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Created December 6, 2023 16:49
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Chain of needs for a cup of tea in a coffee shop

Using Claude AI to create the basis for Wardley Maps

I've used ChatGPT to create Wardley Maps. In essence you have to give the rules for how to create a Wardley Map.

The easiest way to do this, initially, is to provide it with the basic syntax of owm:

The basic syntax is:

component <component 1>
component <component 2>

// component 1 needs component 2
<component 1>-><component 2>

Claude AI first pass

INPUT: Can you list the chain of needs for a cup of tea?

Sure, here is the chain of needs for producing a cup of tea:

Tea Plant - The tea plant (Camellia sinensis) needs the right climate and soil conditions to grow, requiring temperature ranges between 64 - 72°F, moderate humidity, rainfall, and well-drained acidic soil containing nitrogen and magnesium. The plant produces the leaves that make tea.
Harvesting - The youngest tea leaves and buds need to be picked at the highest quality time by hand or specialized machines. This preserves freshness.
Processing - Harvested leaves require processing within a day of picking. Depending on the type of tea, processing methods like withering, rolling, oxidation, heating, and drying are necessary. These steps enable desired flavors.
Packaging & Transport - Processed tea leaves must be protected from contamination and moisture and transported to market. Packaging materials like foil pouches, tins, or vacuum sealed bags are required for storage. Transportation infrastructure is needed to move tea leaves to the tea selling facility.
Consumer Products - Someone needs to purchase the packaged tea and produce the needed consumer product, for example, a tea bag. Flavorings or functional ingredients like sugar or milk may also need to be sourced and incorporated based on the type of tea beverage being produced.
Boiling Water - Ultimately, the consumer needs boiling water to properly infuse tea leaves to create the cup of tea for drinking. So access to clean water, heating, and a cup are the core elements needed to enable consumption.
That covers the key steps in the supply chain to enable a cup of tea! Let me know if you have any other questions.

INPUT: Can you list each of the components of this chain on a new line please

Sure, here are the components of the chain of needs for a cup of tea, with each on a new line:

Tea Plant
Packaging & Transport
Consumer Products
Boiling Water

INPUT: For each of those components, can you produce a separate chain of needs?

Here are more detailed chains of needs for each component in the cup of tea supply chain:

Tea Plant
-Ideal climate and soil conditions
-Rainfall and irrigation
-Space to grow
-Seeds or seedlings


-Manual labor or machinery
-Transportation from field to facility
-Proper timing/conditions
-Containers and tools
-Knowledge of plant growth cycles

-Facilities and equipment
-Temperature controls
-Trained personnel
-Quality standards

Packaging & Transport
-Packaging materials
-Packaging equipment

-Trucks/ships/rail cars
-Roads/ports/rail lines
-Storage areas

Consumer Products
-Purchased ingredients
-Product design
-Manufacturing facilities

-Packaging equipment
-Retail outlet

Boiling Water
-Stove/heat source


**INPUT: For each component can you put "component " at the start of each line

Here are the chains of needs with "component" at the start of each line:

Component Tea Plant
Component -Ideal climate and soil conditions

Component -Rainfall and irrigation
Component -Sunlight
Component -Space to grow
Component -Seeds or seedlings

Component Harvesting
Component -Manual labor or machinery
Component -Transportation from field to facility
Component -Proper timing/conditions
Component -Containers and tools
Component -Knowledge of plant growth cycles

Component Processing

Component -Facilities and equipment
Component -Electricity/power
Component -Water
Component -Temperature controls
Component -Trained personnel
Component -Quality standards

Component Packaging & Transport
Component -Packaging materials
Component -Packaging equipment
Component -Warehouses

Component -Trucks/ships/rail cars
Component -Roads/ports/rail lines
Component -Fuel
Component -Storage areas

Component Consumer Products
Component -Purchased ingredients
Component -Product design
Component -Manufacturing facilities

Component -Packaging equipment
Component -Retail outlet
Component -Electricity
Component -Water

Component Boiling Water
Component -Stove/heat source

Component -Pot
Component -Water

Component -Electricity/gas
Component -Cup

INPUT: If a child component is needed by a parent component, can you write that line like this "parent component->child component" replacing parent component and child component with the name of each component

