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Created May 10, 2021 19:51
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Code snippet code sugestion
from typing import Union
import pandas as pd
# Load dataset with codes order by probability
URL = (''
df_search = pd.read_csv(URL, index_col='index')
def suggest_codes(cod_1: Union[int, str], cod_2: Union[int, str]) -> pd.DataFrame:
cod_1 (int): First verification mobile code.
cod_2 (int): First verification mobile code.
Dataframe with pin code suggestions sorted by probability.
cod_1, cod_2 = str(cod_1).zfill(4)[2:], str(cod_2).zfill(4)[2:]
if cod_2 < cod_1:
cod_1, cod_2 = cod_2, cod_1
key = int(cod_1 + cod_2)
return df_search.loc[key]
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