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Last active December 3, 2019 19:49
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  • Save pabloest/a99705427729ddea7824630c0fa9fcb2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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textlint configuration
"rules": {
"no-todo": true,
// "html": true,
//"unexpanded-acronym" : {
// "min_acronym_len" : 3,
// "ignore_acronyms" : ["OSS", "FYI", "GPS]
"abbr-within-parentheses": true,
"alex": {
"allow": []
"stop-words": {
// Load default dictionary (see dict.txt in the repository)
"defaultWords": true,
// Syntax elements to skip. Overrides the default
"skip": ["Blockquote"],
// Extra words
"words": [
"you can"
// Excluded words
"exclude": [
"period of time"
// OR load terms from a file
// "words": "~/stop-words.txt"
"write-good": {
"passive": true,
"thereIs": true,
"illusion": true,
"so": true,
"weasel": true,
"adverb": true,
"tooWordy": true,
"cliches": true,
"eprime": false
"en-max-word-count": {
"max" : 50
"en-capitalization": {
// allow lower-case words in Header
"allowHeading": true,
// allow lower-case words in Image alt
"allowFigures": true,
// allow lower-case words in ListItem
"allowLists": true,
// allow lower-case words in anywhere
"allowWords": []
"rousseau": {
"showLevels": ["suggestion", "warning", "error"],
"ignoreTypes": ["sentence:uppercase"],
"passive": true,
"lexical-illusion": true,
"so": true,
"adverbs": true,
"readibility": true,
"simplicity": true,
"weasel": true,
"sentence:start": true,
"sentence:end": true,
"sentence:uppercase": true,
"no-start-duplicated-conjunction": {
"interval" : 2 // interval of sentences
"max-comma": {
"max" : 4
"terminology": {
// Load default terms (see terms.json in the repository)
"defaultTerms": true,
// Syntax elements to skip. Overrides the default
"skip": ["Blockquote"],
// OR load terms from a file
"terms": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/textlint-rule-terminology/terms.json",
// Excludes terms
"exclude": [
"period-in-list-item": true,
"diacritics": {
// List of additional words
"words": [
// OR load words from a file
"words": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/textlint-rule-diacritics/words.json",
// OR load words from npm
// "words": "@johnsmith/words"
// "spellchecker": {
// skipWords: ['JavaScript', 'ECMAScript'],
// skipRegExps: ['(?:[a-z]+)Script', '/^>[\s\S]*$/gm'],
// skipNodeTypes: ['Link', 'Image', 'BlockQuote', 'Emphasis', 'Code'],
// }
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