(Here is where owm syntax starts to appear)

//Here is the chain with parent component -> child component format:

Tea Plant -> Ideal climate and soil conditions
Tea Plant -> Rainfall and irrigation
Tea Plant -> Sunlight
Tea Plant -> Space to grow
Tea Plant -> Seeds or seedlings

Harvesting -> Manual labor or machinery

Harvesting -> Transportation from field to facility

Harvesting -> Proper timing/conditions
Harvesting -> Containers and tools
Harvesting -> Knowledge of plant growth cycles

Processing -> Facilities and equipment

Processing -> Electricity/power
Processing -> Water
Processing -> Temperature controls
Processing -> Trained personnel

Processing -> Quality standards

Packaging & Transport -> Packaging materials

Packaging & Transport -> Packaging equipment
Packaging & Transport -> Warehouses
Packaging & Transport -> Trucks/ships/rail cars

Packaging & Transport -> Roads/ports/rail lines

Packaging & Transport -> Fuel
Packaging & Transport -> Storage areas

Consumer Products -> Purchased ingredients

Consumer Products -> Product design

Consumer Products -> Manufacturing facilities
Consumer Products -> Packaging equipment
Consumer Products -> Retail outlet
Consumer Products -> Electricity
Consumer Products -> Water

Boiling Water -> Stove/heat source
Boiling Water -> Pot
Boiling Water -> Water
Boiling Water -> Electricity/gas
Boiling Water -> Cup

INPUT: Now imagine that this is a chain of needs for a coffee or tea shop. Starting with the customer at the top of the chain, add components to the top of the chain and fully output the chain

Note: this is very detailed...

// Here is an updated chain of needs starting from the customer down through operating a coffee/tea shop:

Customer -> Shop environment 
Customer -> Staff
Customer -> Menu

Shop environment -> Real estate  
Shop environment -> Furnishings
Shop environment -> Decor
Shop environment -> Utilities

Staff -> Hiring  
Staff -> Training
Staff -> Management  

Menu -> Ingredients
Menu -> Equipment  
Menu -> Storage 

Ingredients -> Suppliers
Ingredients -> Logistics/transport

Equipment -> Installation  
Equipment -> Maintenance 
Equipment -> Electricity  

Storage -> Shelving  
Storage -> Temperature regulation 
Storage -> Pest control

Suppliers -> Producer relationships 
Suppliers -> Contracts

Logistics/transport -> Vehicles  
Logistics/transport -> Fuel
Logistics/transport -> Routes  

Producer relationships -> Quality standards
Producer relationships -> Payments 

Contracts -> Accounting  
Contracts -> Legal compliance

Vehicles -> Maintenance
Vehicles -> Insurance
Vehicles -> Parking  

Fuel -> Oil/gas companies

Routes -> Mapping  
Routes -> Optimization  

Quality standards -> Testing protocols 
Quality standards -> Audits

Payments -> Banking access 
Payments -> Transaction processing  

Accounting -> Training  
Accounting -> Software  

Legal compliance -> Lawyers
Legal compliance -> Permits/licenses  

Maintenance -> Manuals   
Maintenance -> Parts inventory

Insurance -> Claims processing  
Insurance -> Actuarial analysis  

Parking -> Space permits  
Parking -> Meters

Oil/gas companies -> Crude oil supply chain
Oil/gas companies -> Refining process  
Oil/gas companies -> Wholesale distribution  

Mapping -> Geographic data

Optimization -> Traffic analysis 
Optimization -> Delivery planning

Testing protocols -> Lab equipment  
Testing protocols -> Iterative adjustments

Audits -> Inspectors   
Audits -> Reporting

Banking access -> Account setup  
Banking access -> Fraud prevention 

Transaction processing -> Payment networks
Transaction processing -> Billing systems

Training -> Instructions 
Training -> Performance evaluation  

Software -> Developers  
Software -> Data security  

Lawyers -> Contract review
Lawyers -> Litigation  

Permits/licenses -> Applications
Permits/licenses -> Fees
Permits/licenses -> Health inspections

