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Created July 9, 2018 17:28
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WYSS - What're Your System Specs? Gather all the specs from a system into a neat table
local wyss = {
--OS detected by LÖVE
os = love.system.getOS(),
--Current LÖVE version (>= 11.0)
love = table.concat({love.getVersion()}, '.', 1, 3),
--Lua version (in case it was changed)
lua = _VERSION,
processor = {
--Number of threads/processors
count = love.system.getProcessorCount(),
if jit then
--FFI trick to get the ammount of RAM in the system
local ffi = require "ffi"
int SDL_GetSystemRAM(void);
local sdl = ffi.os == "Windows" and ffi.load("SDL") or ffi.C
local ok, value = pcall(sdl.SDL_GetSystemRAM)
if ok and tonumber(value) then
wyss.processor.memory = tonumber(value)
--Architecture of the CPU
wyss.processor.arch = jit.arch
--Available JIT compiler features
local features = {jit.status()}
wyss.jit = {
version = jit.version,
enabled = table.remove(features, 1),
features = features
--Double check for the OS string using LuaJIT's own information
wyss.os = string.format("%s (%s)", wyss.os, jit.os)
if then
--Get renderer (GPU and driver) information
local name, version, vendor, gpu =
--Tables with supported features
local features, image, canvas, readable = {}, {}, {}, {}
for k, v in pairs( do
if v then table.insert(features, k) end
for k, v in pairs( do --luacheck: ignore
if v then table.insert(image, k) end
for k, v in pairs( do
if v then table.insert(canvas, k) end
for k, v in pairs( do
if v then table.insert(readable, k) end
wyss.renderer = {
info = {
driver = {name, version},
gpu = gpu,
vendor = vendor
supports = {
features = features,
image = image,
canvas = canvas,
readable = readable
--Renderer limits
limits =
return wyss
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