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Last active October 3, 2019 21:54
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Attribute Drawer para generar un popup con los strings que existen en el animator (en vez de escribir a mano, por ahi despues muestro un gif clarificando)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using an = UnityEditor.Animations;
// el "Tipo que Listar" indica si busca los parametros o todos los estados del AnimatorController
// el "buscar en children" indica que se le permite buscar en sus hijos algun Animator (en vez de solo en si mismo)
// el "buscar campo especifico" se fija en ese mismo script un campo Animator con ese nombre, y levanta eso
// ejemplitos
public string animBoolEstaAgachado;
public string floatNivelDePoder;
public string animacionDeMuerte;
void Update() {
miAnimator.SetBool(animBoolEstaAgachado, Character.estaAgachado);
miAnimator.SetFloat(floatNivelDePoder, Character.poder);
void AlMorir(){
Animator miSkinAnimator;//el skin es un objeto hijo
[AnimatorStringListAttribute(Tipo.Parametros, true)]
public string animBoolEstaAgachado; // el 'true' significa que busca en si mismo o en sus children el AnimatorController
[AnimatorStringListAttribute(Tipo.Parametros, true)]
public string floatNivelDePoder;
public Animator manosAnimator;
public Animator cabezaAnimator;
[AnimatorStringListAttribute(Tipo.Parametros, "manosAnimator")]
public string animBoolManosAbiertas; // el parametro pasado indica que busque el AnimatorController vinculado a ese field
[AnimatorStringListAttribute(Tipo.Parametros, "cabezaAnimator")]
public string animacionDeExplotarCabeza; // el parametro pasado indica que busque el AnimatorController vinculado a ese field
void Update() {
manosAnimator.SetBool(animBoolManosAbiertas, Character.manosAbiertas);
void AlMorir(){
public class AnimatorStringListAttribute : PropertyAttribute
bool buscarEnChildren = false;
string buscarCampoEspecifico = "";
public enum Tipo { Parametros, Estados, Todo }
Tipo queListar;
public AnimatorStringListAttribute(Tipo queListar) { this.queListar = queListar; }
public AnimatorStringListAttribute(Tipo queListar, bool buscarEnChildren) : this(queListar) { this.buscarEnChildren = buscarEnChildren; }
public AnimatorStringListAttribute(Tipo queListar, string buscarCampoEspecifico) : this(queListar) { this.buscarCampoEspecifico = buscarCampoEspecifico; }
public class AnimatorStringListAttributeDrawer : PropertyDrawer
readonly static GUIContent[] noMulti = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("Multiobject editing no permitido") };
readonly static GUIContent[] noAnimator = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("Animator no hallado o hallado pero sin Animator Controller") };
//readonly static GUIContent[] noAnimCont = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("Animator sin Animator Controller") };
readonly static GUIContent[] noField = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("El campo que se quiere referenciar no se encuentra en este componente") };
//readonly static GUIContent[] noFieldGameObj = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("El campo que se quiere referenciar debe ser un vinculo a un objeto") };
readonly static GUIContent[] noBehav = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("No reconocido como behaviour") };
readonly static GUIContent[] noGameObj = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("No asociado a Objeto") };
static GUIContent[] errorNoAnimator;
static an.AnimatorController RecuperarAnimator(SerializedProperty property, AnimatorStringListAttribute att, Behaviour beh)
errorNoAnimator = null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(att.buscarCampoEspecifico))
Animator animator = beh.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (!animator)
if (att.buscarEnChildren) animator = beh.GetComponentInChildren<Animator>();
if (animator)
if (animator.runtimeAnimatorController is AnimatorOverrideController) return (animator.runtimeAnimatorController as AnimatorOverrideController).runtimeAnimatorController as an.AnimatorController;
else return animator.runtimeAnimatorController as an.AnimatorController;
return null;
SerializedProperty prop = property.serializedObject.FindProperty(att.buscarCampoEspecifico);
if (prop == null)
errorNoAnimator = noField;
return null;