Manuals -> Writers  
Manuals -> Translation  

Parts inventory -> Supply chain 
Parts inventory -> Warehouse  

Claims processing -> Adjuster training 
Claims processing -> Investigation

Actuarial analysis -> Market research
Actuarial analysis -> Risk models

Space permits -> Zoning laws
Space permits -> Registration  

Meters -> City policies  
Meters -> Enforcement   

Crude oil supply chain -> Exploration 
Crude oil supply chain -> Drilling/extraction
Crude oil supply chain -> Transport 

Refining process -> Equipment 
Refining process -> Chemical processes
Refining process -> Waste management

Wholesale distribution -> Inventory 
Wholesale distribution -> Order fulfillment  

Geographic data -> Surveying 
Geographic data -> Satellite imagery

Traffic analysis -> Historical data
Traffic analysis -> Road sensors  

Delivery planning -> Vehicle capacities   
Delivery planning -> Order assignments

Lab equipment -> Procurement  
Lab equipment -> Calibration  

Iterative adjustments -> Controlled testing 
Iterative adjustments -> Modification design  

Inspectors -> Screening
Inspectors -> Scheduling  

Reporting -> Data analysis  
Reporting -> Presentations  

Account setup -> Documentation   
Account setup -> Verification  

Fraud prevention -> Analytics  
Fraud prevention -> Identity checks  

Payment networks -> Servers  
Payment networks -> Encryption  

Billing systems -> Database management  
Billing systems -> Configuration  

Instructions -> Task analysis  
Instructions -> Visual aids

Performance evaluation -> Observation  
Performance evaluation -> Metrics analysis  

Developers -> Programming languages 
Developers -> Debugging

Data security -> Access controls   
Data security -> Monitoring  

Contract review -> Negotiation  
Contract review -> Approval workflow

Litigation -> Evidence gathering
Litigation -> Court filings  

Applications -> Submission portals
Applications -> Background checks  

Fees -> Payment  
Fees -> Waivers  

Health inspections -> Inspector training   
Health inspections -> Corrective actions tracking  

Writers -> Research  
Writers -> Editing  

Translation -> Source analysis  
Translation -> Cultural adaptation  

Supply chain -> Procurement 
Supply chain -> Logistics

Warehouse -> Design  
Warehouse -> Property  

Adjuster training -> Course development  
Adjuster training -> Exams

Investigation -> Interviews
Investigation -> Documentation  

Market research -> Data collection 
Market research -> Statistical modeling   

Risk models -> Actuarial science  
Risk models -> Loss forecasting  

Zoning laws -> Urban planning committees 
Zoning laws -> Public hearings

Registration -> Database
Registration -> Notification

City policies -> Public administration  
City policies -> Budgeting 

Enforcement -> Ticketing procedures  
Enforcement -> Boots/towing  

Exploration -> Geophysical surveying
Exploration -> Land leases

Drilling/extraction -> Engineering   
Drilling/extraction -> Equipment rental  

Transport -> Pipelines  
Transport -> Marine vessels 
Transport -> Rail cars

Equipment -> Manufacturing  
Equipment -> Installation

Chemical processes -> Formulation 
Chemical processes -> Safety 

Waste management -> Treatment  
Waste management -> Disposal  

Inventory -> Forecasting  
Inventory -> Warehousing  

Order fulfillment -> Picking  
Order fulfillment -> Packaging  

Surveying -> Teams   
Surveying -> Tools  

Satellite imagery -> Satellites   
Satellite imagery -> Ground stations

Historical data -> Record keeping  
Historical data -> Databases

Road sensors -> Network infrastructure   
Road sensors -> Maintenance  

Vehicle capacities -> Design constraints  
Vehicle capacities -> Weight limits  

Order assignments -> Route optimization   
Order assignments -> Delivery sequence  

