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Forked from safareli/type-guard-composition.ts
Last active January 14, 2022 14:24
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Composing TypeScript type guards
* Type representing a guard function accepting Input and some other arguments
* while refining type of input as `Output`
export type TypeGuard<Input, Output extends Input> = (value: Input) => value is Output
* Combines multiple TypeGuards using `&&` operator
export function and<I, O extends I, O2 extends O>(
f: TypeGuard<I, O>,
g: TypeGuard<O, O2>
): TypeGuard<I, O2> {
return (value: I): value is O2 => f(value) && g(value)
* Combines multiple TypeGuards using `||` operator
export function or<T extends readonly TypeGuard<unknown, unknown>[]>(...typeguards: T) {
return (value: InputType<TypeGuardOfUnion<T>>): value is GuardedType<TypeGuardOfUnion<T>> =>
typeguards.some((typeguard) => typeguard(value))
// Take an array of TypeGuards and return a union of output types
// Ex: ExtractOutputTypesOfUnion<[TypeGuard<I, O1>, TypeGuard<I, 02>] = 01 | O2
type ExtractOutputTypesOfUnion<T extends readonly TypeGuard<unknown, unknown>[]> = {
[idx in keyof T]: T[idx] extends TypeGuard<unknown, infer V> ? V : never
// Take an array of TypeGuards and return the input type
// it takes the input type of the first (since they are all the same)
type ExtractInputTypeOfUnion<
T extends readonly TypeGuard<unknown, unknown>[]
> = T[0] extends TypeGuard<infer U, any> ? U : never
// Build a full TypeGuard type with the two previous
// enforces the constraint that the output extends the input
type TypeGuardOfUnion<
T extends readonly TypeGuard<unknown, unknown>[],
Input = ExtractInputTypeOfUnion<T>,
Output = ExtractOutputTypesOfUnion<T>
> = Output extends Input ? TypeGuard<Input, Output> : never
// Returns the return type of a TypeGuard<I, O> ("value is O")
type GuardedType<T> = T extends (x: any) => x is infer T ? T : never
// Returns the input type of a TypeGuard (type of first parameter)
type InputType<T extends (...args: any) => any> = Parameters<T>[0]
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paduc commented Jan 14, 2022

I simplified the type guards to only accept a single value argument and made it possible to have an indefinite amount of typeguards passed to or

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