else if (prop.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference)
Object elOtro = prop.objectReferenceValue;
if (!elOtro) return null;
an.AnimatorController esController = elOtro as an.AnimatorController;
if (esController) return esController;
else if (elOtro is AnimatorOverrideController) return (elOtro as AnimatorOverrideController).runtimeAnimatorController as an.AnimatorController;
Animator esAnimator = elOtro as Animator;
if (!esAnimator)
GameObject esGameObject = elOtro as GameObject;
if (esGameObject) esAnimator = esGameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
Component esComponent = elOtro as Component;
if (esComponent) esAnimator = esComponent.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (esAnimator)
if (esAnimator.runtimeAnimatorController is AnimatorOverrideController) return (esAnimator.runtimeAnimatorController as AnimatorOverrideController).runtimeAnimatorController as an.AnimatorController;
else return esAnimator.runtimeAnimatorController as an.AnimatorController;
else return null;
errorNoAnimator = noGameObj;
return null;
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
var attributoComoEsto = attribute as AnimatorStringListAttribute;
if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.String)
position.width -= EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property);
position.x += position.width;
position.width = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
if (property.serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects)
EditorGUI.Popup(position, -1, noMulti);
else if (property.serializedObject.targetObject)
Behaviour beh = property.serializedObject.targetObject as Behaviour;
if (!beh && string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributoComoEsto.buscarCampoEspecifico))
EditorGUI.Popup(position, -1, noBehav);
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributoComoEsto.buscarCampoEspecifico) || beh.gameObject)
an.AnimatorController animatorController = RecuperarAnimator(property, attributoComoEsto, beh);
if (animatorController)
string[] estadosDelAnim = new string[0];
string[] parametrosDelAnim = new string[0];
if (attributoComoEsto.queListar == Tipo.Estados || attributoComoEsto.queListar == Tipo.Todo) estadosDelAnim = ListaDeEstados(animatorController);
if (attributoComoEsto.queListar == Tipo.Parametros || attributoComoEsto.queListar == Tipo.Todo) parametrosDelAnim = ListaDeVariables(animatorController);
ArrayUtility.AddRange(ref estadosDelAnim, parametrosDelAnim);
var anims = estadosDelAnim;
int sel = 0;
for (sel = 0; sel < anims.Length; sel++) { if (anims[sel].Equals(property.stringValue)) break; }
sel = EditorGUI.Popup(position, sel, anims);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
property.stringValue = anims[sel];
else EditorGUI.Popup(position, -1, errorNoAnimator == null ? noAnimator : errorNoAnimator);
else EditorGUI.Popup(position, -1, noGameObj);
EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label, "AnimatorStateString solo con strings");
public static string[] ListaDeVariables(Animator anim)
if (anim)
if (anim.runtimeAnimatorController)
return ListaDeVariables(anim.runtimeAnimatorController as an.AnimatorController);
else return null;
else return null;
public static string[] ListaDeVariables(an.AnimatorController cont)
if (cont)
string[] salida = new string[cont.parameters.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < salida.Length; i++)
salida[i] = cont.parameters[i].name;
return salida;
else return null;
public static string[] ListaDeEstados(Animator anim)
if (anim)
if (anim.runtimeAnimatorController)
return ListaDeEstados(anim.runtimeAnimatorController as an.AnimatorController);
else return null;
else return null;
public static string[] ListaDeEstados(an.AnimatorController cont)
if (cont)
List<string> resultados = new List<string>();
foreach (an.AnimatorControllerLayer lay in cont.layers)
AgregarEstadosRecursivo(resultados, lay.stateMachine);
return resultados.ToArray();
else return null;
public static void AgregarEstadosRecursivo(List<string> lista, an.AnimatorStateMachine stMach)
foreach (an.ChildAnimatorState stat in stMach.states)
lista.Add( + "." +;
foreach (an.ChildAnimatorStateMachine stat in stMach.stateMachines)
AgregarEstadosRecursivo(lista, stat.stateMachine);
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