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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Template haskell Foldable/Unfoldable instances and datatypes generation for recursion-schemes
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell, DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import TH
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Criterion.Main
import Prelude hiding (Foldable)
data Tree a = Leaf | T (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving (Show)
makePrim ''Tree
alg :: Prim (Tree Int) Int -> Int
alg LeafF = 0
alg (TF !tl !a !tr) = tl + a + tr
alg2 0 = LeafF
alg2 n = TF (n-1) n (n-1)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain [
bgroup "cata"
[ bench "rec" $ whnf recSum sample
, bench "cata" $ whnf cataSum sample
recSum :: Tree Int -> Int
recSum Leaf = 0
recSum (T l a r) = recSum l + a + recSum r
cataSum :: Tree Int -> Int
cataSum = cata alg
sample :: Tree Int
sample = ana alg2 20
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, TemplateHaskell #-}
module TH where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lens
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Prelude hiding (Foldable)
class HasType t where
typeVal :: Traversal' t Type
instance HasType Con where
typeVal f (NormalC name typ) = NormalC name <$> typeVal f typ
typeVal f (RecC name typ) = RecC name <$> typeVal f typ
typeVal f (InfixC typ1 name typ2) = InfixC <$> typeVal f typ1
<*> pure name <*> typeVal f typ2
typeVal f (ForallC vb ctx con) = ForallC vb ctx <$> typeVal f con
instance HasType t => HasType [t] where
typeVal = traverse . typeVal
instance HasType (a, b, Type) where
typeVal f (a, b, typ) = (,,) a b <$> f typ
instance HasType (a, Type) where
typeVal f (a, typ) = (,) a <$> f typ
makePrim :: Name -> DecsQ
makePrim name = do
reify name >>= \case
TyConI dec -> makePrimForDec dec
_ -> fail "makePrim: Expected type constructor name"
toFName :: Name -> Name
toFName name = mkName $ nameBase name ++ "F"
varBindName :: Getter TyVarBndr Type
varBindName = to (VarT . \case PlainTV n -> n ; KindedTV n _ -> n)
makePrimForDec :: Dec -> DecsQ
makePrimForDec = \case
dd@(DataD _{-context-} tyName vars cons _{-derive-}) -> do
r <- VarT <$> newName "r"
-- exctract useful stuff
let fullType = foldlOf (traverse . varBindName) AppT (ConT tyName) vars :: Type
primType = ConT ''Prim `AppT` fullType
-- data instance declaration
let toFunctor = set (traverse . typeVal . filtered (== fullType)) r
renameRecs = over (traverse . _RecC . _2 . traverse . _1) toFName
renameCons = over (traverse . name) toFName
cons' = renameRecs . renameCons . toFunctor $ cons
dataInstance = DataInstD [] ''Prim [fullType, r] cons' [''Functor, ''Show]
-- type synonym instance declaration
let typeInstance = TySynInstD ''Base (TySynEqn [fullType] primType)
-- Foldable project
let (nNames, map length -> nAttrs) = unzip $ map normalizeConstructor cons
args <- mapM (flip replicateM (newName "a")) nAttrs
let projD = FunD 'project (mkMorphism nNames (map toFName nNames) args)
foldInstance = InstanceD [] (ConT ''Foldable `AppT` fullType) [projD]
-- Unfoldable embed
let embD = FunD 'embed (mkMorphism (map toFName nNames) nNames args)
unfInstance = InstanceD [] (ConT ''Unfoldable `AppT` fullType) [embD]
return [dataInstance, typeInstance, foldInstance, unfInstance]
-- | makes clauses to rename constructors
mkMorphism :: [Name] -> [Name] -> [[Name]] -> [Clause]
mkMorphism nFrom nTo args =
let pats = zipWith ConP nFrom (map (map VarP) args)
res = zipWith (foldl AppE) (map ConE nTo) (map (map VarE) args)
in zipWith3 Clause (map (:[]) pats) (map NormalB res) (repeat [])
-- | Normalized the Con type into a uniform positional representation,
-- eliminating the variance between records, infix constructors, and normal
-- constructors.
normalizeConstructor ::
Con -> (Name, [(Maybe Name, Type)]) -- ^ constructor name, field name, field type
normalizeConstructor (RecC n xs) =
(n, [ (Just fieldName, ty) | (fieldName,_,ty) <- xs])
normalizeConstructor (NormalC n xs) =
(n, [ (Nothing, ty) | (_,ty) <- xs])
normalizeConstructor (InfixC (_,ty1) n (_,ty2)) =
(n, [ (Nothing, ty1), (Nothing, ty2) ])
normalizeConstructor (ForallC _ _ con) =
let con' = normalizeConstructor con
in (set (_2 . mapped . _1) Nothing con')
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