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Created July 21, 2011 23:29
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A snake game in a hand full of Ruby
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
system'stty -icanon -echoke'
loop do
k=S.getc if k=select([S],[],[],0.2)&&S.getc=="\e"&&S.getc==?[
exit if s[0][0]+1>d||s[0][1]+1>d||s[0][0]+1==0||s[0][1]+1==0||s[1..-1].index(s[0])
s+=[[s[0][0]+c[0],s[0][1]+c[1]]] if s[0]==f
f=[rand(d),rand(d)] if s.index f
(d+3).times{|y|(d+3).times{|x|print y==0?"\e[2J\e[1;1H": s.index([x-1,y-2])? ?#: f==[x-1,y-2]? ?@: x==d+2? "\n": y==1||y==d+2||x==0||x==d+1? ?X: ' '}}
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