c),1);
p = min(m,n);
[U,X] = qr(randn(m,p),0);
[V,X] = qr(randn(n,p),0);
S = diag(logspace(0,-log10(c),p));
A = U*S*V';
% The Classical style of Gram Schmidt orthogonalization
function [Q,R] = clgs(A)
% Keep here the length of the matrix A, for iteration counters
len = size(A,2);
for j = 1:len
if j>1
% For elements after the first one, we should run these calculations
R(1:j-1,j) = A(:,1:j-1)'*A(:,j);
A(:,j) = A(:,j)-A(:,1:j-1)*R(1:j-1,j);
% We should keep normalized vectors in Q.
R(j,j) = norm(A(:,j),2);
A(:,j) = A(:,j)/R(j,j);
Q = A;
% The Modified style of Gram Schmidt orthogonalization
function [Q,R] = mgs(A)
% Keep here the length of the matrix A, for iteration counters
len = size(A,2);
R = zeros(len);
for j = 1:len
R(j,j) = norm(A(:,j),2);
A(:,j) = A(:,j)/R(j,j);
if j==len
% If we have not reached the final element, we should
% run these calculations.
R(j,j+1:len) = A(:,j)'*A(:,j+1:len);
A(:,j+1:len) = A(:,j+1:len)-A(:,j)*R(j,j+1:len);
Q = A;
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