Procurement -> Vendor selection  
Procurement -> Purchase orders  

Calibration -> Measurement standards  
Calibration -> Tuning  

Controlled testing -> Simulated inputs
Controlled testing -> Expected outputs  

Modification design -> Engineering   
Modification design -> Prototyping  

Screening -> Job criteria  
Screening -> Interviews

Scheduling -> Calendars   
Scheduling -> Reminders  

Data analysis -> Collection  
Data analysis -> Statistics  

Presentations -> Slide preparation   
Presentations -> Visual aids  

Documentation -> Templates  
Documentation -> Storage  

Verification -> Identity proofing
Verification -> Database checks  

Analytics -> Data science  
Analytics -> Algorithms  

Identity checks -> Biometrics   
Identity checks -> Documents  

Servers -> Data centers  
Servers -> Load balancing  

Encryption -> Cryptography   
Encryption -> Key management  

Database management -> Modeling  
Database management -> Administration  

Configuration -> Settings  
Configuration -> Customization  

Task analysis -> Process mapping  
Task analysis -> Step documentation  

Visual aids -> Graphic design  
Visual aids -> Video production  

Observation -> Note taking   
Observation -> Rating scales  

Metrics analysis -> Dashboards
Metrics analysis -> Targets  

Programming languages -> Compilers  
Programming languages -> Debuggers  

Debugging -> Logging  
Debugging -> Testing  

Access controls -> Identity management  
Access controls -> Authentication  

Monitoring -> Activity logs  
Monitoring -> Alerting rules  

Negotiation -> Cost-benefit analysis
Negotiation -> Compromise  

Approval workflow -> Review process  
Approval workflow -> Sign-offs  

Evidence gathering -> Legal procedures  
Evidence gathering -> Chain of custody  

Court filings -> Documentation   
Court filings -> Submission process  

Submission portals -> Websites  
Submission portals -> Database integration  

Background checks -> Research   
Background checks -> Assessments  

Payment -> Accounts  
Payment -> Processing  

Waivers -> Policy exceptions   
Waivers -> Approval process  

Inspector training -> Classroom instruction 
Inspector training -> Ride-alongs

Corrective actions tracking -> Database
Corrective actions tracking -> Follow-up audits   

Research -> Literature review
Research -> Interviews  

Editing -> Draft revisions  
Editing -> Copyediting  

Source analysis -> Study  
Source analysis -> Consultation  

Cultural adaptation -> Focus groups  
Cultural adaptation -> Contextualization  

Procurement -> Supply base 
Procurement -> Pricing  

Logistics -> Shipping  
Logistics -> Inventory management

Design -> Layout  
Design -> Materials  

Property -> Purchase  
Property -> Rental  

Course development -> Learning objectives  
Course development -> Platform  

Exams -> Study guides  
Exams -> Proctoring  

Interviews -> Contact list  
Interviews -> Questionnaire  

Documentation -> Forms  
Documentation -> Photos/video  

Data collection -> Survey methodology  
Data collection -> CRM systems  

Statistical modeling -> Expert analysis   
Statistical modeling -> Variable selection  

