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Last active November 1, 2017 17:01
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Policy to Role listing. Given a CloudFormation in JSON that has ManagedPolicy objects connected to Roles, print a list of the policies and the roles that are attached.
def mapper(f):
if type == "array" then map(f)
elif type == "object" then
. as $in
| reduce keys[] as $key
[$in[$key] | f ] as $value
| if $value | length == 0 then . else . + {($key): $value[0]}
else .
.Resources |= mapper(select(.Type=="AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy")) |
.Resources |
keys[] as $k |
{"\(.[$k] | .Properties.Roles[]?.Ref?)":"\($k)"}
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pacohope commented Nov 1, 2017

Example execution: jq -c -f policy-role.jq IAMPolicies.json

Example output:


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