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Last active December 16, 2018 16:30
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import ui
import location
import time
import motion
from math import *
cardinales = (
'N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE',
'S', 'SSO', 'SO', 'OSO', 'O', 'ONO', 'NO', 'NNO'
v = ui.load_view()
v.present('sheet', hide_title_bar = True)
while True:
gps = location.get_location()
v['latitud'].text = f"{gps['latitude']:12.7f}N"
v['longitud'].text = f"{gps['longitude']:12.7f}E"
v['altura'].text = f"{round(gps['altitude']):4d} m."
v['speed'].text = f"{round(gps['speed'] * 3.6):^4d}" if gps['speed'] != -1 \
else "N/D"
rumbo = gps['course']
i = round(rumbo / 22.5)
v['course'].text = f"{round(rumbo):3d}° {cardinales[i % 16]}" \
if rumbo != -1 else "N/D"
direcciones = ''
for direccion in location.reverse_geocode(gps):
direcciones += f"{direccion.get('Street')}\n"
v['direccion'].text = direcciones[:-1]
mag_vec = motion.get_magnetic_field()
if mag_vec[0] < 0:
compas = pi / 2 + atan(mag_vec[1] / min(mag_vec[0], -1e-14))
compas = pi + pi / 2 + atan(mag_vec[1] / max(mag_vec[0], 1e-14))
compas = compas / (2 * pi) * 359
i = round(compas / 22.5)
v['compas'].text = f"{round(compas):3d}° {cardinales[i % 16]}"
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