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Last active February 2, 2017 22:01
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A simple example of a binomial regression, plotting data and predictions with dplyr and ggplot2
# example of a VERY simple binomial regression ####
# good coding practice (in my opinion anyway!) ####
# 1. #hashtag your code so you know what it does
# 2. clear workspace and load packages at the top to keep track of what you have loaded
# 3. make sure your working directory is in the right place
# 4. space things out in a way that makes your code readable to you
# 5. google things you do not understand. The answers are out there, go find them
# 6. do not get scared/angry when you get errors. It does get easier.... eventually
# clear workspace #### Good code practice to do first
rm(list = ls())
# set working directory - do not need to do here ####
# load packages ####
# if you do not have these packages - install.packages('package name')
# create some dummy data ####
years <- 1990:2016
d <- data.frame(infected = rbinom(40, size = 1, prob = 0.5),
year = sample(years, 40, replace = TRUE)) %>%
arrange(., year)
# look at the column names of a dataset ####
# look at the first 6 rows of the dataset ####
# rename a value of the data ####
d <- rename(d, transmission = infected)
# create a new column ####
d <- mutate(d, decade = ifelse(year < 2000, 'nineties', 'noughties'))
# subset the data to just include the nineties
d2 <- filter(d, decade == 'nineties')
# quick plot ###
ggplot() +
geom_point(aes(year, transmission), d)
# run a simple glm to see if transmission varies with year
fit <- glm(transmission ~ year, family = binomial, data = d)
# This will change everytime you run it!!!
# predict from our model
# 1. create a new dataframe with dummy x variables
# this must contain all the predictors in the model and their column names need to be THE SAME as in the model
d_new <- data.frame(year = seq(min(d$year), max(d$year), length.out = 50))
# 2. use the model and the new data to predict new y values from our new x values
d_new$pred <- predict(fit, d_new, type = 'response')
# plot data and model ####
ggplot() +
geom_point(aes(year, transmission), d) +
geom_line(aes(year, pred), d_new)
# plot does not show us how many points we have at each year
# can do this by creating a new dataframe of counts per year per transmission value (0 or 1)
d3 <- group_by(d, transmission, year) %>% # tell R we are grouping d by each combination of transmission and year
summarise(num = n()) %>% # count the number in each group
data.frame() # I do not like tibbles
# replot the data ####
ggplot() +
geom_point(aes(year, transmission, size = num), d3) +
geom_line(aes(year, pred), linetype = 2, d_new) +
xlab('Year') +
ylab('Transmission') +
theme_bw() +
scale_size_continuous(breaks = c(1,2, 3), 'Number')
# Final point
# think of checking for temporal autocorrelation as 2000 will be more related to 2001 than to 1996 and you should take this into
# if possible or at least check if it occurs! :)
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