Actuarial science -> Mortality data  
Actuarial science -> Rate projecting  

Loss forecasting -> Risk indicators  
Loss forecasting -> Predictive analytics  

Urban planning committees -> Membership  
Urban planning committees -> Meetings  

Public hearings -> Notices  
Public hearings -> Agenda

Database -> Servers  
Database -> Backup 

Notification -> Messaging  
Notification -> Platform selection  

Public administration -> Government  
Public administration -> Policy  

Budgeting -> Revenue planning  
Budgeting -> Expense allocation  

Ticketing procedures -> Equipment  
Ticketing procedures -> Fine guidelines  

Boots/towing -> Vehicle inventory  
Boots/towing -> Impound lot  

Geophysical surveying -> Imaging  
Geophysical surveying -> Sensing  

Land leases -> Rights owners  
Land leases -> Agreements  

Engineering -> Project specifications  
Engineering -> Personnel  

Equipment rental -> Inventory  
Equipment rental -> Logistics  

Pipelines -> Materials   
Pipelines -> Construction 

Marine vessels -> Shipyards  
Marine vessels -> Crew  

Rail cars -> Assembly lines
Rail cars -> Rail yard  

Manufacturing -> Machinery  
Manufacturing -> Assembly 

Installation -> Tools  
Installation -> Labor  

Formulation -> Ingredients   
Formulation -> Equipment

Safety -> Procedures  
Safety -> Gear  

Treatment -> Chemical processes  
Treatment -> Filtration

Disposal -> Transportation   
Disposal -> Landfill 

Forecasting -> Statistical models
Forecasting -> Adjustments  

Warehousing -> Buildings  
Warehousing -> Workforce  

Picking -> Scanning guns  
Picking -> Carts

Packaging -> Materials  
Packaging -> Equipment  

Teams -> Staffing  
Teams -> Gear

Tools -> Inventory  
Tools -> Calibration  

Satellites -> Launch systems  
Satellites -> Orbit 

Ground stations -> Sites  
Ground stations -> Receivers  

Record keeping -> People  
Record keeping -> Storage  

Databases -> Servers 
Databases -> Backup  

Network infrastructure -> Fiber optic cables   
Network infrastructure -> Switches  

Maintenance -> Monitoring  
Maintenance -> Repairs   

Design constraints -> Regulations  
Design constraints -> Intended purpose  

Weight limits -> Legal standards 
Weight limits -> Bridge ratings   

Route optimization -> Mapping data  
Route optimization -> Algorithm  

Delivery sequence -> Drop-off order 
Delivery sequence -> Timing  

Vendor selection -> Research  
Vendor selection -> Bids

Purchase orders -> Terms agreement  
Purchase orders ->Invoicing  

Measurement standards -> Authority guidelines 
Measurement standards -> Documentation  

Tuning -> Benchmarking  
Tuning -> Iterative adjustment  

Simulated inputs -> Models
Simulated inputs -> Data sets  

Expected outputs -> Predictions  
Expected outputs -> Tolerances  

Engineering -> Project goals  
Engineering -> Constraints  

Prototyping -> Model fabrication  
Prototyping -> Version testing  

Job criteria -> Requirements  
Job criteria -> Qualifications  

Interviews -> Evaluators
Interviews -> Questions  

Calendars -> Platform  
Calendars -> Sharing 

Reminders -> Notifications  
Reminders -> Confirmations   

Collection -> Retrieval  
Collection -> Compiling

Statistics -> Analysis  
Statistics -> Reporting  

Slide preparation -> Outlining  
Slide preparation -> Design

Visual aids -> Illustrations  
Visual aids -> Graphs  

Templates -> Standard format  
Templates -> Customization  

Storage -> Physical sites  
Storage -> Digital hosting  

Identity proofing -> Documentation   
Identity proofing -> Biometrics  

Database checks -> Queries  
Database checks -> Reports  

Data science -> Models  
Data science -> Big data pipelines  

Algorithms -> Programming  
Algorithms -> Testing  

Biometrics -> Hardware sensors  
Biometrics -> Signal processing  

Documents -> Issuing authority  
Documents -> Validation  

Data centers -> Buildings  
Data centers -> Servers  

Load balancing -> Traffic distribution  
Load balancing -> Redundancy  

Cryptography -> Mathematical functions  
Cryptography -> Keys  

Key management -> Generation  
Key management -> Secure storage   

Modeling -> Abstraction  
Modeling -> Relationships  

Administration -> Authentication   
Administration -> Backups

Settings -> Defaults  
Settings -> Adjustability  

Customization -> Extensibility  
Customization -> Tailoring  

Process mapping -> Analysis  
Process mapping -> Diagrams  

Step documentation -> Instructions  
Step documentation -> Visuals  

Graphic design -> Software  
Graphic design -> Skills  

Video production -> Camera equipment
Video production -> Editing  

Note taking -> Recording  
Note taking -> Organization  

Rating scales -> Standards  
Rating scales -> Calibration  

Dashboards -> Data visualizations  
Dashboards -> Refresh schedule  

Targets -> Goals  
Targets -> Tracking  

Compilers -> Interpreters  
Compilers -> Binary executable output  

Debuggers -> Breakpoints  
Debuggers -> Variable inspection  

Logging -> Output capture  
Logging -> Central collection  

Testing -> Validation   
Testing -> Bug reporting  

Identity management -> Storage  
Identity management -> Credentials  

Authentication -> Challenges  
Authentication -> Responses  

Activity logs -> Timestamps  
Activity logs -> User actions  

Alerting rules -> Thresholds  
Alerting rules -> Notifications  

Cost-benefit analysis -> Financial modeling   
Cost-benefit analysis -> Opportunity cost  

