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Created March 29, 2012 17:15
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WPA calculator
* Implementazione dello script originariamente al seguente URL
* /1126/script-per-il-calcolo-della-chiave-wpa-nei-router-fastweb-pirelli.html
//#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
//#import <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
/* get mask from MSB of length 5*/
unsigned int mask(unsigned int size, unsigned int idx, unsigned int step) {
unsigned int mask = 0;
unsigned int cycle;
for (cycle = 0 ; cycle < 5 ; cycle++) {
mask |= (1 << (size - (step*idx) - cycle - 1));
return mask;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <hex>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
char* numerical_essid = argv[1];
if (strlen(numerical_essid) != 12) {
fprintf(stderr, "ESSID must be of 12 digits\n");
return 1;
unsigned char md5checksum[16];
* 20 byte costanti cablati nel firmware dei Pirelli Fastweb.
* N.B: per questioni di endianess va tutto ribaltato rispetto
* allo script originale.
//unsigned char code[] = "\x22\x33\x11\x34\x02\x81\xFA\x22\x11\x41\x68\x11\x12\x01\x05\x22\x71\x42\x10\x66";
unsigned char code[] = "\x66\x10\x42\x71\x22\x05\x01\x12\x11\x68\x41\x11\x22\xfa\x81\x02\x34\x11\x33\x22";
* questa parte di codice prende la stringa dell'ESSID
* la trasforma nella sua rappresentazione binaria
* e gli aggiunge i 20 byte in 'code'.
unsigned int cycle;
char digit[3] = {'\0', '\0', '\0'};
unsigned char hex_digit[26] = "";
unsigned int hex;
for (cycle = 0 ; cycle < 6 ; cycle++) {
digit[0] = numerical_essid[2*cycle];
digit[1] = numerical_essid[2*cycle + 1];
sscanf(digit, "%02x", &hex);
hex_digit[25 - cycle] = hex;
memcpy(hex_digit , code, 20);
unsigned char reversed_hex[26];
for (cycle = 0 ; cycle < 26 ; cycle++) {
reversed_hex[cycle] = hex_digit[25 - cycle];
/* not portable */
MD5(reversed_hex, 26, md5checksum);
#if 0
write(1, reversed_hex, 26);
return 0;
/* calcoliamo la password */
unsigned char hex_psw[5];
#if 1
unsigned int seq;
/* from little endian to big endian */
for (cycle = 0 ; cycle < 4 ; cycle++) {
((unsigned char*)&seq)[cycle] = md5checksum[3 - cycle];
unsigned int seq = 0xa37d4267;
/* prendo i primi 4 byte in 5 gruppi di 5 bits */
for (cycle = 0 ; cycle < 5 ; cycle++) {
hex_psw[cycle] =
(seq & mask(32, cycle, 5)) >> (27 - 5*cycle);
hex_psw[cycle] = hex_psw[cycle] < 0x0A ?
hex_psw[cycle] : hex_psw[cycle] + 0x57;
printf( "WPA: ");
for (cycle = 0 ; cycle < 5 ; cycle++) {
printf("%02x", hex_psw[cycle]);
return 0;
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