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Created August 30, 2017 12:23
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#include "ukf.h"
#include "Eigen/Dense"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
using std::vector;
* Initializes Unscented Kalman filter
UKF::UKF() {
is_initialized_ = false;
previous_timestamp_ = 0;
// if this is false, laser measurements will be ignored (except during init)
use_laser_ = true;
// if this is false, radar measurements will be ignored (except during init)
use_radar_ = true;
// initial state vector
x_ = VectorXd(5);
//Augmented mean vector
x_aug = VectorXd(7);
// initial covariance matrix
P_ = MatrixXd(5, 5);
// Augmented Covariance Matrix
P_aug = MatrixXd(7, 7);
//Generated Sigma Points
Xsig_aug_ = MatrixXd(15, 7); //MatrixXd(n_aug, 2*n_aug+1)
//Predicted Sigma Points
Xsig_pred_ = MatrixXd(15, 5); //MatrixXd(n_x, 2*n_aug+1)
// Process noise standard deviation longitudinal acceleration in m/s^2 CHANGE THESES
std_a_ = 30;
// Process noise standard deviation yaw acceleration in rad/s^2 CHANGE THESES
std_yawdd_ = 30;
// Laser measurement noise standard deviation position1 in m
std_laspx_ = 0.15;
v_laspx = 0.025;//std^2
// Laser measurement noise standard deviation position2 in m
std_laspy_ = 0.15;
v_laspy = 0.025;//std^2
// Radar measurement noise standard deviation radius in m
std_radr_ = 0.3;
// Radar measurement noise standard deviation angle in rad
std_radphi_ = 0.03;
// Radar measurement noise standard deviation radius change in m/s
std_radrd_ = 0.3;
Complete the initialization. See ukf.h for other member properties.
Hint: one or more values initialized above might be wildly off...
UKF::~UKF() {}
* @param {MeasurementPackage} meas_package The latest measurement data of
* either radar or laser.
void UKF::ProcessMeasurement(MeasurementPackage meas_package) {
Initializtion Structure
if (!is_initialized_) {
//Initialize x_, P_, previous_time, or any other variables
n_x_ = 5;
n_aug_ = 7;
lambda_ = 3 - n_aug_;
weights_ = VectorXd(2 * n_aug_ + 1);
if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::LASER) {
* Initialize State
//p_x position
x_(0) = meas_package.raw_measurements_(0);
//p_y position
x_(1) = meas_package.raw_measurements_(1);
x_(2) = 0;// actual value not known
x_(3) = 0;//actual value not known
x_(4) = 0;//actual value not known
} else if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR) {
//initialize stuff here
float rho = meas_package.raw_measurements_(0);
float psi = meas_package.raw_measurements_(1);
float rho_dot = meas_package.raw_measurements_(2);
x_(0) = rho * cos(psi); //convert to px
x_(1) = rho * sin(psi); //convert to py
x_(2) = rho_dot; //v approximation
x_(3) = psi;//psi
x_(4) = 0;//psi dot
previous_timestamp_ = meas_package.timestamp_;
is_initialized_ = true;
Control Structure
//Change in time
float dt = (meas_package.timestamp_ - previous_timestamp_) / 1000000.0;
if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::LASER) {
} else if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR) {
//Reassigning Time
previous_timestamp_ = meas_package.timestamp_;
* Predicts sigma points, the state, and the state covariance matrix.
* @param {double} delta_t the change in time (in seconds) between the last
* measurement and this one.
void UKF::Prediction(double delta_t) {
Complete this function! Estimate the object's location. Modify the state
vector, x_. Predict sigma points, the state, and the state covariance matrix.
