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Last active April 3, 2022 20:54
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  • Save pagreczner/9d346547a9499c313035 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pagreczner/9d346547a9499c313035 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gist Autosave bookmark (Chrome only?)
console.log("Auto Saving...");
var data = $("#gist-form").serialize();
var actionUrl = $("#gist-form").attr('action');
try {
$.post(actionUrl, data); }
catch(err) {}
$("<p class='cjs-autosave'>Autosaved gist!</p>").insertAfter("div.main #gists");
}, 10000);
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While on a Gist /edit page on, you can click on a bookmark containing this code to have it auto save the gist every 10 seconds. Modify to your needs.

Useful for google doc autosave-esque functionality.

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This actually works great as a greasemonkey script as well!

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Firefox declined to do it via debug console , gets NULL at line 4 or 5 ,

so i did it from shell

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