Compromise -> Negotiation  
Compromise -> Alternatives  

Review process -> Checking  
Review process -> Feedback  

Sign-offs -> Authorization  
Sign-offs -> Digital signatures   

Legal procedures -> Precedent  
Legal procedures -> Guidelines  

Chain of custody -> Tracking documentation  
Chain of custody -> Secure transfer  

Documentation -> Templates   
Documentation -> Fields  

Submission process -> Instructions
Submission process -> Support  

Websites -> Domain names  
Websites -> Hosting  

Database integration -> Connectors  
Database integration -> APIs  

Research -> Information sources  
Research -> Methods  

Assessments -> Criteria   
Assessments -> Evaluation  

Accounts -> Identity records  
Accounts -> Ledgers  

Processing -> Networks  
Processing -> Settlement  

Policy exceptions -> Analyses  
Policy exceptions -> Justification  

Approval process -> Review  
Approval process -> Sign-off  

Classroom instruction -> Instructor  
Classroom instruction -> Presentations  

Ride-alongs -> Participant  
Ride-alongs -> Observation  

Database -> Hardware  
Database -> Software  

Follow-up audits -> Schedule  
Follow-up audits -> Testing  

Literature review -> Sources  
Literature review -> Analysis  

Interviews -> Participants  
Interviews -> Questions  

Draft revisions -> Suggestions  
Draft revisions -> Submission  

Copyediting -> Style guide  
Copyediting -> Changes  

Study -> Reference material
Study -> Notetaking  

Consultation -> Experts  
Consultation -> Discussions  

Focus groups -> Recruiting  
Focus groups -> Moderator  

Contextualization -> Audience research  
Contextualization -> Adaptation  

Supply base -> Qualification  
Supply base -> Relationships  

Pricing -> Cost structure   
Pricing -> Profit goals  

Shipping -> Carriers  
Shipping -> Documentation  

Inventory management -> Tracking  
Inventory management -> Reorder points  

Layout -> Space planning  
Layout -> Workflow  

Materials -> Specifications  
Materials -> Procurement  

Purchase -> Loans  
Purchase -> Legal 

Rental -> Market rates  
Rental -> Lease terms  

Learning objectives -> Outcomes  
Learning objectives -> Assessments  

Platform -> Hardware  
Platform -> Software  

Study guides -> Content structure
Study guides -> Practice exams  

Proctoring -> Identity verification   
Proctoring -> Environment  

Contact list -> Sources  
Contact list -> Organization  

Questionnaire -> Draft  
Questionnaire -> Distribution  

Forms -> Fields  
Forms -> Submission  

Photos/video -> Equipment  
Photos/video -> Editing  

Survey methodology -> Design  
Survey methodology -> Sampling  

CRM systems -> Vendors  
CRM systems -> Configuration  

Expert analysis -> External consultants  
Expert analysis -> Internal meetings  

Variable selection -> Hypothesis testing
Variable selection -> Model optimization  

Mortality data -> Death records
Mortality data -> Census figures  

Rate projecting -> Trend analysis  
Rate projecting -> Model assumptions  

Risk indicators -> Insights  
Risk indicators -> Monitoring  

Predictive analytics -> Statistical learning
Predictive analytics -> Validation  

Membership -> Application process  
Membership -> Term lengths  

Meetings -> Scheduling  
Meetings -> Minutes 

Notices -> Communication channels
Notices -> Message authoring  

Agenda -> Topics  
Agenda -> Scheduling  

Servers -> Computing hardware  
Servers -> Operating systems  

Backup -> Secondary storage  
Backup -> Recovery testing  

Messaging -> Platform  
Messaging -> Content 

Platform selection -> Research  
Platform selection -> Contracts  

Government -> Elections
Government -> Governing documents  

Policy -> Analysis  
Policy -> Approval   

Revenue planning -> Financial modeling  
Revenue planning -> Leadership review  

Expense allocation -> Budget guidance  
Expense allocation -> Funding requests  

Equipment -> Procurement  
Equipment -> User training  

Fine guidelines -> Statutes  
Fine guidelines -> Supervisory review  

Vehicle inventory -> Registration
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