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Created March 13, 2022 00:03
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Home Assistant states in Alfred
"""Script for getting the state of entities"""
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import os
import sys
import json
async def main():
hass_url = os.getenv('HASS_URL')
hass_api_key = os.getenv('HASS_API_KEY')
query = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else None
result = await process_query(query, hass_url, hass_api_key)
async def process_query(query, hass_url, hass_api_key):
states = await fetch_states(hass_url, hass_api_key)
query_args = query.split()
if len(query_args) < 1 or query_args[0] == '':
return {
'items': [
'title': entity.get('entity_id'),
'subtitle': entity.get('state'),
'uid': entity.get('entity_id'),
'autocomplete': entity.get('entity_id'),
'text': entity.get('state'),
'arg': entity.get('entity_id')
} for entity in states
states_filtered = []
for state in states:
if state['entity_id'] == query_args[0]:
states_filtered = [state]
elif query_args[0] in state['entity_id']:
if len(states_filtered) > 1:
return {
'items': [
'title': entity.get('entity_id'),
'subtitle': entity.get('state'),
'uid': entity.get('entity_id'),
'autocomplete': entity.get('entity_id'),
'text': entity.get('state'),
'arg': entity.get('entity_id')
} for entity in states_filtered
'rerun': 1
elif len(states_filtered) == 0:
return {
'items': [
'title': 'No entities found',
'subtitle': 'Try a different query.',
'valid': False
found_entity = states_filtered[0]
items = []
if len(query_args) < 2 or query_args[1] == '':
'title': found_entity.get('entity_id') + ' state',
'subtitle': found_entity.get('state'),
'text': found_entity.get('state'),
'arg': found_entity.get('entity_id')
if len(found_entity['attributes']) == 0:
'title': 'No attributes',
'subtitle': "This entity doesn't have any attributes to search.",
'valid': False
return {'items': items, 'rerun': 1}
for key, val in found_entity['attributes'].items():
if len(query_args) < 2 or query_args[1] in key:
'title': 'Attribute ' + key,
'subtitle': val,
'text': val,
'arg': found_entity.get('entity_id'),
'uid': found_entity.get('entity_id') + '.' + key
return {'items': items, 'rerun': 1}
async def fetch_states(hass_url, hass_api_key) -> dict:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + hass_api_key}) as session:
async with session.get(hass_url + '/api/states') as response:
if response.status >= 400:
error_message = await response.text()
raise ValueError(error_message)
return await response.json()
async def render_template(template, hass_url, hass_api_key) -> str:
template_url = f'{hass_url}/api/template'
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + hass_api_key}) as session:
async with, json={'template': template}) as response:
text = await response.text()
if response.status >= 400:
raise ValueError(text)
return text
def print_error():
'items': [
'title': 'Something went wrong',
'subtitle': 'Please debug in Alfred',
'valid': False
if __name__ == '__main__':
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