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Created September 15, 2017 16:31
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* particle_filter.cpp
* Created on: Dec 12, 2016
* Author: Tiffany Huang
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include "particle_filter.h"
using namespace std;
void ParticleFilter::init(double x, double y, double theta, double std[]) {
// TODO: Set the number of particles. Initialize all particles to first position (based on estimates of
// x, y, theta and their uncertainties from GPS) and all weights to 1.
// Add random Gaussian noise to each particle.
// NOTE: Consult particle_filter.h for more information about this method (and others in this file).
default_random_engine gen;
num_particles = 1;
//Create a Gaussian distribution for x, y, and theta
normal_distribution<double> dist_x(x, std[0]);
normal_distribution<double> dist_y(y, std[0]);
normal_distribution<double> dist_theta(theta, std[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; ++i) {
Particle particle; = i;
particle.x = dist_x(gen);
particle.y = dist_y(gen);
particle.theta = dist_theta(gen);
particle.weight = 1;
is_initialized = true;
void ParticleFilter::prediction(double delta_t, double std_pos[], double velocity, double yaw_rate) {
// TODO: Add measurements to each particle and add random Gaussian noise.
// NOTE: When adding noise you may find std::normal_distribution and std::default_random_engine useful.
default_random_engine gen;
for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; ++i) {
double new_x;
double new_y;
double new_theta;
// adding mearsurements for each particle
if (yaw_rate == 0) {
new_x = particles[i].x + velocity * delta_t * cos(particles[i].theta);
new_y = particles[i].y + velocity * delta_t * sin(particles[i].theta);
new_theta = particles[i].theta;
} else {
new_x = particles[i].x +
(velocity / yaw_rate) * (sin(particles[i].theta + yaw_rate * delta_t) - sin(particles[i].theta));
new_y = particles[i].y +
(velocity / yaw_rate) * (cos(particles[i].theta) - cos(particles[i].theta + yaw_rate * delta_t));
new_theta = particles[i].theta + yaw_rate * delta_t;
//Adding random Gaussian noise to ensure particles don't collapse to the same measurement
normal_distribution<double> dist_x(new_x, std_pos[0]);
normal_distribution<double> dist_y(new_y, std_pos[0]);
normal_distribution<double> dist_theta(new_theta, std_pos[0]);
particles[i].x = dist_x(gen);
particles[i].y = dist_y(gen);
particles[i].theta = dist_theta(gen);
//void ParticleFilter::dataAssociation(std::vector<LandmarkObs> predicted, std::vector<LandmarkObs> &observations) {
// // TODO: Find the predicted measurement that is closest to each observed measurement and assign the
// // observed measurement to this particular landmark.
// // NOTE: this method will NOT be called by the grading code. But you will probably find it useful to
// // implement this method and use it as a helper during the updateWeights phase.
void ParticleFilter::updateWeights(double sensor_range, double std_landmark[],
std::vector<LandmarkObs> observations, Map map_landmarks) {
// TODO: Update the weights of each particle using a mult-variate Gaussian distribution. You can read
// more about this distribution here:
// NOTE: The observations are given in the VEHICLE'S coordinate system. Your particles are located
// according to the MAP'S coordinate system. You will need to transform between the two systems.
// Keep in mind that this transformation requires both rotation AND translation (but no scaling).
// The following is a good resource for the theory:
// and the following is a good resource for the actual equation to implement (look at equation
// 3.33
//Denominator of multivariate gaussian does not change, keep outside of for loops
double mg_denominator = 1 / (2 * M_PI * std_landmark[0] * std_landmark[1]);
//loop through all particles
for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; ++i) {
double multi_gauss = 1;
//loop through all observations
for (int j = 0; j < observations.size(); ++j) {
//convert observations from car coordinate system to map coordinate system
double obs_map_x = particles[i].x + (cos(particles[i].theta) * observations[j].x) -
(sin(particles[i].theta) * observations[j].y);
double obs_map_y = particles[i].y + (sin(particles[i].theta) * observations[j].x) +
(cos(particles[i].theta) * observations[j].y);
//find the closest landmark
vector<Map::single_landmark_s> landmarks = map_landmarks.landmark_list;
vector<double> landmark_object_distance(landmarks.size());
for (int k = 0; k < landmarks.size(); ++k) {
double landmark_particle_distance = dist(landmarks[k].x_f, landmarks[k].y_f, particles[i].x,
if (landmark_particle_distance <= sensor_range) {
landmark_object_distance[k] = dist(landmarks[k].x_f, landmarks[k].y_f, obs_map_x, obs_map_y);
} else {
//large number to ensure that objects that are too far are considered closest
landmark_object_distance[k] = numeric_limits<double>::max();
//nearest landmark neighbor
int nearest = distance(landmark_object_distance.begin(),
min_element(landmark_object_distance.begin(), landmark_object_distance.end()));
double mu_x = landmarks[nearest].x_f;
double mu_y = landmarks[nearest].y_f;
//calculate gaussian
double gauss_x = obs_map_x - mu_x;
double gauss_y = obs_map_y - mu_y;
multi_gauss *= (1 / mg_denominator) * exp(-(pow(gauss_x, 2) / (2 * pow(std_landmark[0], 2)) +
pow(gauss_y, 2) / (2 * pow(std_landmark[1], 2))));
particles[i].weight = multi_gauss;
weights[i] = particles[i].weight;
void ParticleFilter::resample() {
// TODO: Resample particles with replacement with probability proportional to their weight.
// NOTE: You may find std::discrete_distribution helpful here.
default_random_engine gen;
discrete_distribution<int> distribution(weights.begin(), weights.end());
vector<Particle> resample_particles;
for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; ++i) {
particles = resample_particles;
Particle ParticleFilter::SetAssociations(Particle particle, std::vector<int> associations, std::vector<double> sense_x,
std::vector<double> sense_y) {
//particle: the particle to assign each listed association, and association's (x,y) world coordinates mapping to
// associations: The landmark id that goes along with each listed association
// sense_x: the associations x mapping already converted to world coordinates
// sense_y: the associations y mapping already converted to world coordinates
//Clear the previous associations
particle.associations = associations;
particle.sense_x = sense_x;
particle.sense_y = sense_y;
return particle;
string ParticleFilter::getAssociations(Particle best) {
vector<int> v = best.associations;
stringstream ss;
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(ss, " "));
string s = ss.str();
s = s.substr(0, s.length() - 1); // get rid of the trailing space
return s;
string ParticleFilter::getSenseX(Particle best) {
vector<double> v = best.sense_x;
stringstream ss;
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<float>(ss, " "));
string s = ss.str();
s = s.substr(0, s.length() - 1); // get rid of the trailing space
return s;
string ParticleFilter::getSenseY(Particle best) {
vector<double> v = best.sense_y;
stringstream ss;
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<float>(ss, " "));
string s = ss.str();
s = s.substr(0, s.length() - 1); // get rid of the trailing space
return s;
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