* Step One Create Augmented Sigma Points
* Lesson 7 Section 18
* ************************************************************************/
//set first five rows of augmented x equal to x
x_aug.head(5) << x_;
x_aug(5) = 0.0;
x_aug(6) = 0.0;
//create augmented covariance matrix
P_aug.topLeftCorner(5, 5) = P_;
P_aug(5, 5) = std_a_ * std_a_;
P_aug(6, 6) = std_yawdd_ * std_yawdd_;
//create square root matrix
MatrixXd L = P_aug.llt().matrixL();
//create augmented sigma points, number of sigma points= 2*n_aug+1 = 15
//first column
Xsig_aug_.col(0) = x_aug;
for (int i = 0; i < n_aug_; i++) {
//columns 2-8 or the first n_aug columns
Xsig_aug_.col(i + 1) = x_aug + sqrt(lambda_ + n_aug_) * L.col(i);
//colums 9-15 or the second n_aug columns
Xsig_aug_.col(i + 1 + n_aug_) = x_aug + sqrt(lambda_ + n_aug_) * L.col(i);
* Predict Sigma Points
* Lesson 7 Section 21
* ************************************************************************/
//predicted sigma points
for (int j = 0; j < (2 * n_aug_ + 1); j++) {
// extract values for better readability
double p_x = Xsig_aug_(0, j);
double p_y = Xsig_aug_(1, j);
double v = Xsig_aug_(2, j);
double yaw = Xsig_aug_(3, j);
double yawd = Xsig_aug_(4, j);
double nu_a = Xsig_aug_(5, j);
double nu_yawdd = Xsig_aug_(6, j);
//Passing sigma points through state prediction equations
//predicted state values
double px_p, py_p;
//avoid division by zero
//predicted position
if (fabs(yawd) > 0.001) {
px_p = p_x + v / yawd * (sin(yaw + yawd * delta_t) - sin(yaw));
py_p = p_y + v / yawd * (cos(yaw) - cos(yaw + yawd * delta_t));
} else {
px_p = p_x + v * cos(yaw) * delta_t;
py_p = p_y + v * sin(yaw) * delta_t;
//predicted velocity and yaw/yaw rate
double v_p = v;
double yaw_p = yaw + yawd * delta_t;
double yawd_p = yawd;
//add noise
//position noise
px_p = px_p + 0.5 * nu_a * delta_t * delta_t * cos(yaw);
py_p = py_p + 0.5 * nu_a * delta_t * delta_t * sin(yaw);
//velocity noise
v_p = v_p + nu_a * delta_t;
//yaw noise
yaw_p = yaw_p + 0.5 * nu_yawdd * delta_t * delta_t;
yawd_p = yawd_p + nu_yawdd * delta_t;
//Predicted sigma points, only five points because we do not return noise components
Xsig_pred_(0, j) = px_p;
Xsig_pred_(1, j) = py_p;
Xsig_pred_(2, j) = v_p;
Xsig_pred_(3, j) = yaw_p;
Xsig_pred_(4, j) = yawd_p;
* Predict Mean and Variance
* Lesson 7 Section 24
* ************************************************************************/
// set weights
double weight_0 = lambda_ / (lambda_ + n_aug_);
weights_(0) = weight_0;
for (int k = 1; k < (2 * n_aug_ + 1); k++) {
double weight = 0.5 / (n_aug_ + lambda_);
weights_(k) = weight;
//predicted state mean
for (int l = 0; l < (2 * n_aug_ + 1); l++) {
x_ = x_ + weights_(l) * Xsig_pred_.col(l);
//predicted state covariance matrix
for (int m = 0; m < (2 * n_aug_ + 1); m++) {
//state difference
VectorXd x_diff = Xsig_pred_.col(m) - x_;
//angle normalization
while (x_diff(3) > M_PI) x_diff(3) -= 2. * M_PI;
while (x_diff(3) < -M_PI) x_diff(3) += 2. * M_PI;
P_ = P_ + weights_(m) * x_diff * x_diff.transpose();
* Updates the state and the state covariance matrix using a laser measurement.
* @param {MeasurementPackage} meas_package
void UKF::UpdateLidar(MeasurementPackage meas_package) {
Complete this function! Use lidar data to update the belief about the object's
position. Modify the state vector, x_, and covariance, P_.
You'll also need to calculate the lidar NIS.
VectorXd z = VectorXd(2);
z(0) = x_(0);//px
z(1) = x_(1);//py
MatrixXd H_ = MatrixXd(2, 5);
H_ << 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0;
MatrixXd R_ = MatrixXd(2, 2);
R_ << 0.025, 0,
0, 0.025;
VectorXd y = z - H_ * x_; //y = z-z_pred (z_pred = H_ * x_)
MatrixXd Ht = H_.transpose();// 2x5 -> 5x2
MatrixXd P_Ht = P_ * Ht;// 5x5 * 5x2 -> 5x2
MatrixXd S = H_ * P_Ht; //+ R_; //2x5 * 5x2 + 2x2 =2x2
MatrixXd Si = S.inverse();
MatrixXd K = P_ * Ht * Si;
long x_size = x_.size();
MatrixXd I = MatrixXd::Identity(x_size, x_size);
//new state
x_ = x_ + (K * y);
P_ = (I - K * H_) * P_;
* Updates the state and the state covariance matrix using a radar measurement.
* @param {MeasurementPackage} meas_package
void UKF::UpdateRadar(MeasurementPackage meas_package) {
Complete this function! Use radar data to update the belief about the object's
position. Modify the state vector, x_, and covariance, P_.
You'll also need to calculate the radar NIS.
