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Last active October 6, 2023 13:09
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Flutter Big SQLite && Big ListView with low memory consumption
import 'package:sqflite_common_ffi/sqflite_ffi.dart';
import '../../map/utils/geojson.dart';
import 'objs.dart';
class Event extends DbObject {
String? asset;
int? surface;
int? regna;
int? event;
DbObject? parent;
Event({point, this.asset}) : super() {
if (point != null) {
location = GeoJson(GeoJsonType.Point)..coordinates.add(point);
static Event fromValues(Map<String, dynamic> values) {
Event event = Event();
if (values['geo'] != null) {
event.location = GeoJson.parse(values['geo']);
} = values['id'];
event.title = values['title'];
event.regna = values['regna'];
event.surface = values['surface'];
event.event = values['event'];
event.asset = values['asset']; = DateTime.parse(values['date']);
event.update = DateTime.parse(values['update']);
event.agroneo = values['agroneo'];
return event;
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
Map<String, dynamic> data = {
'title': title,
'asset': asset,
'date': date.toIso8601String(),
'update': update.toIso8601String(),
if (id != null) {
data['id'] = id;
if (surface != null) {
data['surface'] = surface;
if (regna != null) {
data['regna'] = regna;
if (event != null) {
data['event'] = event;
if (location != null && location!.type != GeoJsonType.Empty && bounds != null) {
data['geo'] = location.toString();
data.addAll({'nwLat': bounds!.northWest.latitude, 'nwLon': bounds!.northWest.longitude, 'seLat': bounds!.southEast.latitude, 'seLon': bounds!.southEast.longitude});
return data;
abstract mixin class EventDb {
Future<Database> getDatabase();
Future<Event> saveEvent(final Event event) async {
Map<String, dynamic> data = event.toMap(); = await (await getDatabase()).insert("events", data, conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace);
return event;
Future<void> saveEvents(final List<Event> events) async {
Database database = await getDatabase();
Batch batch = database.batch();
for (Event event in events) {
batch.insert("events", event.toMap(), conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace);
await batch.commit(noResult: true);
Future<List<Event>> getEvents({int? event, int? regna, int? surface, Event? afterEvent, Event? beforeEvent, int? limit, int? offset}) async {
Database database = await getDatabase();
List<String> filters = [];
if (surface != null) {
filters.add("surface = $surface");
} else if (regna != null) {
filters.add("regna = $regna");
} else if (event != null) {
filters.add("event = $event");
} else {
filters.add("event IS NULL");
String orderBy = 'date DESC, id DESC';
if (afterEvent != null) {
filters.add("(date < '${}' OR (date = '${}' AND id < ${}))");
} else if (beforeEvent != null) {
filters.add("(date > '${}' OR (date = '${}' AND id > ${}))");
orderBy = 'date ASC, id ASC';
String whereParent = filters.isNotEmpty ? "${filters.join(" AND ")} AND " : "";
return [for (Map<String, dynamic> event in await database.query('events', where: "$whereParent archive IS NULL", orderBy: orderBy, limit: limit, offset: offset)) Event.fromValues(event)];
import 'package:agroneo/events/view.dart';
import 'package:agroneo/ux/loading.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import '../data/sql/events.dart';
import '../utils/language.dart';
import '../ux/lists.dart';
import '../ux/platform/icons.dart';
import '../ux/utils/text.dart';
class EventsList extends InfiniteListView<Event> {
const EventsList(super.dbConnector, {super.key, super.onReload, super.header, super.footer});
static EventsList get({int? event, int? surface, int? regna, void Function()? onReload, Widget? header, Widget? footer}) {
return EventsList(DataEventsList(event: event, surface: surface, regna: regna), onReload: onReload, header: header, footer: footer);
class DataEventsList extends DataInfiniteList<Event> {
final int? event;
final int? surface;
final int? regna;
final double iconSize = 50;
DataEventsList({this.event, this.surface, this.regna});
Widget loading(BuildContext context, index) {
return Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 15, horizontal: 10),
decoration: getOddEvenBoxDecoration(context, 0),
child: const SizedBox(
height: 60,
child: Loading(delay: 500),
Widget getView(BuildContext context, Event item, int index) {
AppLocalizations local = Language.of(context)!;
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat(null, local.localeName);
return Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 15, horizontal: 10),
decoration: getOddEvenBoxDecoration(context, index),
child: InkWell(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),
onTap: () {
EventView.view(context, event: item).then((value) {});
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 5, horizontal: 10),
child: Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
if (item.asset != null)'${item.asset!}@${iconSize.toInt()}x${iconSize.toInt()}', height: iconSize),
if (item.asset == null) Icon(BaseIcons.event, size: iconSize),
const SizedBox(width: 8),
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
H3(item.title != null ? item.title! :,
Text("update: ${dateFormat.format(item.update)}"),
if (item.parent != null) Text(item.parent!.title!)
