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Created November 18, 2017 22:11
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[Example] [Dcdr] How to write PPM format
// WARNING: this is a deprecated code from dcdr project;
// This can be broken, but still can be used as example how to write ppm file.
// Enjoy.
#include <vector>
#include <ifstream>
namespace Dcdr
// ------------- dcdr/Types.h ---------------
namepsace Types
typedef size_t Offset;
typedef float Real;
stuct Vec3
Real r, g, b;
// ------------- dcdr/renderer/ISurfaceRasterizer.h ---------------
class ISurfaceRasterizer
virutal void set_image_size(Types::Size width, Types::Size height) = 0;
virutal void draw_pixel(Types::Vec3 color, Types::Offset x, Types::Offset y) = 0;
virtual ~ISurfaceRasterizer() = default;
// ------------- dcdr/renderer/PpmRasterizer.h ---------------
class PpmRasterizer : public ISurfaceRasterizer
PpmRasterizer(Types::Offset width, Types::Offset height) :
void set_image_size(Types::Size width, Types::Size height) override
pixels_.resize(width * height);
void draw_pixel(Types::Vec3 color, Types::Offset x, Types::Offset y) override
pixels_[y * width_ + x][0] = (unsigned char)(color.r * 255);
pixels_[y * width_ + x][1] = (unsigned char)(color.g * 255);
pixels_[y * width_ + x][2] = (unsigned char)(color.b * 255);
void save_file(const std::string& filename)
std::ofstream file(filename, std::ofstream::binary);
file << "P3" << std::endl;
file << width_ << " " << height_ << std::endl;
file << "255" << std::endl;
for (auto& pixel : pixels_)
file << Types::Offset(pixel[0]) << " "
<< Types::Offset(pixel[1]) << " "
<< Types::Offset(pixel[2])
<< std::endl;
Types::Offset width_;
Types::Offset height_;
std::vector<unsigned char[3]> pixels_;
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