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Created December 19, 2022 16:42
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Much Ado About Wallets
package main
import (
// an object is a function that returns its methods, which have names
type object func() map[string]method
type method func(args ...interface{}) []interface{}
// an object can be sent a named method with its arguments
// and get back return values
func send(o object, method string, args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
m := o()[method]
if m == nil {
panic("NoMethodError lol")
return m(args...)
func constructObject(methods map[string]method) object {
return func() map[string]method {
return methods
// one object can inherit from another by keeping some of its
// methods and either overriding or adding some
func inherit(parent object, methods map[string]method) object {
base := parent()
for name, method := range methods {
base[name] = method
return constructObject(base)
// wallet interface, defined on object.
// limitation: we can only have one signature per name in go
// limitation: we kinda have to deal with interface{} a lot because
// go does not give us any alternative
// limitation: we would have to actually type these out every time
// there's no reason that these could be guessed by the compiler
func getBalance(o object) int64 {
ret := send(o, "getBalance")
return ret[0].(int64)
func deposit(o object, i int64) {
send(o, "deposit", i)
func withdraw(o object, i int64) error {
ret := send(o, "withdraw", i)
// nil loses any previous identity once it is put into
// a []interface{}, and the cast back to error will fail
if ret[0] == nil {
return nil
return ret[0].(error)
func newWallet(initialBalance int64) object {
balance := initialBalance
return constructWallet(&balance)
// We use this "construct" function in all of our objects so
// that we can be clear about what memory is potentially
// shareable. This interface is functionally private
func constructWallet(balance *int64) object {
getBalance := func(args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
return []interface{}{*balance}
deposit := func(args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
i := args[0].(int64)
*balance += i
return []interface{}{}
withdraw := func(args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
i := args[0].(int64)
if i > *balance {
return []interface{}{fmt.Errorf("cannot withdraw %d tokens, wallet only contains %d")}
*balance -= i
return []interface{}{nil}
return constructObject(map[string]method{
"getBalance": getBalance,
"deposit": deposit,
"withdraw": withdraw,
// overdraftingWallet overrides withdraw to allow for withdrawals
// to go into the negative (and not error out)
func newOverdraftingWallet(initialBalance int64) object {
balance := initialBalance
return constructOverdraftingWallet(&balance)
// we have to use the parents private constructor to ensure that
// our balance is shared across the two
func constructOverdraftingWallet(balance *int64) object {
parent := constructWallet(balance)
withdraw := func(args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
i := args[0].(int64)
*balance -= i
return []interface{}{nil}
return inherit(parent, map[string]method{
"withdraw": withdraw,
// namedWallet adds this to the interface
func getName(o object) string {
ret := send(o, "getName")
return ret[0].(string)
func setName(o object, name string) {
send(o, "setName", name)
func newNamedWallet(initialBalance int64, initialName string) object {
balance := initialBalance
name := initialName
return constructNamedWallet(&balance, &name)
func constructNamedWallet(balance *int64, name *string) object {
parent := constructWallet(balance)
getName := func(args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
return []interface{}{*name}
setName := func(args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
n := args[0].(string)
*name = n
return []interface{}{}
return inherit(parent, map[string]method{
"getName": getName,
"setName": setName,
// Right now all the types only work in here via divinely preordained
// harmony, but there's no reason they couldn't be statically type
// checked. We know the type of our wallets when we construct them
// and so we know which methods they support.
func main() {
fmt.Println("BASE WALLET")
w := newWallet(20)
deposit(w, 20)
err := withdraw(w, 10)
if err != nil {
err = withdraw(w, 50)
if err == nil {
panic("should have errored here?")
odw := newOverdraftingWallet(20)
err = withdraw(odw, 30)
if err != nil {
deposit(odw, 5)
fmt.Println("NAMED WALLET")
nw := newNamedWallet(20, "my wallet")
setName(nw, "my favorite wallet")
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