* Lesson 7 Section 27
MatrixXd Zsig = MatrixXd(3, 2 * n_aug_ + 1);//matrix size 3x15
//transform sigma points into measurement space
for (int i = 0; i < (2 * n_aug_ + 1); ++i) {//2n_aug+1 sigma points
//extract values for better readability
double p_x = Xsig_pred_(0, i);
double p_y = Xsig_pred_(1, i);
double v = Xsig_pred_(2, i);
double yaw = Xsig_pred_(3, i);
double yaw_d = Xsig_pred_(4, i);
double v1 = cos(yaw) * v;//v in the x direction
double v2 = sin(yaw) * v;//v in the y direction
Zsig(0, i) = sqrt(p_x * p_x + p_y * p_y); //r
Zsig(1, i) = atan2(p_y, p_x); //phi
Zsig(2, i) = (p_x * v1 + p_y * v2) / sqrt(p_x * p_x + p_y * p_y); //r_dot
//mean predicted measurement
VectorXd z_pred = VectorXd(3);
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * n_aug_ + 1; i++) { //15 iterations 2*7+1
z_pred = z_pred + weights_(i) * Zsig.col(i);
//measurement covariance matrix S and cross correlation Matrix
MatrixXd S = MatrixXd(3, 3);
MatrixXd Tc_ = MatrixXd(5, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * n_aug_ + 1; i++) {//15 iterations
VectorXd z_diff = Zsig.col(i) - z_pred;
//angle normalization
while (z_diff(1) > M_PI) z_diff(1) -= 2. * M_PI;
while (z_diff(1) < -M_PI) z_diff(1) += 2. * M_PI;
// state difference
VectorXd x_diff = Xsig_pred_.col(i) - x_;
//angle normalization
while (x_diff(3) > M_PI) x_diff(3) -= 2. * M_PI;
while (x_diff(3) < -M_PI) x_diff(3) += 2. * M_PI;
Tc_ = Tc_ + weights_(i) * x_diff * z_diff.transpose();
S = S + weights_(i) * z_diff * z_diff.transpose();
//add measurement noise covariance matrix
MatrixXd R_ = MatrixXd(3, 3);
R_ << std_radr_ * std_radr_, 0, 0,
0, std_radphi_ * std_radphi_, 0,
0, 0, std_radrd_ * std_radrd_;
S = S + R_;
//Kalman gain K
MatrixXd K_ = Tc_ * S.inverse();
//Measurement Values
VectorXd z_meas = VectorXd(3);
z_meas = meas_package.raw_measurements_;
VectorXd z_diff = z_meas - z_pred;
//angle normalization
while (z_diff(1)> M_PI) z_diff(1)-=2.*M_PI;
while (z_diff(1)<-M_PI) z_diff(1)+=2.*M_PI;
//update state mean and covariance matrix
x_ = x_ + (K_ * z_diff);
P_ = P_-K_*S*K_.transpose();
#ifndef UKF_H
#define UKF_H
#include "measurement_package.h"
#include "Eigen/Dense"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
class UKF {
///* initially set to false, set to true in first call of ProcessMeasurement
bool is_initialized_;
///* if this is false, laser measurements will be ignored (except for init)
bool use_laser_;
///* if this is false, radar measurements will be ignored (except for init)
bool use_radar_;
///* state vector: [pos1 pos2 vel_abs yaw_angle yaw_rate] in SI units and rad
VectorXd x_;
///* augmented vector: [pos1 pos2 vel_abs yaw_angle yaw_rate] in SI units and rad
VectorXd x_aug;
///* state covariance matrix
MatrixXd P_;
///* Augmented covariance matrix
MatrixXd P_aug;
///* predicted sigma points matrix
MatrixXd Xsig_aug_;
///* predicted sigma points matrix
MatrixXd Xsig_pred_;
///* time when the state is true, in us
long long previous_timestamp_;
///* Process noise standard deviation longitudinal acceleration in m/s^2
double std_a_;
///* Process noise standard deviation yaw acceleration in rad/s^2
double std_yawdd_;
///* Laser measurement noise standard deviation position1 in m
double std_laspx_;
double v_laspx;
///* Laser measurement noise standard deviation position2 in m
double std_laspy_;
double v_laspy;
///* Radar measurement noise standard deviation radius in m
double std_radr_;
///* Radar measurement noise standard deviation angle in rad
double std_radphi_;
///* Radar measurement noise standard deviation radius change in m/s
double std_radrd_;
///* Weights of sigma points
VectorXd weights_;
///* State dimension
int n_x_;
///* Augmented state dimension
int n_aug_;
///* Sigma point spreading parameter
double lambda_;
* Constructor
* Destructor
virtual ~UKF();
* ProcessMeasurement
* @param meas_package The latest measurement data of either radar or laser
void ProcessMeasurement(MeasurementPackage meas_package);
* Prediction Predicts sigma points, the state, and the state covariance
* matrix
* @param delta_t Time between k and k+1 in s
void Prediction(double delta_t);
* Updates the state and the state covariance matrix using a laser measurement
* @param meas_package The measurement at k+1
void UpdateLidar(MeasurementPackage meas_package);
* Updates the state and the state covariance matrix using a radar measurement
* @param meas_package The measurement at k+1
void UpdateRadar(MeasurementPackage meas_package);
#endif /* UKF_H */
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