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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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pabs@halcyon:~/git/fys> perl
host,time,"60d 3h","40d 3h","32d 3h"
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::CSV;
# create csv parser
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({
binary => 1
}) or die "Cannot create CSV parser: " . Text::CSV->error_diag();
# read csv rows
my @rows;
# load input file
open my $fh, '<:encoding(utf8)', 'test.csv'
or die "Couldn't open test.csv: $!";
# read rows
while (my $row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
# skip rows that do not have a status of "down"
$row->[1] =~ /down/ or next;
# get number of days
my $days = ($row->[2] =~ /(\d+)d/) ? $1 : 0;
# skip rows that are less than 30 days old
next unless $days > 30;
# add to output
push @rows, {
host => $row->[0],
time => $row->[2],
days => $days,
# set line terminator
# print csv header
$csv->print(*STDOUT, ['host', 'time']);
# write rows to output
$csv->print(*STDOUT, [$_->{host}, $_->{time}]) for (sort {
# sort rows in reverse order
$b->{days} <=> $a->{days}
} @rows);
pabs@halcyon:~/git/fys> python
host,time,60d 3h,40d 3h,32d 3h
# load libraries
import re, csv, sys
# cache down regex
DOWN_RE = re.compile(r"down", re.I)
def is_down(val):
return re.match(DOWN_RE, val)
# cache days regex
DAYS_RE = re.compile(r"(\d+)d")
def to_days(val):
# match days portion of time value
md = re.match(DAYS_RE, val)
# return 0 if regex didn't match
if md is None:
return 0
# convert number of days to integer
return int(
# open output csv and write header
out = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
out.writerow(["host", "time"])
# open input csv "test.csv"
with open('test.csv', 'rb') as src_fh:
# convert to rows and filter on relevant rows
rows = filter(lambda row: row["down"] and row["days"] > 30, [{
"host": row[0],
"down": is_down(row[1]),
"time": row[2],
"days": to_days(row[2]),
} for row in csv.reader(src_fh)])
# sort rows by descending number of days
rows.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(b["days"], a["days"]))
# print rows to output csv
for row in rows:
out.writerow([row["host"], row["time"]])
pabs@halcyon:~/git/fys> ruby ruby.rb
host,time,60d 3h,40d 3h,32d 3h
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# load csv library
require 'csv'
# write to standard output
CSV($stdout) do |out|
# write output csv header
out << %w{host time}
# read from input csv "test.csv"'test.csv').map do |row|
# match days portion of time column
md = row[2].match(/(\d+)d/)
# convert to integer, or zero if we couldn't match any day value
days = md ? md[1].to_i : 0
# map source row to hash of values
host: row[0],
down: row[1] =~ /down/,
time: row[2],
days: days,
} do |row|
# filter on rows that we care about
row[:down] && row[:days] > 30
end.sort do |a, b|
# sort rows in reverse order
b[:days] <=> a[:days]
end.each do |row|
# convert to csv row and add to output
out << [row[:host], row[:time]]
host status time up 0d 4h down 15d 3h down 32d 3h down 40d 3h down 60d 3h
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