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Created December 28, 2016 10:54
ROC curve calculation for Listing 4.3 of Real-World Machine Learning
# Returns the false-positive and true-positive rates at nPoints thresholds for
# the given true and predicted labels
# trueLabels: 0=FALSE; 1=TRUE
rocCurve <- function(trueLabels, predictedProbs, nPoints=100, posClass=1){
# Allocates the threshold and ROC lists
thr <- seq(0,1,length=nPoints)
tpr <- numeric(nPoints)
fpr <- numeric(nPoints)
# Precalculates values for the positive and negative cases, used in the loop
pos <- trueLabels == posClass
neg <- !pos
nPos <- sum(pos, na.rm=TRUE)
nNeg <- sum(neg, na.rm=TRUE)
# For each threshold, calculates the rate of true and false positives
for (i in 1:length(thr)) {
t <- thr[i]
meetOrExceedThreshold <- predictedProbs >= t
tpr[i] <- sum((meetOrExceedThreshold & pos), na.rm=TRUE) / nPos
fpr[i] <- sum((meetOrExceedThreshold & neg), na.rm=TRUE) / nNeg
# Create data frame without duplicated fpr's to return
duplicatedFPRs <- duplicated(fpr)
df <- data.frame(fpr=fpr[!duplicatedFPRs],tpr=tpr[!duplicatedFPRs],thr=thr[!duplicatedFPRs])
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