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Last active December 30, 2015 06:49
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  • Save paco-valdez/7791571 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save paco-valdez/7791571 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import copy
class Table(object):
- Group By (a.k.a. aggregate funcs)
- In place row delete.
- unit tests
- Make it a python package
def __init__(self, schema = [], data=None):
self.__rows = []# list of row objects (dicts)
self.indexes = {} # for faster direct lookup for row by column
if not schema and data:
schema = data[0].keys()
for col in schema:
self.indexes[col] = {}
if data:
self.__rows = data
for row in data:
for k in row.keys():
self.indexes[k][row[k]] = row
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.__rows)
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.__rows[key]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__rows)
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.__rows)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.__rows)
def sort(self,cmp=None,key=None,reverse=False):
def addColumn(self,col,default=None):
if col not in self.indexes:
self.indexes[col] = {}
defaultIterable = False
defaultIterable = True
except TypeError,ex:
if defaultIterable and len(default) == len(self):
for i in xrange(0,len(self)):
self[i][col] = default[i]
tmp = self.indexes[col].get(default[i],[])
self.indexes[col][default[i]] = tmp
elif not defaultIterable:
for row in self:
row[col] = default
if self:
self.indexes[col][default]= list(self)#[row for row in self]
raise ValueError('Default values length didn\'t match table\'s length')
raise ValueError('Column Name already exists')
def checkSchema(self,keys):
if set(self.getSchema()) != set(keys):
return False
return True
def getSchema(self):
return self.indexes.keys()
def append(self, row):
if not self.checkSchema(row.keys()):
raise ValueError('Schema doesn\'t match')
for k,v in row.iteritems():
tmp = self.indexes[k].get(v,[])
self.indexes[k][v] = tmp
def getRowsByKey(self, col,key,noneDict = False):
if key in self.indexes[col]:
return self.indexes[col][key]
elif noneDict:
return [dict(zip(self.getSchema(),len(self.getSchema())*[None]))]
return []
def renameCol(self,old,new):
if old not in self.indexes:
raise ValueError('Column %s doesn\'t exists' % (old,))
elif new in self.indexes:
raise ValueError('Column %s already exists' % (new,))
for row in self:
row[new] = row.pop(old)
self.indexes[new] = self.indexes.pop(old)
def vConcat(self,table):
if not self.checkSchema(table.getSchema()):
raise ValueError('Schema doesn\'t match')
for row in table:
for k in table.getSchema():
tmp = self.indexes[k].get(row[k],[])
self.indexes[k][row[k]] = tmp
def hConcat(self,table,join = None):
diff = set(self.getSchema()) & set(table.getSchema())
if (diff and join is None) or len(diff) > 1:
raise ValueError('Schemas can\'t have columns with the same name')
elif join not in diff and join is not None:
raise ValueError('The column %s must exists in both tables' % (join,))
elif len(self) != len(table) and join is None:
raise ValueError('Tables must have the same size')
for k in table.getSchema():
if k not in self.indexes:
self.indexes[k] = {}
extrarows = []
for i in xrange(0,len(self)):
row = self[i]
if join:
match = table.getRowsByKey(join, row[join],True)
if len(match) > 1:
newExtraRows = []
for r in match[1:]:
newRow = copy.deepcopy(row)
extrarows += newExtraRows
match[0][join] = row[join]
for k in table.getSchema():
if join != k:
tmp = self.indexes[k].get(row[k],[])
self.indexes[k][row[k]] = tmp
for row in extrarows:
def colToList(self,col):
if col not in self.getSchema():
raise ValueError('Column %s doesn\'t exists' % (col,))
return [row[col] for row in self]
def filter(self,func,keys=[]):
return Table(schema=self.getSchema(), data=[row for row in self if func(*[row[k] for k in keys])])
def main():
table = Table(['ID','name'])
print """ This is a simple Table:
table = Table(['ID','name'])
print table
print table,'\n'
print """it supports len, iteration and indexing
print len(table), not table
print iter(table)
print table[0]
print len(table), not table
print iter(table)
print table[0],'\n'
print """ We can add a column with a constant value:
print table
print table,'\n'
print """ Also we can add a column with a interable arg (must be the same size as our table):
table.addColumn('iterable arg',[4,5])
print table
table.addColumn('iterable arg',[4,5])
print table,'\n'
print """ There are methods to get a row by a column-value pair, get the table schema, \nconvert a column to List, and rename columns!
print table.getRowsByKey('name','a')
print table.getSchema()
print table.colToList('name')
table.renameCol('iterable arg','new name')
print table
print table.getRowsByKey('name','a')
print table.getSchema()
print table.colToList('name')
table.renameCol('iterable arg','new name')
print table,'\n'
print """ it supports vertical concatenation (same schema!), \nand horizontal concatenation with SQL-like joins!
table2 = Table(['ID','name','constant','new name'])
table2.append({'new name': 6, 'constant': 3, 'ID': 3, 'name': 'c'})
print table
table3 = Table(['another column!'])
table3.append({'another column!': 'x'})
table3.append({'another column!': 'y'})
table3.append({'another column!': 'z'})
print table
table3 = Table(['name','age'])
table3.append({'name': 'a','age':3})
table3.append({'name': 'a','age':2})
table3.append({'name': 'c','age':1})
table.hConcat(table3, join='name')
print table
table2 = Table(['ID','name','constant','new name'])
table2.append({'new name': 6, 'constant': 3, 'ID': 3, 'name': 'c'})
print table
table3 = Table(['another column!'])
table3.append({'another column!': 'x'})
table3.append({'another column!': 'y'})
table3.append({'another column!': 'z'})
print table
table3 = Table(['name','age'])
table3.append({'name': 'a','age':3})
table3.append({'name': 'a','age':2})
table3.append({'name': 'b','age':1})
table.hConcat(table3, join='name')
print table,'\n'
print """ And of course, you can sort(cmp,key,reverse) it **in place**:
table.sort(key=lambda x:x['age'],reverse =True)
print table
table.sort(key=lambda x:(x['constant'],x['ID']))
print table
table.sort(key=lambda x:x['age'],reverse =True)
print table
table.sort(key=lambda x:(x['constant'],x['ID']))
print table,'\n'
print """ At last but no least, you can filter it like this (returns a new table):
tableFiltered = table.filter(lambda age: age>=2,['age'])
print tableFiltered
tableFiltered2 = table.filter(lambda name,constant: name == 'a' and constant==3 ,['name','constant'])
print tableFiltered2
tableFiltered = table.filter(lambda age: age>=2,['age'])
print tableFiltered
tableFiltered2 = table.filter(lambda name,constant: name == 'a' and constant==3 ,['name','constant'])
print tableFiltered2,'\n'
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