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Last active November 14, 2017 02:04
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Cracking a specific known cipher method (not shown) by reverse engineering.
import random, string
secret = "BNZQ:8o149b15764q471k2533971t6w78liec"
decoded = ""
# Each line will definitely remain lower/upper/digit.
# To find out why, pay attention to the origin code.
for i in secret:
if i.islower():
stage0 = (ord(i) - ord('a')) # range should now be 0 to 25.
stage1 = (stage0 - random.randrange(0, 26))%26
stage2 = (stage1 + ord('a'))
decoded += chr(stage2)
elif i.isupper():
stage0 = (ord(i) - ord('A')) # range should now be 0 to 25.
stage1 = (stage0 - random.randrange(0, 26))%26
stage2 = (stage1 + ord('A'))
decoded += chr(stage2)
elif i.isdigit():
stage0 = (ord(i) - ord('0')) # range should now be 0 to 25.
stage1 = (stage0 - random.randrange(0, 10))%10
stage2 = (stage1 + ord('0'))
decoded += chr(stage2)
decoded += i
print "Decoded flag: " + decoded
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