Future<List<Event>> getItemsAfter(Event? after, {int? limit}) {
if (after != null) {
return db.getEvents(event: event, surface: surface, regna: regna, afterEvent: after, limit: limit);
return db.getEvents(event: event, surface: surface, regna: regna, limit: limit != null ? limit * 2 : null);
Future<List<Event>> getItemsBefore(Event before, {int? limit}) {
return db.getEvents(event: event, surface: surface, regna: regna, beforeEvent: before, limit: limit);
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:agroneo/ux/platform/load.dart';
import 'package:agroneo/ux/ux.dart';
import '../data/sqlite.dart';
abstract class BaseListView extends StatelessWidget {
final void Function()? onReload;
static const BorderSide border = BorderSide(color: Colors.black12);
const BaseListView({super.key, this.onReload});
Color getOddEvenColor(BuildContext context, int index) {
return index.isEven ? : Colors.white.withOpacity(0.015);
BoxDecoration getOddEvenBoxDecoration(BuildContext context, int index) {
return BoxDecoration(color: getOddEvenColor(context, index), border: index == 0 ? const Border(top: border, bottom: border) : const Border(bottom: border));
abstract class InfiniteListView<T> extends StatelessWidget {
final Widget? header;
final Widget? footer;
final DataInfiniteList dbConnector;
final void Function()? onReload;
const InfiniteListView(this.dbConnector, {super.key, this.onReload, this.header, this.footer});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
ListView list = ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
if (header != null && index == 0) {
return Padding(padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 15, horizontal: 10), child: header);
return, index - (header != null ? 1 : 0));
if (footer == null) {
return list;
return Column(
children: [Expanded(child: list), if (footer != null) footer!],
abstract class DataInfiniteList<T> {
final int limit = 10;
final int purge = 20;
final Db db = Db();
int maxIndex = double.maxFinite.toInt();
int lastIndex = -1;
int loadingIndex = -1;
final Map<int, FutureOr<T?>> items = {};
Widget? build(BuildContext context, int index) {
AxisDirection axis = index < lastIndex ? AxisDirection.up : AxisDirection.down;
lastIndex = index;
if (index > maxIndex || (loadingIndex >= 0 && index > loadingIndex)) {
return null;
if ((index == 0 && items[index + limit] == null) ||
(axis == AxisDirection.down && items[index + limit] == null) ||
(axis == AxisDirection.up && items[index - limit] == null)) {
_getItems(axis, index: index - (axis == AxisDirection.up ? 1 : 0));
FutureOr<T?> item = items[index];
item = item ?? _getItems(axis, index: index - (axis == AxisDirection.up ? 1 : 0));
if (item is Future<T?>) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: item,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState != ConnectionState.done) {
loadingIndex = index;
return loading(context, index);
loadingIndex = -1;
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done && == null) {
return const SizedBox.shrink();
if ( != null) {
return getView(context, as T, index);
maxIndex = index - 1;
return const SizedBox.shrink();
return getView(context, item as T, index);
Widget loading(BuildContext context, int index) {
return Ux.loading(context, size: 30, delay: 100);
Widget getView(BuildContext context, T item, int index);
Future<List<T>> dbStamp = Future(() => []);
Future<List<T>> getItemsAfter(T? after, {int? limit});
Future<List<T>> _getItemsAfter(T? after, {int? limit}) async {
await dbStamp;
dbStamp = getItemsAfter(after, limit: limit);
return await dbStamp;
Future<List<T>> getItemsBefore(T before, {int? limit});
Future<List<T>> _getItemsBefore(T before, {int? limit}) async {
await dbStamp;
dbStamp = getItemsBefore(before, limit: limit);
return await dbStamp;
FutureOr<T?> _getItems(AxisDirection axis, {int index = 0}) async {
List<int> keys = items.keys.toList()..sort();
int indexAfter = keys.isEmpty ? 0 : keys.last;
int limitAfter = axis == AxisDirection.down ? limit * 2 : limit;
FutureOr<T?>? last = keys.isEmpty ? null : items[indexAfter];
int indexBefore = keys.isEmpty ? 0 : keys.first;
int limitBefore = axis == AxisDirection.up ? limit * 2 : limit;
FutureOr<T?>? first = keys.isEmpty ? null : items[indexBefore];
Future<List<T>> afterItems = Future<List<T>>(() async {
return _getItemsAfter(await last, limit: limitAfter);
if (last != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < limitAfter; i++) {
if (items[indexAfter + i] == null) {
items[indexAfter + i] = Future<T?>(() async {
List<T> items = (await afterItems);
return i >= items.length ? null : items[i];
afterItems.then((afterItems) {
for (T item in afterItems) {
items[indexAfter++] = item;
if (afterItems.length < limit) {
maxIndex = maxIndex = min(indexAfter + afterItems.length, maxIndex);
if (indexBefore > 0 && first != null) {
Future<List<T>> beforeItems = Future<List<T>>(() async {
return _getItemsBefore((await first) as T, limit: limitBefore);
for (int i = 0; i < limitBefore; i++) {
if (indexBefore - i >= 0 && items[indexBefore - i] == null) {
items[indexBefore - i] = Future<T?>(() async {
List<T> items = (await beforeItems);
return i <= 0 || i - 1 >= items.length ? null : items[i - 1];
beforeItems.then((afterItems) {
for (T item in afterItems) {
items[--indexBefore] = item;
items.removeWhere((key, value) => key > index + purge || key < index - purge);
return items[index];
static const BorderSide border = BorderSide(color: Colors.black12);
Color getOddEvenColor(BuildContext context, int index) {
return index.isEven ? : Colors.white.withOpacity(0.015);
BoxDecoration getOddEvenBoxDecoration(BuildContext context, int index) {
return BoxDecoration(color: getOddEvenColor(context, index), border: index == 0 ? const Border(top: border, bottom: border) : const Border(bottom: border));
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