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Created August 26, 2022 17:04
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from importlib.resources import path
import pathlib
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from memray import FileReader
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True)
class Location:
function: str
file: str
line: int
class AllocationEntry:
own_memory: int
total_memory: int
n_allocations: int
thread_ids: set[int]
class CodeFormatter(HtmlFormatter):
"""Formatter that highlights the specified code lines in red"""
def __init__(self, total_memory:int, lines_to_highlight: list[int], *args, **kwargs):
self.lines_to_highlight = lines_to_highlight
self.total_memory = total_memory
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def wrap(self, source):
source = super().wrap(source)
return self._wrap_code(source)
def _wrap_code(self, source):
line_no = self.linenostart - 1
for i, t in source:
line_no += 1
if i == 1:
# Wrap the line with a highlight style if it's a line we want to highlight
if (line_no -1) in self.lines_to_highlight:
allocation = self.lines_to_highlight[line_no-1]
percentage = allocation.own_memory / self.total_memory
number = round(percentage * 4) + 1
t = f"<span class='highlight-{number}'>{t}</span><span class='tooltiptext'>total: {percentage*100} - {allocation}</span>"
yield i, t
def html_generator(code: str, total_memory:int, lines_to_highlight: list[int]):
yield "<!DOCTYPE html>"
yield "<html>"
yield "<head>"
yield "<title>MEMRAY REPORT</title>"
yield "<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">"
formatter = CodeFormatter(total_memory=total_memory,lines_to_highlight=lines_to_highlight, linenos=True, full=True)
yield "<style>"
# Yield css styles for 10 different colors from green to red
for i in range(1, 6):
yield f".highlight-{i} {{ background-color: hsl({100 -(i/5)*100}, 100%, 50%); }}"
yield "span.highlight-{i}:hover + span.tooltiptext { visibility: visible; }"
# Add css for the highlight class with red background bold text
yield "span.tooltiptext { visibility: hidden; background-color: black; color: #fff; text-align: center; padding: 5px 0; border-radius: 6px; position: absolute; z-index: 1; }"
yield "span.annotation { background-color: yellow; padding: 20px; display: none; }"
# yield "span.highlight:hover { background-color: #ff0000; }"
yield "span.highlight:onclick + span.annotation { display: block; }"
yield from formatter.get_style_defs()
yield "</style>"
yield "</head>"
yield "<body>"
code = highlight(code, PythonLexer(), formatter)
yield code
yield "</body>"
yield "</html>"
def generate_html(*args, **kwargs):
return "\n".join(html_generator(*args, **kwargs))
def main(allocations):
processed_allocations = defaultdict(
lambda: AllocationEntry(
own_memory=0, total_memory=0, n_allocations=0, thread_ids=set()
current_total = 0
for allocation in allocations:
current_total += allocation.size
stack_trace = list(allocation.stack_trace())
if not stack_trace:
frame = processed_allocations[Location(function="???", file="???", line=0)]
frame.total_memory += allocation.size
frame.own_memory += allocation.size
frame.n_allocations += allocation.n_allocations
(function, file_name, line), *caller_frames = stack_trace
location = Location(function=function, file=file_name, line=line)
processed_allocations[location] = AllocationEntry(
# Walk upwards and sum totals
visited = set()
for function, file_name, line in caller_frames:
location = Location(function=function, file=file_name, line=line)
frame = processed_allocations[location]
if location in visited:
frame.total_memory += allocation.size
frame.n_allocations += allocation.n_allocations
files = defaultdict(dict)
for location, allocation in processed_allocations.items():
files[location.file][location.line] = allocation
for file, allocations in files.items():
thefile = pathlib.Path(file)
if not thefile.exists():
with open(thefile) as codefile:
code =
with open("results/" +".py", ".html"), "w") as html_file:
print(generate_html(code, total_memory=current_total, lines_to_highlight=allocations), file=html_file)
return processed_allocations
with FileReader("test.bin") as reader:
allocations = reader.get_high_watermark_allocation_records()
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